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ToxicTroll has a Brain injury

CLove's picture

We all know by now that ToxicTroll is sick in the head, and now she has a neurologist telling her this is true as well.

About 3 years ago, ToxicTroll hit her head on some monkey bars at work (she works for school system right now) and since then, uses the "headaches" for excuses to stay home from work when she is hung over or doesnt feel like going in. So, she is home now for the next 6 weeks, because her nuerologist told her she has to, but in less than a week is driving her sister, HomelessTroll to fix her DUI in a town 200 miles away. But of course she cannot pick up her daughter from school, ever, or take her daughter anywhere. Becuase, you know, brain injury.

If she had an honest bone in her body, I MIGHT (and thats a mighty BIG might) have an ounce of sympathy in one of my chin hairs, but she likes to play victim with illnesses, and has her daughter, Feral Eldest, and soon Munchkin, convinced that they have "anxiety", which needs medication, and rare heart murmers, and this makes me suspect that her preexisting "migrains" are a made-up for money brain problem. However, as DH puts it, she is patient and conniving, so she will get some money or a big settlement.

I just wonder what the endgame is. I am always trying to figure out the angle so that we can protect ourself. Does she still get child support if she wins a big settlement? If she goes on Disability, is she able to get more money? I want to consult a lawyer, to see all the what-ifs laid out, with their outcomes. Like, if I make more money, and we buy the house, can she come after us for more child support? In California, supposedly the spouses income and assets are not counted, however, just this morning my friend told me that she has a friend also in California who recently QUIT her job, because they were taking out of HER paycheck for child support to pay her husbands baby momma. So many twists and turns in this game of exes, and ohs.

And there is ALWAYS some sort of game, half truth, agenda with ToxicTroll, lies and macinations. And now, with her at home, she has more time to think of new things! Oh joy. 

I told DH that I am thinking of divorcing him...just so that she cannot come and get us anymore. Last weekend, I went on a rant, about how for the next 6 years (realy 5 years and 9 months) we will have this shadow over us, and at any time, she can open another case against him, for more money, more this and more that. I put it into persepctive, that she will be getting a grand total of $23,943 dollars TAX FREE INCOME from us. He got really depressed by this reality and felt like I was putting him down. SO, I spent the rest of the weekend trying to bring him up again. Which worked. But Im still getting depressed about all this money going out to toxictroll. How she will still collect an actual total of $29,343 from us. With alimony. Egads. 

If you read this - thanks for reading, and these ramblings really help.


Survivingstephell's picture

Look into a legal separation in your state.  In my state its the property settlement of a divorce but you stay married and can keep being on insurance, if that's an issue for you.  

Wouldn't you like to swing a 2x4 upside her head and make sure she has a brain injury?  LOL 

CLove's picture

but for legal reasons did not want to explicitely state this. 


I will need to consult some kind of legal entity. Marriage complicates things more than I thought.

Thumper's picture

Clover, how do you know the diagnosis from Bm's doc?

How many docs has she gone to before THIS one?

Did she pick this doc out of the yellow pages OR did a lawyer suggest him/her?



CLove's picture

All I know is what ToxicTroll has texted DH - both over the last few years and what she just recently texted him. That she has a brain injury and doctors have not been mentioned, however, as she works for the school system, and has major league insurance and is working on a workmans comp case, I think that the doctor is legit, just she may not be (haha. May. Trying to be polite!)

I had a boyfriend previously, who was a non-surgical orthopedic pain Dr. Who also provided testimony in court regarding workmans comp cases, and he admitted to me that the drs base their diagosis, many times, simply on what the patients tell them and the system is for the most part full of connivers.