O/T The Panic Ensues
One of my younger coworkers has taken to playing dumb about work procedures of which I have both documented and have told him personally about/ sent him emails on before.
My last day of work is Friday. I again reminded him where the documentation is kept and that it is all there.
This is very similar to skids not being able to find anything because they are too lazy to look and want somebody else to do it for them.
And this has happened more than once in the last few weeks to the countdown. They have not hired anyone to replace me...noone wants the job as it is a HELL of a lot of responsibility (think head systems admin for 911/Public Safety).
Because they jipped me out of pay that was rightfully mine (for the last 4 yrs) in that the person I replaced was 2 pay grades higher than I was AND the fact that I was doing both his job and mine at the same time doesn't give me a lot of incentive to write a complete manual on "How to do my job for dummies" Subtitled: "How to do my job so that even Mrs. Headlights can understand it."
I have sufficient documentation written, it should be noted much, much more than my predecessor left me, But it does have the implied knowledge of someone who has worked with computers/IT before. I know, I know, a lot to ask for the IT department ( Insert eye roll).
My 2 new older CO workers are constantly saying "oh we've never done this" and "we've never done that" and we're not technicians/network analysts, we're just financial report analysts with some background in Microsoft." databases."
I predict the peanut butter will hit the fan unless someone seriously steps up. Oh well I gave them 2 months notice. Not my monkey, not my circus as of 5 pm this Friday.
- thinkthrice's blog
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Yay! You are outta there!
Yay! You are outta there! Good riddance. They will be sorry they didn't pay you what you were worth. What is your new gig?
I have a dumb new coworker, a millenial that I call "The Bro." He is like a golden retriever. If I pretended to throw a tennis ball, he would spend all afternoon looking for it. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he took over my old job and i got a promotion. He likes to ask me the same question over and over.
He thinks that because he is the only man in the office other than management, that he will automatically get promoted. The joke is on him. Men don't typically do well in our department, which is why its all women. Dispatching is about being efficient and detail oriented, planning for contingincies, building professional relationships with drivers and contractors, making good on your word, and being able to lay down the law when you get pushback - as well as compromising when it makes sense. The last male dispatcher quit in a rage last week because he didn't want to work as a team with women. (The women had seniority here. )
So, I kind of laugh to myself when I see The Bro freaking out over having to call a contractor and tell him that his contract paperwork is not readable, and that he needs to correct it and turn it in again. The Bro doesn't like to to say no to people.. He gets visibly distressed when I slide the dispatch window closed on a driver that is whining because he doesn't want to do his job and wants to argue with me instead. I just say "I've given you your options. Decide and let me know. Otherwise, go away." Then I walk away calmly and The Bro paces and lets himself get manipulated into doing the wrong thing, by said driver. Then Bro gets yelled at by managment - who tell him he should have listened to me.
Oh well, Bro won't last long here. I am eyeballing a promotion again, which will have me working afternoons, so I won't be his buddy anymore. Ha!
No new gig
I've been working full time since 1977 and most of that 2-3 jobs at a time. I will be retiring from this job and going to just one job, managing Chef's biz and the rentals.
"Bro" LOL. So many idiots in the workworld today. Over the last 45 yrs it had just gotten so much worse!
Congratualtions on being able
Congratualtions on being able to retire!!
Leave a little note that states you will be happy to come back as a private consultant if they need you. Just make sure you charge them an insane amount!
My DH's cousin did that when he retired. He charged the government $1,000 per hour. He was good at what he did and they would pay him! LOL
That thought had crossed my mind
But I would really like to make a clean break; let them struggle and figure it out on their own. I'm rather burned out from it all. Plus I will have earned income limitations as I will be collecting social security as well.
You gave them plenty of notice, so not your problem after Friday.
You'll love retired life
Congratulation on your retirement.
And thank you for your service.