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When is a Netflix Password not just a password

CLove's picture

I got the text last night, and ignored it, until this morning. After (over) thinking things through, Im going for the "lets not rock any boats in this long game of prepare and wait" approach.

So, I got an email telling me a new device logged into my netflix account that I alone pay for. I no longer have SD16 Power Sulk on my telephone account. She has been at the beach apartment for over a month solid now. She has logged in with her old iphone and her ipad. Ive asked that she not share the password/log in with anyone else. (in addition to fairness its a provacy thing too, all three of us have our own profiles and I dont look at other profiles...)

I signed her out of all devices and changed the password. When I got home I re-signed into both our televisions. 

Was that petty? I just figure since Toxic Troll has all the money, why should SD16 PS continue to use my account? Her mother where she has decided to stay should be providing her an account, then they can just enjoy the heck out of it, together, away from me. But, it still felt petty, and I thought about how I would look like "evil sm", and how I have decided to do the "long wait", not mentioning visitation or taking her things to her "new beachside abode", keeping her room and things as is for now.

She texted her dad, knowing that it was MY account. Her dad told her "I dont know the password, ask Clove". She texted me, "hey clove whats the netflix password". I just felt so used. Like, no "hi Clove I hope things are good, can I please have PS" or any kind of "nicey nice" preamble, after no contact for a month. She rarely responds when I have texted her in the past, only if she needs something for me or for me to do something. Im just keeping all this in mind, so I dont get sucked into anymore giving. And now that she REALLY knows its my account, she will know that come end of visitation, no more "free" netflix. In fact I considered for her bday present in May a coupon of 3 "free" months of netflix with a $60 value. But that sounds... idk. 

How do you all deal with this chit?



AlmostGone834's picture

I handled it by canceling our Netflix. Of course we were getting charged extra because so many people were using it after LI gave them our password (including the Skunk Ape). Maybe tell her you canceled it? 

Stepdrama2020's picture

Dont do a dang thing for any of them ever again.

Did I read this correct? You did NOT give her the password? Please let me be correct. Her text as you said was just what she wanted. Hell the skid didnt even think to be nice in asking this did she? Entitled lil B aint she?!

She aint your kid , she aint your problemo. Hell I wouldnt give your DH the password either.

Ispofacto's picture

'No.' is a complete sentence.

In real life, when you are a grifter and take advantage of people, they cut you off. It's an important lesson to learn.

And yes, the privacy concerns are real.


CLove's picture

Im thinking I will be changing it in the future if she continues to stay full time with the mother Toxic Troll, and cite the privacy concerns as my "excuse". And I have often said that to others as well as husband. He threw me under the bus again...instead of saying "no password for you kiddo ask yer momma", he shunted her off to me "ask clove".

At least now I realise whats happening and why its wrong...

CLove's picture

I did mention I ended up giving her the new password, because I did not want to rock any boats (yet).

It was deeply embedded however, in all my musings.

I gave it to her. I did not mention anything other than a quick "how are you?" 

Stepdrama2020's picture


Seriously I do get that you dont want to rock the boat I do. Also its easier to give advice than take it, so no judgement. BUT dang it the lil entitled B and TT of a momsey do not deserve benefitting from you in any way!

Also if your DH found a problemo with this I would tell him to F off...but again walk a mile in your shoes

Im dang mad for you and your sitch


AgedOut's picture

I was late texting you back. I wanted  you to reply w/ a simple: sure, here:password. I had to change it because someone must've hacked into it. 



that's it, nothing more nothing less. and it isn't a lie, someone was using it w/out permission. she knows who and w/out calling her put her on notice that you're onto her poop.

SteppedOut's picture

This should have been added - had to change, cuz someone hacked it...there was an extra device.

Merry's picture

You can sidestep it and respond with "Doesn't your Mom have a Netflix account for her house? If not, she can get a free trial."

Long game, yes, but it will irritate you everytime you see her log in to YOUR account.

Winterglow's picture

Listen carefully... STOP CARING what anyone thinks. You pay Netflix for your benefit. It isn't a given that anyone else uses it,much less someone who isn't under your roof. She can watch Netflix when she visits, especially as she can't be trusted to keep the password to herself.

FWIW, where I live, Netflix has started clamping down on password sharing. You can only share with people under your roof (obviously cells can't be controlled) and I can assure you that the first time you try to watch something but can't because someone else is already watching and you are told to create another ID and pay for it...  you will lose all qualms about changing your password.

CLove's picture

Just got through with tech support. I LOVE live chat with tech supports. You can say anything you want and dont have to search around into all the dark crevaceds of online support docs.

