Preparing myself to deal with the in-laws
Thanksgiving is almost upon us and lucky me, this year we get to spend the holiday with SSs and DH's family.
One of the many wonderful things about being a SM is the skepticism and hostility we often receive from DH's family for no reason at all!
In my case, I have the following:
MIL who is nice enough to my face and who in her mind, thinks she's also nice to me in general, but who still talks to BM on a regular basis and who has a tendency to talk to BM about me. Shortly after DH and I were married, MIL said to DH, "I had a long talk with BM and she and I decided that StrugglingSM is part of the problem between you and her. Maybe you should all sit down and have a chat." This was about six months after I froze BM out due to her crazy behavior (including accusing me of trying to take her children away, saying that I "might be a child abuser", and crying to DH multiple times about why I didn't accept her friend request). MIL also creates drama for DH by arranging to do things with the children and then expecting DH to manage the logistics or communicate with BM about whatever it is that she wants to do. This inevitably leads to drama from BM who tells DH he's a terrible father for not knowing where his children are because she (BM) cannot get in touch with MIL while she has the kids. Finally, MIL repeatedly tells DH how sorry he should feel for BM and how he should thank her profusely for being the mother of his children (MIL knows that BM treats DH like crap and continues to try to abuse him by calling him a deadbeat dad, stupid, a loser, etc). MIL also periodically accuses me of trying to "exclude the children" from our life whenever DH and I have the nerve to go away together without SSs (not during visitation time, I might add) or when we ask her to watch SSs when we have some boring adult task to do (like sign papers for our house). Not relating to SSs, MIL is one of the most judgmental people I've ever met. She always has a comment about people's appearances or an opinion on what someone should be doing. I think she thinks that if she says these things nicely, it's ok. DH leans towards this behavior sometimes and I tell him "you sounds like your mother!", which at least gets him to stop and think about what he's saying.
BIL who is ok, but is sort of smarmy and always seems like he's making fun of people. When DH and I were dating, he told me that his brother was a man-whore when he was in high school and college and that his brother's personality was sort of like that of a used car salesman. DH has also told me stories of when they were growing up and in high school and BIL sounds like he was a bit of a bully, especially to DH (he's a year younger than DH, but he was always the one who was picking on DH). DH didn't tell me any of these things to be mean, because he thinks his brother is awesome, but I filed them away in my brain and have since decided that his characterization of his brother was spot on. BIL lives about an hour away, but we never see him. I think DH used to see him more, but I can count on two hands the number of times we've seen BIL in the time since I've known DH (and that includes our wedding and rehearsal dinner and all holidays). I also get a weird vibe from BIL about his feelings toward DH that I can't quite put my finger on what it is. I think he's always trying to trick DH into doing things for him, but when DH mentions any of these things in front of me, all of a sudden BIL will change his story. I'm not sure if this is because DH is super trusting and BIL is used to taking advantage of him, but has figured out that I'm more of a skeptic. All fits into DH's characterization that BIL is like a used car salesman, always trying to pull a fast one on everyone. He gave a speech at our wedding. He rambled on (it was clear he had not prepared) and as one of my close friends said "he made DH sound like a creep", which he isn't.
SIL (BIL's wife) is so cold, I swear the ground freezes underneath her when she walks. Other than a few awkward hellos, SIL have spoken to one another a total of ONE time in the three years that I've been seriously dating, engaged, or married to DH. This is despite the fact that she talks animatedly to other members of DH's family. That one time she spoke with me was because we were both at a funeral with our respective SOs (I was not married to DH at the time) and she knew no one else there. She proceeded - during our conversation - to make a comment about DH's divorce and accuse DH of not talking to his sister. She didn't even say one word to me at our wedding. I think she was annoyed that she had to go and had to travel to get there. I would have been fine if she skipped it. She skipped both wedding showers that were thrown for me and she skipped all birthday dinners that MIL has planned for me. I've been assured by DH that SIL was not best friends with BM. He tells me that SIL is just being "protective of his children", but I get along fine with his children. DH has told me that maybe SIL is weird because her parents almost got divorced when she was a kid, so his divorce makes her uncomfortable, but really, she's an adult and it's not her place to worry about someone else's divorce. SIL is also cold to DH. Not sure if she was always like that and DH just didn't notice or if her behavior toward him has changed, but a few months ago, DH asked BIL if he had done anything to offend SIL. BIL replied with some BS illogical excuse that SIL was a little mad about something, but she got over it (no matter that the something she was supposedly mad about was something BIL did that he blamed on DH and no matter that SIL's cold behavior predated the incident BIL mentioned). SIL is always annoyed when we have some family event that she is expected to attend. DH insisted upon throwing a big surprise party for MIL's 70th. He asked BIL if SIL (who cooks a lot) would bring some vegetarian entrees, since she is vegetarian. Come party day, SIL brings two small store bought salads for her contribution. This same women is always going out of her way to prepare some elaborate dish for other events. SIL seems like the type who is always mad on behalf of other people or who gets mad, but likes to pretend she isn't. At one gathering BIL proclaimed, "SIL is really good about pretending she really likes something, even if she doesn't." I wanted to say to him, "no she isn't!" I always dread seeing her, because I feel like I have to pretend to be nice, so I won't be acting just like her.
