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Mr Neutral's Son goes to Divorce Court

thinkthrice's picture

This is New York state by the way... the most father unfriendly state of all 50.  

Mr. Neutral fully expects his son,  who sadly looks like a biker dude/neanderthal, to get full custody and pay no child support after having put his hand through a wall at a bar recently.

Hmmmm.   According to Mr. Neutral,  he has the best attorney in the area AKA Girhippoville/ Podunk New York.    When discussing with Mr. Neutral about how much Chef pays in CS, he was shocked but also said it was "for the children."   We will see how much he feels that it is "for the children" by the end of today.


thinkthrice's picture

Not sure if I will get an accurate report because Mr neutral will probably want to save face.  He won't want to admit that chef and I were right

Simpleton21's picture

Good point, that type can't admit they are wrong and the ego is of upmost importance, but I'm still hoping you get some of the news Wink LOL

thinkthrice's picture

when he starts complaining about how high his son's CS is that it's "for the benefit of the children."  Mr. Neutral has been less than sympathetic for Chef and his (my) plight.   In fact his son is social media friends with Chef's ferals and the Girhippo.   Yes....getting out the popcorn!!

Simpleton21's picture

Ha, I am right there with you!  I wish I could see Mr. N's face when you regurgitate those exact words to him!  

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

Why can't feuding parents do what is best for the kids? It seems like the option of paying no CS on an unfair time split is the prized  golden ring to replace the one removed from your ring finger.
(Maybe that is why none of my wedding rings were gold.)

thinkthrice's picture

99% of the time the BM gets full physical custody (no 50/50) and max award of CS plus items like medical,  childcare, extracurriculars, etc. on top of the base rate; a percentage which is based (mostly) on NCP biodad's GROSS salary.   Dad gets "joint legal custody" which is interpreted as decision making capability over the children (BWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, Yeah RIGHT!) which isn't worth the paper it is written on and EOWE which is non enforceable 9 times out of 10.

strugglingSM's picture

Whoever coined the term "joint legal custody" and decided that it should be granted to a NCP was clearly just trying to create a smokescreen of "fairness" to make it seem as if giving primary custody to one parent does not entirely remove all rights for the other parent. 

Is there anyone not in a 50/50 custody situation who was ever able to maintain their joint legal custody at a time when it did not involve taking joint responsibility for some liability created by said child?