"She" said that with my premium plan I can have up to 6 devices signed in. They wont lock you out if a 7th tries to sign in. "She" also said that I should be straight with skid and let her know that I dont want her signing into my account anymore. Yep, I told her my sitch...just for kicks.

advice.only2's picture

Why feel guilty?  If you and DH divorced would you still allow him access to the account or would expect him to get his own account?  Also for future, kids never get the passwords, they are kids.   My BD17 doesn’t know the passwords, I log the stuff in for her and if she gets logged out she has to come see me.  My BS23 has his own accounts so I don’t worry about it.

CLove's picture

And Im just thinking, is it really worth it? If I am the "evil sm" preventing poor widdle SD16 PowerSulk from watching on my netflix account it will trigger Husband and it will become a problem and I will again have to hear the whole "everything to do with me KID is a problem for you isnt it?"

Is it worth it taking this stand, imposing these limits?

AgedOut's picture

you're not taking some stand. you're protecting what you pay for from an unknown person misusing your netflix. 

advice.only2's picture

Passwords are there to protect the user who signed and pays for the agreement, her name is not on it, therefore she is a user only because you allow her and that does not grant her access to the password.

 "Everything to do with my KID is a problem for you isn’t it?"

“It would appear everything I do is a problem for you because it’s not bending over backwards to placate you and your children.”

CLove's picture

Im thinking of downgrading my account so I can truthfully say that my account has limited number of sign ins.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This is what I was going to suggest. Downgrade your account, tell SDPS this is the last month she'll be able to use your account at her mom's as you're reworking your budget because times are tough.

missgingersnap2021's picture

OMG! This is soo how my Dh would be too! Its like we have to pick our battles just to enjoy nice evenings.

Survivingstephell's picture

Netflix is cracking down on sharing accounts.  Just tell her you got hit with that.  Blame it on Netflix.  

CLove's picture

I just got off from live chat w tech support. With my plan I can have up to 4 devices signed in, 6 for downloads (eth?). We actually do have the six (2 phones, 2 tvs, 2 laptops) plus my desktop at work during lunch...

But Tech support didnt have any info on what happens on that 7th sign in attempt. "she" just said that it wont lock out anyone...that Ill get an email verification if its "really me".

"She" also said I should tell the skid that its my account and I am limited in sign ins.

notsurehowtodeal's picture

No one needs to know this but you! It has been all over the media about netflix cracking down on password sharing. Just tell SD that netflix is limiting password sharing and the password cannot be used by anyone who is not at your house. Or tell her you only pay for two screens.

CLove's picture

Im thinking Ill just tell everyone that the 2 tvs and my laptop plus desktop at work are "covered", and that next month (may) she should have her mother get her an account and they can chop that chit up.

Shieldmaiden's picture

Its not petty. I had the same situation. I refuse to pay for Netflix for the BM, because she can pay for it herself with all that baby-daddy-money we give her. If the skids want to have a relationship with me they can, but not ONLY when they want money. That's called "setting boundaries." 

Just tell her you cancelled the account because you never watch it. End of discussion. Go ask your mom for handouts. I am fresh out.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I saw an article on some news site, i forget which, that Netflix is going to start cracking down on password sharing. 

CajunMom's picture

Re-posting my reply to a comment above about resentment.


This is exactly where I let myself resentment that turned to bitterness. And it was one hell of a fight to get myself back to a better CajunMom.

CLove, there are these things called boundaries.....implement them. Stop giving to people who use and abuse you.  My response would have been..."I'm not paying for extra people on my account anymore. You will need to get your own account." There is no need to "keep the peace" in this particular stance. Inflation is crazy and everyone I know is cutting back. 

I'd send out a "follow up" text that this is the last month you are paying extra (and whether you are or not is none of your SD's business). Gives your SD TEN damn days to get her own account. On May 1st, change the password and do not share again. 

CLove's picture

After hemming and hawing, I DID give her the password at around 6 am my time. She logged in on her iphone an hour afterwards. I had asked "so how are you?" and she responded "oh Im so busy with state testing haha".

Then I went online and chatted with tech support. Under my current "premium plan" I can have up to 4 devices signed in and playing concurrently. I can have up to 6 devices download for later watching. 

I then read some articles about netflix "cracking down on password/account sharing between households"

I then texted sweet munchkin powersulk the following:

"Well, weekend is almost here!

So I did some research and fyi my account is limited to number of sing ins to 4 - thats our 2 tvs, my laptop, , and desktop at work.

Plus netflix will be launching new charges for password sharing between different housholds. Its not happening right now, but they tested in and its going to happen prob next month.

Why dont you have your mother get an account for her household? Its only 15-20$ monthly"

Her sweet response immediately back:

" Oh dont worry i looked it up, that means 4 devices playing at the same time, it doesnt matter how many devices are logged on".