BIL and SIL have two kids. I've met them a few times, but they have no clue who I am. They have never formally been introduced to me. At MIL's 70th, their 8 year old son came up to me laughing and said, "I don't even know who you are!" I wanted to say to him, "I don't even know who you are, either, kid!", but I didn't want to be mean. He's skittish and socially awkward. Their 6 year old daughter is friendly enough, but still has no idea who I am.
DH also has a sister who won't be joining us for Thanksgiving. She is nearly 40, but is a perpetual student (studying something esoteric about the history of movement). MIL pays for everything for her. She is nice enough, but she has a tendency of acting like a teenager when she is around DH's family. Last year at Christmas time, DH and I went on a date to see the Nutcracker. MIL complained that we didn't take Sister with us because she used to dance in the Nutcracker as a child. I had gotten tickets for me, DH, and SSs to see the latest Star Wars movie on Christmas Day, in the evening. When Sister heard this she said, "where's my ticket?!" MIL then gave DH a hard time about not taking Sister with us. The movie was sold out by that time, so we couldn't get her a ticket. On the day of, DH came up with some excuse about how he wasn't feeling well and told me I should take Sister and the SSs to the movie. After the movie he told me he actually felt fine, but couldn't deal with the drama from MIL if Sister was unable to see the movie.
DH also has a few cousins, one of whom has a wife who is nearly as cold as SIL, but will speak sort of in my direction when she wants to proclaim something about how her child is too smart for her elementary school or about how her child is excelling on her competitive soccer team. She and DH's cousin did not RSVP for our wedding and she RSVP'd that they would attend MIL's 70th birthday and then just never showed up.
There are two people in the family who are genuinely friendly to me - DH's uncle and DH's cousin-in-law.
In other words, DH's family is a great big pile of dysfunction, that is unfortunately not dysfunctional enough for them to realize their dysfunction. They all think they are normal. Maybe I'm the weird one because I find their passive aggression to be off-putting. I'm also a bit of an outsider, so can carefully observe their messed up family dynamics.
I feel like with DH's family, I've entered one of those holiday movies where everyone dreads the holidays and tries to avoid them!
- strugglingSM's blog
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hahaha nothing abnormal in
hahaha nothing abnormal in this situation, do you know what I do....
I stock up on nice reading material and I sit and read.... I still plan for things for me and SO to do, and we simply do it, SO knows me well, if his brothers wants to join us with their families and I keep on packing the car it's okay, if I walk away into the house it means Oh Hell NO.. we will be alone.... how he deals with his family is not my problem, and the only times they are truly nice to me is when they want to gossip to attack, took me 14 years to figure it out.
My excuse for sneaking off and read a bit.... It's such a nice day out I did not feel like sitting in an over crowded house... It's too loud I have a slight headache due to not wearing my glasses..... forgot them at home and did not pack enough contacts (I don't even own contacts lol and my glasses are safely in our house)
SIL recently got married to husband number 5 - funny thing is... when I sneak off, he follows and we both will be reading in the garden, same bench lol... he really likes to read, now we swap our excuses.... I saw him leaving and tried to get him back to the party.. he's the new one...
his excuse would be... he saw me outside reading and decided to get to know me.... we both laugh when they truly belief us.... they are so self centered they don't even notice we both have a book in hand....
