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Well, SD did show up - briefly.

Jcksjj's picture

BM did drop off SD this morning, surprisingly. However, she's only here until noon. This info was given to us by SD, BM still has not said a word. We talked to SD and decided that the next weekend she's going to be here we'll just go out to eat with her. 

She had no actual reason to give us as to why she doesn't want to be here. 

She also said that SIL had a fourth of July party that she was at. And so were MIL and FIL. So MIL still got her party that weekend that she needs so badly, just thought she was really sneaky having it at SILs and not saying it was SDs birthday party. That was also a weekend that she was actually supposed to be at our house, but BM had claimed they would still be gone on their trip.

Oh also, BMs boyfriend that she's met in person once is moving here (across the country) in September. That poor, gullible, desperate f*ck.

ETA: apparently the only reason SD wanted to come here at all was to see the dogs. Or at least that's what she told BM.


thinkthrice's picture

The PAS phase out

   Soon you will be hearing if you haven't already phony-baloney excuses as to why SD can't come over.

International pickle week,  great-grandmother's uncle's boyfriend's former roommate's retirement party... on the BM's side of the family of course,  State Fair ( 3 states over)  you name it.

Jcksjj's picture

I think the end goal is to get rid of me. Thinking that if they PAS SD out he'll choose her over me.

thinkthrice's picture

It didn't work.