Face palm. I am not going to get out of this easily or gracefully. I feel like just laying it out there "yes, well Im going with lower plan to 2 devices, and if I get error message that I cannot play what I want I have to call you, you dont answer, or you dont text back, and then wait for you to stop playing what you are playing...? Like how is that supposed to work?" (play victim)

OR do what she does, say nothing, and just tell Husband this...and change passwords.


Stepdrama2020's picture

The less wording the better

"powersulk you are going to have to get your own netflix account as of May 1st"  

If your DH says the usual you hate my kid just answer "yes" and walk away


Livingoutloud's picture

Why are you providing these explanations to a kid? You don't owe explanations. Just cut her off but if you feel like explaining...

Tell her that starting May she'd have to have different account as it's not allowed to share passwords with different households. Or starting May I will only have basic account.

Or just change the password again. No explanation. Be done. When she asks, ask back don't you have account at your moms? 

stop all this 


CajunMom's picture

Follow up in a few days with an update. "Just got an email from NetFlix with updated info on account sharing. I'm downgrading my account which means only our home can use our account. Your access ends midnight April 30th."

And be done with that. I mean, really, what is she going to do? Throw a temper tantrum? LOL

And please, CLove....begin some self-talk and get rid of caring about what they think about you. I'm so accustomed to being the Evil StepMom, I might just order myself a shirt saying that. LOL

CLove's picture

Netflix has gift cards online through amazon and walmart. Its her birthday in a month (next) and what a great rite-of-passage gift Biggrin

Winterglow's picture

Please stop, Clove. Just cut her off. What happens afterwards is not your problem. Please stop assuming responsibilities that are not yours. Stop caring what other people think of you. We all know that the evil stepmother only exists in fairy tales and Disney so stop feeding into it. Focus on what is important... your life and your future.

Ispofacto's picture

Absolutely not.

She's a twat and doesn't deserve a gift from you. Just shut it down and ignore her complaints.


Livingoutloud's picture

She's not your child. She has mom and dad. They should provide her with streaming accounts and birthday gifts.

Please just stop all this.

It seems worse they treat you, more you want to please them. And I get it. It's not uncommon for people to want to please their abusers in order to keep the peace.

At some point you need to stop though. You need to learn healthy boundaries. You don't owe this kid an explanation on why she has no access to Netflix and you don't owe her gift cards to pay for Netflix. It's not your job. 

you also need to remember that you are an adult and she isn't. It's not her business what you do with your streaming accounts. And "evil stepmother" doesn't apply her. Stepmother doesn't have to provide streaming to anyone. No such thing.

And if you are afraid your DH will get mad, then it's another reminder for you that you need to get out of this marriage ASAP 

notarelative's picture

Check your account and if you see a new device login, remove it, and change your password again.

When the call comes -- somehow my account keeps getting hacked, when you visit I'll put in the password for you. -- When she leaves, check the account, and if you see a new device, repeat.

Kloewent's picture

There are lots of fun ways to mess with NF account if you want to be a bitch, which I often do. More than once I have had to log out all devices cause my kids and grand kids are hogging it. But in doing that I saw some other fun features. You can logout one device as often as you like, really more irritating than changing PW. They have to keep logging back in. You can disable downloading on specific devices, not only does that prevent them from downloading, it makes them unable to access stuff they already downloaded. You can see everything they have been watching, that is an eye opener! Just some stuff to play with if you are bored at work.

CLove's picture

Ok, that gave me some WONDERFUL ideas. And I am kinda "bored-ish". What really got to me, after hashing it out here was that she knew it was MY account and that I was the one giving out the passwords, but she brought her FATHER in the middle of things, which she knows is BAD. Instead of asking ME, she went to HIM. Specifically because she knows that it will cause problems between us if I dont give in to what she wants. Shes really really great at getting what she wants.

(rolling up my sleeves and wiggling my typing fingers) Let the games begin! 

Livingoutloud's picture

Do not buy her gift cards. Stop it. She lives at her mothers. It's her mothers job. Or father's. Not yours. Stop 


Cover1W's picture

Good lord just cut her off.

When OSD was at BMs we expected her to use BMs account/s. After she stormed out of here and a couple of month later it was clear she wasn't returning, she logged into our (my) Netflix account to watch something. Next day I changed the password. I felt no guilt. It's not YOUR responsibility to make sure she has access to media (entertainment) at BMs. So quit it.

Again, you have no responsibility to make sure she has access to media (entertainment) at BMs.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

You do realise that you are considered "evil" no matter what?


