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Woke up to the sound of BM's car door slamming shut... quick updates

Last-Wife's picture

I didn't know she was coming so early. Since I've disengaged it's pretty much been up to the skids to make their own plans with her. I knew Lazy Boye 15 decided to go- it's been since late July that he's been. I was kinda proud of him for going. When it came up in conversation the other night, PITA 16 was like, "Hell, no, I aint going." He's driving now, and I never know where he is. I don't even think Loghead knows where he is half the time. School gets out at 2 on Wednesdays for teacher meetings every week, and PITA didn't get home till nearly 8. And Loghead didn't even ask where he was! And I know it wasn't sports practice, cause the district isn't allowed to have events on Wednesdays due to the meetings. Not knowing where he is kinda pisses me off- I think it's unsafe to not know where a child is or who he's with or what he's doing- but I guess it's not my problem.

Anyway, she sat in the car and her husband, Gullible, came in to wake up Lazy Boye. I told him if he'd at least text me when they are coming, I would make sure to have him awake next time. Gullible and I get along, and I figure that helps HIM, not her or not the skid, so I can do that. He brought in some boxes that Princess had at her dorm, so I'm guessing that means they went to see her... I find that interesting, because Princess had been saying all summer she didn't want Loca Grande seeing her school or knowing where she lived. Loca Grande is the type that would show up to party with her college kid, being a true embarassment.

HOWEVER, Princess got mad at Loghead earlier in the week over a money issue. She told him she's in college now and she's an adult and she would do what she wanted. She also told him she was coming home to our town this weekend, but was planning on being at Stepping Stone's (her boyfriends) house all weekend, but she'd "try" to stop by here. Loghead told her not to bother. I don't know how she's doing or what's been going on. She's been too busy to Facebook and she can't seem to find the time to answer my calls or text messages. She did call when she needed help with a Spanish on-line exam, and I used to teach HS Spanish. Other than that, I haven't heard from her since the 15th of August.

So I'm guessing she's just gonna write us out for the time being, and turn to Loca Grande. Which means she is just like her mother, alienating one side of the family, and then turning to the other until the get so tired of her she crawls back to the other.


Skid boys are easier to deal with without her around. Sure the house isn't as clean as I like, but it's okay. Gibby's at the age where he will do anything for a quarter! He's saving for a $25 Lego set he wants. He's been very helpful, and he doesn't mind picking up his brothers' dirty socks. So he does it, I sit back, and he gets paid a little here and there. (Probably bad parenting to have my bio-kid clean up after the skids, but as it's the reverse of Cinderella, and he thinks it's FUN, so I'm okay with that.... LOL!)

Loghead went back to work this week, and seems to love his new job. He'll still work on his temp construction job two weekends a month, so we actually will have a little money to get ahead on some bills that piled up after he was laid off.

I'm liking my new school year okay. I have some SpEd students again this year with "push- in" accommodations, so the needs in my class are very diverse. I can't seem to help everyone all at once and that drives me crazy. And just once I'd like to have a class of 5th graders where all the kids can read above a 4th grade level! Hard to do 5th grade work, when 3 of the kiddos read like 1st graders or lower!

Loghead is calling me back to bed to snuggle before he goes out to mow and change oil in the car. BYE!



God Bless you for teaching special Education. I have a nephew who requires this extra attention.

Second, I think I kind of know where you are coming from. I am not sure I could love my skids more than I do now. I will go to the ends of the earth for them but sometimes I just feel really unappreciated. I am not sure what advice I can offer but I can let you know I feel for you!

quippers01's picture

I love the nicknames. I'm inspired to post a blog for all to give their family's nicknames lol...I'd love to see whaat everyone comes up with.

Almost all kids are un appreciative in their teens. I'm sure it will be harder to tolerate it from skid than bios and I'm not looking forward to any of them becoming teens.