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And I'm done with social media

strugglingSM's picture

SSs have recently discovered Facebook. When they sent me friend requests, I wanted to ignore them, but figured I couldn't, so I accepted their requests. Then one SS started commenting on my posts in coherent sentences (writing is not his strong suit), so I got suspicious that perhaps BM was using his account to view my profile (she and I are not FB friends...way back when she sent me a friend request which I did not accept and that led to her making threats against me and accusing me of crazy things like "possibly being a child abuser"). Then SSs unfriended someone at BM's request, so I knew she was monitoring their accounts and put them both on restricted view. Now, BM has become friends with all of DH's family, even his extended family. She had unfriended them after the divorce 7 years ago, but now all of a sudden, they can be friends. And they are all liking and commenting on one another's photos. DH's family knows how terrible she has been to DH, but "for the sake of the children", I'm sure, feel that they need to be nice to her, because DH is "at war with her" (according to MIL and BIL). So, I'm done. Don't need to give BM an in, into my life, so I'll just remove myself. It's a shame really, because I actually used Facebook to keep in touch with my family. 


StrawberryPie's picture

Social Media is such a blessing and a curse. 

She probably is using SSs facebook to keep tabs on you or see what you are up to.  I'd block her and the SSs too.  That is what I did here - blocked all the skids and the BM and BMs family.  I could tell from the things she was saying in her emails to my DH she was either snooping on his twitter or using one of the skids FB to snoop.  So she is blocked on all social media and the skids too.  That way, you can still enjoy it and not have to worry about her or the skids anymore.

strugglingSM's picture

I've blocked all of BM's accounts that I know of (I think she had at least three). All of her DH's accounts (he had at least four) and all of her family. If I do reactivate, I'll likely block all of DH's family as well and have it be family and legit friends only. 

tog redux's picture

Unfriend the skids, and stop following DH's family (or unfriend them, too). If you don't follow them, you can't see anything they post unless you go looking for it.

Picardy III's picture

Ha, your SSs discovered Facebook? Pretty sure no one under age 25 uses FB any more, except as a business or buying tool perhaps. Their joining must have been instigated entirely by BM.

strugglingSM's picture

They are now in high school and have become "friends" with their friend's parents (even though some of their friends aren't on). I, too, thought that FB was now the province of those much older. I agree that BM is likely using it to pry, although they both did post things on their own at first. 

SteppedOff's picture

I have never had an account and have no desire or need to do so.

Have never had a need to glamourize the life I live, or don't live. I feel confident not a lot of honest upfront real life living is exposed by members. The problems I have seen Facebook cause in relationships, families, business....sad...who needs the added problems life is tough enough without a fake window to the rest of the world.

Those who need to know already know about my life. It is a great deal more peaceful life that way, in my opinion.

advice.only2's picture

They are not your "friends" they are DH's children. Simply remove them and then block them.

Ispofacto's picture

Sometimes I think we have the same BM, but in my case Satan was brazen about stalking me.  When DH and I got together 11 years ago we were both new to facebook and I didn't have my privacy settings right, and DH accepted a friend request from Satan because he was "afraid not to" at the time (temporary insanity), so she used friend-of-a-friend privs to comment to DH over the phone on how many kids I have, why did I have so many (she hated sharing her body to have one paycheck baby), how old I must have been when they were born (a teenager), and demand answers on why my oldest no longer lived at home (at 19), and how inapproriate is was of him to take a picture of me in a bikini on our vacation together (i'm a size 6, jealous much?).  I blocked her a day later and she complained to him that I blocked her.  You know...because she needed to make sure that "we know" that "she knows", aka we can't do anything that she won't know about (zero respect for privacy, me being a complete stranger at the time).  She's got serial killer level control issues, and no boundaries whatsoever.


Block her.  Block them all.