Whether you keep your pw or not, you arent welcome and the children wont like you. The children want their mother and father....anything coming from you is supposed to be serving them and they dont care about your feelings and always see you as "anti"

A quick example, yesterday, my husbands ex wifes son from another man who comes to our home regularly (because my husband thinks he is his dad) asked for a charger. I said i didnt have one (i did but i didnt want to give it because the steps have taken all my chargers) and if you need one, ask your brothers where they put the other ones. Immediately, he asked my husband "what does she mean by that???"....he was ready to fight of husband responded "she is saying that it would be where your brothers left it last"....his response "mmmhhmm"


SS21 and his brother (from another man) showed up at 1am and called me to open the door. I opened and i got no "hello" or "sorry for being late".....they just passed by me and went to the room. I texted later on that moving forward, you are welcome but not at such late hours. I got no response and my husband yelled at me saying "they already dont consider you as a parent so why would you text them that". My response "idc i didnt say anything wrong"


They didnt even respond and now its awkward because they have this ugly attitude around me


I have my first day off in a long time since months and my husband is planning to leave them here with their ugly hateful attitude. So i will have to get away instead of relaxing in my home...

All of this to say that wtv you do, you will be the evil bitch so embrace it and conduct yourself the way you want to not the way they expect you to

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Apologies if this has been covered in earlier comments.

If you were serious earlier this week about creating an exit plan, then you really need to maximise your savings so you have options as you exit.  That means that premium NF is a luxury that you should stop and put the difference into a savings account.  Tell your DH what ever you need to to explain why you can't afford it going forward.  There are lots of valid excuses with all of the cost of living increases.

In fact if you are serious about an exit then look at all your expenses and see where you can cut back.


Livingoutloud's picture

Then only time we should  provide or do things for kids that aren't ours is if we feel like it and aren't feeling resentful or hurt. Otherwise it's not our duty or job or obligation. It's not going to make us liked or appreciated by anyone because it's never been our duty. And if some parents delegate those duties to someone else including a stepparent, it doesn't mean we must accept that duty. It's not ours. They have parents or legal guardians. 

halo1998's picture

NO is complete sentence. YOu don't need to justify your reasons.

When GWR noped out of here the first thing I did was log his @ss out of every streaming account we had.  I pay for them...and if I'm nothing to you ...then so be it.  You won't get to use my things....

GWR send DH a bunch of texts asking for the passwords, etc.  DH told account my choice...

Survivingstephell's picture

You are so deep in the toxicity hole that now you are going to play games with SD.  Not worth it.  Cut her off and be done with it.  Work on getting your head on straight so you can get out of this mess.  Don't get distracted with their nonsense.  

ESMOD's picture

In your last post.... you indicated you were "done".. I see here you are saying a "long" time period.. and I'm curious if that means you still are hoping to do the "live together" thing? or whether you are just needing a little bit more time to get some financial ducks in a row.

Because.. the netflix thing? is pretty much a small issue and either you are ok with her using it.. or not.  If you are ok with it.. it would be difficult for her to not put it on the shared TV at her place with her mom.. and therefore her mom would have access.

So.. either you "let it go".. or you decide to only allow it to be on devices you personally own/have control of.. which means she does not have access on her own devices.  (I guess you could sign her in with a password on her tablet or phone.. but not give her the password?)

You could also tell her you changed passwords because there was a new device sign in.. and that you will change it every time you see that.. and if it keeps happening.. she will no longer have access to the plan. 

But.. need to be done and out of this family of dysfunction asap... so the netflix is the least of your issues.

CLove's picture

Let it go and eyes on the bigger picture, dont rock any boats until some time has passed...or...

Petty af. I DO NOT want her to have access to anything of mine.

As a few comments indicated, if she doesnt want a relationship with me, ok, thats fine. No worries or bad feelings. But that means you do not benefit from me also. No worries or bad feelings means that goes both ways.

SO, with this being almost 2 months that shes been with her mother full time, do I wait until netlfix actually does the thing they are going to do, which means Im charged more for separate household sharing account, do I lie and say Im downscaling my account to only two devices, or do I let it go until I decide its time to move onward...

CLove's picture

We are almost on month number 2 of full time at her mothers. So, Im thinking that I will do one of two things:

1. Downscale my account to 2 devices. I dont have to lie. Then when shes gotten my "hint" I can change back so my laptop has access.

2. Change password. Lie about the downscaling to 2 devices. No response to any texting, especialy if she decides to go through dady cakes again instead of me directly.


Rags's picture

When she asks tell her that so many people have the PW that you are being charged for their access. 

Not a lie, and ... drops your stress.

If SD-16 whines, tell her that no- one but you and DH will have access to your account and any time an unauthorized device accesses your NetFlix, the PW will be changed.  If DH shares the PW, that is on him but you should not allow that to continue. If DH can't grow some nads on that, don't give him the PW either. Our netflix is automatic when I voice remote "NetFlix".  If we change the PW, once reset, all it takes is the person with the voice remote to say "NetFlix".  No one outside of our home can access it because no one has the PW.

You do not have to lie, and ... you should not tolerate the lack of control on your own account. You can fix that. WIth a few key strokes.

So.... fix it.