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Be kind to my kids

Thefatherismyfamily's picture

DHs says I have to be kind to his kids. I don't even see them and when I do I don't even say anything to them let alone do anything for them or to them that could be misperceived as kind or unkind. I'm just medium chill and neutral.

What he said is code for I want you to kiss their asses, fawn all over them when you see them and be a doormat; be a blubbering maternal woman who goes out her way to try to earn my kids love. And skids must feel entitled to having adults fawn all over them. That's never going to happen.

 I basically responded: if they continue to be cordial to me I will be cordial to them. The relationship will develop on its own. If they want me to like them they need to start being polite, say hellos and goodbyes and maybe in time there will be a relationship. 


Kes's picture

We know your DH is a narcissistic knobhead, you can obviously see right through him - next step might be asking yourself why you still want to be with him? 

SubstituteMommy's picture

That's funny. I would never kiss SD9's butt or fawn over her. Everyone else does, and that's one reason that she has a lot of the issues that she has. I'm not one to go along with the crowd anyway.

shamds's picture

to give his arsehole kids another chance after the million chances they have had. I told my husband it was time he make his kids be pleasant and respectful because newsflash, nobody wants to be around arseholes

justmakingthebest's picture

Medium chill is the perfect place to be with skids. For your health and sanity especially!

I would just tell him that you are doing the best you are able, besides he kisses their asses enough for both of you. 

superlado's picture

That is a minimum requirement but very hard to fill as you read on here I'm sure.  He should feel lucky that things are chill.  They are his kids to fawn over not yours.