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Advice needed

Survivor227's picture

So it’s been a poop storm of a marriage. I’ve dealt with my husband and his alcoholism, his son is an entitled jerk, and I have bent over backwards for his family, paid bills and bought food while his mother was living out her last years with cancer. I’ve carried his financial burden while I got his back fixed for 15 months, I have poured money into our chickens, into fixing up this house, which is his fathers, but no updates  since it was built in 1956. Since we got together, it’s been a ride through hell. He’s been mean to my kids, disrespectful to me and my children. They were never really made to feel welcome in a while lace that was to be their home. Over a year ago, he got angry at my daughter and told her to “get the f out” so since she was 19, she did. Then my 20 year old wanted to get out and away so she moved in May. I’ve had to literally fight tooth and nail for my kids and my rights in that household and I’m more than 70% providing for it. He always threw out the divorce card when we got into it, so I called him out on it. Since then he won’t use that as manipulative tactics. He threw me under the bus with his son time after time, ever catching his kid skipping class red handed, so I threw down my ultimatum, me or your son, I was not sharing my rank of wife with his kid. I made him choose. Because I was thoroughly prepared to leave. Same with his drinking and verbal abuse. He either stopped or I was out. These issues have fundamentally damaged our marriage. Also his father, I’m all wonderful until he starts running his mouth to my brother in law about stuff that isn’t my father or brother in laws business. And I caught him, well not really caught cuz he was loudly discussing it yesterday in his room, so loud we heard it in the living room.  I felt humiliated and disrespected because it was a complete bash about my daughter who doesn’t even live here. My kids aren’t perfect, but they all go to school and ride the bus without giving anybody any trouble, they do their work and make good grades. Even my two in college are on the presidents list and moving in a positive fashion. My stepson, ha got caught again with vaping stuff at school and has been expelled the third time since he was in the sixth grade. 

I am just over it. Over the disrespect and utter crap, and yes it all is their crap. I have a degree, currently in school to finish my bachelors. Then I plan on going for my FNP, I work my ass off cuz we are short staffed. So my level of putting up with other people’s crap is shot. My husband has been doing better, but doesn’t grasp that rebuilding trust is a process and takes time, then yesterday and my father in law, I want to leave. I have told him for the past couple of years that due to the nature of stuff there, I want a place that is ours, but he refuses. Says his dad couldn’t survive, but this is not my problem because he chose to not work or plan for his future, instead he bought motorcycles and boats and cars, so his inheritance is gone. He lives in his room with a full size refrigerator, fry daddy, tv, computer, two burner cook top, microwave and toaster over. Pays no money towards the household bills or will be paying taxes or insurance. He has stuff he could sell, but omg it would be the end of the world as he knows it. 

So, my choices are that I leave and move out, my husband never really agreed to go with me, and yes, after hearing my child bashed yesterday I  threw a fit. My husband has said in the past that he won’t leave, so I assumed that was his stance yesterday and now we aren’t speaking.  Yes, I confronted my father in law, but what all he did after his half assed apology is explain why he felt that nothing he does is wrong, same level of crap my husband pulls. 

Im just over it. I feel betrayed and disrespect by this whole family and my husband doesn’t get why I can’t just get over it and move past it. Why would a sane woman not continue to put up with disrespect, abuse and everything else!!!! So I’m trying to find a place. Think I’m gonna sell my chickens and see just how dedicated my husband is to this marriage. Suggestion???

Winterglow's picture

Move out, dump the millstone round your neck, and live a life with your kids that you had forgotten was normal. You don't need your sad apology for a husband.

ndc's picture

Why see how dedicated he is?  Just leave - it sure doesn't sound like he's enhancing your life or your relationship with your children.

Maxwell09's picture

He wants you to get over it because that’s what you’ve been doing for years and if you stop now then who’s going to give him and his dad a free ride or be their whipping horse? Can you guess who will be the topic of conversation once you and yours are out of the picture? They’ll turn on each other and live the rest of their days as two fighting old bachelors. 

hereiam's picture

I think you already know how dedicated your husband is. Or not.

I can't imagine living with this loser family.

ESMOD's picture

He isn't going to leave.. you are living in his house (his father's).  It really is irrelevant that you put all that money and effort into the home.. legally it is not your home.. so logically you would be the one to leave.

I know it sucks.. it sounds like he has monumentally used you.  I would cut my losses now and move on with my life.  Why keep pouring effort and money into the bottomless pit.

Survivor227's picture

except what I’ve sunk into it. Yeah it’s easier when I don’t pay rent and can pay my tuition and books. I have to uproot my kids from their sports and friends and then I also have my older kids who are full time college kids who rely upon me for assistance. So yes, it would be a struggle at first. After our talk last night, my husband is “laying the law” down that one more slip up and we’re gone. Well, I will have to see that to believe it, but if I play along, it gives me time to get savings built up for what will most likely happen again. Don’t have a crystal ball, but people don’t change unless they really perceive a need to. 

oatsnhoney's picture

Just go. Yes it’s a money loss but who cares? Live in a studio apartment. If you are paying 70% of a 1950’s house, you can afford a small translation place. All that is just “to do” list stuff. Big job but take it one step at a time. Uproot kids? Or teach kids that change happens. That’s ok. All lives go through change as we work towards our goals. That’s a good thing to learn. 

he’s an alcoholic who yells at kids, and his father is a shut-in who doesn’t like the kids.. sounds like moving your kids away from that would’ve a good idea.

based on what you’ve written, I see no reason to stay. Are there other things holding you there?