Maybe it helps cause I like watching people, yes I'm a watcher lol, I can sit hours in a corner and watch people all on my own.... after a while it turns into the best movie ever, they all brag and talk, no one listens, every one's kid is the best performer and the best kid there is, even if the kid stands next to them and swear like a sailor.... they still say - My kid will never talk to an adult like that while they refer to Aergia, but dang your own 11 year old just told you eff off I want your phone to play games idiot and you handed him the phone without saying anything... it's really like a comedy... try it lol.... the next day is no different, it's like Ground hog day

My MIL used to talk nonstop
My MIL used to talk nonstop about BM. And somehow BM always knew stuff that was going on in my and DH's life. I asked him early in our relationship if MIL was still friends with BM and he as adamant that she wasn't because BM was so horrible to him. Ha Ha, Right.
I finally went no contract with MIL for about a year. I can care less if she is friends with BM but I'm sick of every conversation to revolve around my husbands ex wife. What MIL failed to realize is that my husband actually LIKES to spend time with me and only saw MIL and FIL twice that year. He's also lazy about planning and I guess it just didn't cross his mind to start planning to see the Inlaws now that I was NC.
MIL learned her lesson very well. She never mentions BM. If another family member brings her up, I just change the subject.
Oh honey.. I feel for ya!
Oh honey.. I feel for ya! But, if it helps.. I think that families like this are probably more normal than anything...haha.
I also have a MIL who is nice but I know underneath that she doesn't totally approve of me. Don't get me wrong, I think she appreciates things I do and is much more accepting of me now, but I think she is baffled by some of my beliefs. She is currently upset because my DH and I are not going to the OSD's Thanksgiving where "she is making everything herself and it's her first time hosting ..blah blah blah). We are not going because she ALSO invited BM and her crazy SIL (certifiable) and also YSD's lazy BF will be there. No thanks. MIL said that BM did "more to her than to me... so she doesn't know why I won't suck it up".. I'm like.. she did NOT sleep with your husband.. and didn't make the last 15 years more difficult than they needed to be and cause my DH pain through his kids.
The weird thing is that she also does things that baffle me. Like the fall oyster roast she had a few weeks ago (in lieu of her hosting thanksgiving). She invited all the kids, grandkids and inlaws... She borrowed lots of supplies like steamer pots and tables from her husband's cousin...who lives a half mile down the road... and DIDN'T invite him or his wife.. didn't invite their close friends and neighors either. This wasn't a fancy sit down. it was a BYOB outdoor thing bring your own chairs.. I was amazed that she borrowed stuff from someone who is actually a relative and didn't invite them!
Bad BIL.. I also have one. Pathalogical liar who is insanely jealous of his older brother and constantly tries to show how much he knows (which he doesn't) and he and his wife are drunks. (wife is nice but dumb and stupid)
OSD is the bit of a cold fish... always has been a withdrawn type of person. Married to a nice enough guy and they have a one year old. They are ok people, but I don't enjoy spending loads of time with them. I just don't find her interesting.
YSD... love her but hate the BF.. who is lazy and can't keep a job but knows everything and is controlling.
my FIL.. love him.. he is very laid back
I don't even want to get too far into my OSD's family.. but I don't need to hang out with
I am so thankful we got our "thanksgiving" out of the way a few weeks ago.. so we told everyone that we are just going fishing. whoo hooo
We have the same MIL,
We have the same MIL, strugglingSM.
While she’s not BFFs with BM, my MIL is a pro at being your friend. She goes above and beyond to give BM attention, mainly on social media. MIL is still hot and heavy with the rest of her family too. She puts more energy into DH’s Ex inlaws over being a decent grandparent and human being.
Perpetually drunk BIL moved 8 hours away, so I’m crossing my fingers we don’t hear from him.
DH and I called her (and FIL) out on this behavior last year. That resulted in FIL telling DH “momjeans has ruined Christmas” weeks before Christmas.
Many times I’ve heard her tell someone “Well, you’re just going to have to become their best friend!” Which translates into - you need to play nice to gain access to get what you want or need from someone.
MIL is the fake two face smiling mannequin type, while she stabs you in the back and attempts to assassinate your character to whoever will listen.
My inlaws aren’t invited for Thanksgiving, but I’m sure DH will try to slide them on over. }:)
Bringing reading material is
Bringing reading material is a great idea! To take it a step further, pretend (or actually) enroll in some sort of online class and bring your laptop to do some work! I️ work from home and usually have tons of deadlines so I take my laptop with me almost everywhere and excuse myself to get work done when I️ visit DHs family. I️ get really apologetic and mention that I️ have work to do right when we arrive.