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Winter Break Drama

nengooseus's picture

We dropped the skids back with their mother last night after 6 LONG days of drama.  

Skids are both grounded at our house.  SD14 started an Instagram account in the spring, but neglected to tell her dad about it.  For 5.5 months.  At the same time that she was telling him that she *couldn't* contact him at all because BM blocked him in her phone and to call she had to use BM's phone.  And then we found her Insta account, by accident.

  • DH: Did you look for me on Instagram?  
  • SD: No.  I didn't even think about it.
  • DH: You found and befriended your "boyfriend's" grandma, but not me?
  • SD: Oh.

DH was so hurt.  It was the most awful thing to see.  It was truly that moment when you realize that your kid doesn't really care if you live or die.

Anyway, she has no electronics or internet for 5.5 months as a result--not to mention the change in her relationship with her dad.  He wasn't ever a Disney dad, but she was definitely Daddy's little girl.  Yeah.  Not so much now.

Oh!  (I was reminded by Simpleton's blog), and she's been having mystery headaches and joint pain for several months (never at our house) that has prompted her mother to take her to Primary Care, Orthopedics, Rheumatology, and finally Neurology to see what is wrong.  EVERYone and EVERY test say nothing at all is wrong, but BM got the Neurologist to prescribe the child antidepressants to prevent the headaches that she (BM) has determined to be migraines.  No headache journal was done, no CT scan was done, no other medicines were tried.  BM decided that she was sensitive to light and was seeing auras so she and the doctor, without consulting DH, made the decision.  "We decided it was the best course of action," she said in her message to DH.

I asked SD about the headaches.  Turns out, she gets them the class before lunch and they're gone by the time lunch is over.  BM is big on limiting food, so I asked if she was eating breakfast.  Yeah, like a bagel or some toast.  Could it be that you're hungry?  Oh.  Maybe?  She had already taken herself off the antidepressants by the time she got to us, so we told her to keep a journal of her pain and that we would give her medicine, if needed, which it never was.  (The joint pain, it turns out, was a lingering effect of the food poisoning BM gave her a couple of months ago and resolved on its own.)

SS9 is just a poopstorm.  His speech is horrible, he has (literally!) no friends at school or elsewhere, he's rude and disrespectful to everyone, including in school to the point that DH is in almost constant contact with his teacher.  We think he's got an undiagnosed developmental disorder, but BM thinks he's perfect, so the 2 psych evals, the developmental pediatrician, the guidance counselor, etc., none of them know what's going on, which apparently means there's nothing wrong.  He's on permanent restriction because he can't behave at school.

Anyway, in his boredom, SS, who treats everyone in our house like garbage, has taken to literally spying on everyone.  He literally eavesdrops, skulks around, etc.  It's like having the damned elf on the shelf in your house all the time.  It's maddening.

And they come back TOMORROW for their regular weekend.



Simpleton21's picture

Wow, you have the same type of crazy to deal with as I do.  I don't know if you saw my update in one of my comments but I asked SO if there is no actual injury they see on the MRI what "might need surgery" and he said, "I guess it is like last time with her break where it was hidden/undetectable so they went with 4 more weeks of PT".....seriously?!?! This is BMs current outrage with us for not believing SD's injuries and here she is with another "hidden/undetectable" injury...oh and when he asked for the dr name/number BM quit messaging him.  

These BMs are a special kind of crazy!  

nengooseus's picture

In my world, undetectable means it doesn't exist, but apparently if you're an insane BM, it's something different...  How do you have surgery on something no one can recognize as existing?!

Our BM did the same thing about doctor names!  DH had to go pull Skid medical records to get any information.

I'm so sorry you have a batsh*t crazy person to deal with, too.  they're clearly reading from the same script!

Simpleton21's picture

LMAO, exactly, I assume undetectable "hidden" = kid is over exaggerating pain and they can't find an actual source so here is 4 more weeks of physical therapy.  I am interested to see if they somehow manage a surgery for this undetectable ailment.  I also found out from an actual physical therapist that they wouldn't generally recommend surgery if they can't see anything on an MRI and there is a simple test to do to find out if she has this "undetectable" injury.  It is insanity for sure!

I told SO to pull records but he doesn't seem to see the point.  Oh well.  His kid his problem.  I'm done involving my time in it.

All these BMs have the same damn script.  It is obviously a mental problem.  To many of them do the same exact things!!!