I know my previous post said I would no longer be using this site, however, i felt maybe a little update on the last couple weeks would peak the intrest of at least some people.
I did end up reading through the comments on that post although I did not reply to any. A few things I wanted to add were, 1. I did show my therapist the posts and comments and such. He pointed out to me a lot of these "mean" comments were private messages that weren't public for everyone to read. And 2. if i ever plan to talk about personal situations, it is just as important to add the positive factors or I will continue to receive one sided advice or comments.
Anyways, SO took SD to get a psych evaluation. BM was furious. The psych facility had to call BM due to SD being on BM new husbands insurance. BM yelled at them and told them "my child is NOT crazy. You guys are the crazy ones" and told them that werent allowed to run the insurance and then proceeded to blow a rasberry into the phone.
SO has filed a few new court documents and is planning to take BM to court.
SD is now receiving therapy.
- PrettyYoungThing's blog
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That's great news! Glad you
That's great news! Glad you came back and updated.
Well, BM certainly showed her
Well, BM certainly showed her colours and her ignorance, didn't she? Denial, denial, denial. So you need to be crazy to get psychological help? Wow. As for the rapberry ... how dreadfully mature.
I'm really glad to hear that your DH has a handle on things now. It must be such a relief to know that his daughter is now getting the help she needs. Good luck to him with taking her to court - I hope he gets the best possible outcome.
Thanks for the update! Keep us posted, will you?
Holy cow- instead of helping
Holy cow- instead of helping her kid she straight up denied psychological care? And we wonder why things like mass shootings happen. I hate the denial that some parents have when it comes to their children's mental health.
I am happy to see you are
I am happy to see you are back! You say that the mean comments were in the form of a private message. Just know, there is a troll going around this site that keeps harassing members via private message. The messages are incredibly hurtful. They keep popping up under new usernames when they get banned. Aniki can change your settings to prevent you from getting troll messages in the future, should you decide to stay.
I am happy to hear SD is getting therapy. Maybe BM also needs some psychological help!
OP's message setup is already
OP's message setup is already friends only.
I've gotten quite a few of my share too. The latest one I got I decided not to read it lol (yea it was hurtful from the first sentence so I just stop reading)
The troll is a sad person without better things to do in life. I completely feel the anger but I found not engaging and not chewing over their words has been helpful to me.
Hope you stay!
I'm glad your SO has pushed
I'm glad your SO has pushed against BM in all this to get his child help.
I agree with your therapist that it's very important to present as balanced of a picture as possibel. People here generally want to help.. give the best advice they can with the facts presented.. and your situation didn't look like there were many positive benefits to you.. so I think a lot of people felt the best advice for someone in your situation was to rethink your current path.
I hope he stays the course and works with his daughter to help her grow and mature.
Ohhh, I had a troll who was
Ohhh, I had a troll who was disturbing. Wished DEATH on my dh.
At first I thought IT was our bm. or one of her kids/family/minions.
Who ever the troll is, they are deeply disturbed.
Anyway, thanks for the update. Glad partners daughter will have mental health guidance.