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child support - Questions

CLove's picture

Monday I am calling child support services.

So today, after Dh has fixed ToxicTrolls car for her, she starts asking "where is my money" meaning the child support money. Give me a check, Ill sign a reciept and we can call it good.

Now from the website, here in california ALL child support payments have to be submitted formally, and she has to get it through the processing departments - The SDU state Discursement Units. However, an old neighbor who actually works for the local child support services agency tells ToxicTroll AND DH that the best way is to smply write a check and call it good, that we can work through the DCSS, but there are many negatives.

I thought I understood this process, from reading the website online, but this really threw us for a loop. Can we pay ToxicTroll Directly, and call it good? What are the negatives of going through a payment agency? 

I should add that, after the judgement (or whatever you call it), where he was ordered by the judge to pay child support, there was no further instructions. No paperwork given with the amount spelled out, nothing. I see from the website that there is a "manage your account section" where you can set up online payments, or you can make money order or paypal, but we do not have a "California Child Support Participant ID number". I so wish that we have the money for a lawyer, but we d not, so I will have to call, and march over to the office or courthouse, or whatever and ask the questions. When do payments start? What are the payment options (in reality), and what are the negatives of going through the agencies. 

ToxicTroll is super desperate for cash. Her car insurance has been canceled, because Tweedle Dum took her Z off, and apparently her phone is also being shut off due to non payment. Her sister that she moved in, HomelessTroll, hasnt paid any money.

Please advise


STaround's picture

I think you are far better off paying through the system.  Does CA have a website?  Look for a way to register and get a number, or call them tomorrow.  If your DH does not pay through the system, he may not get credit for it.   


CLove's picture

Yes, they have a website, with a "manage your account" portal. Dont we need some kind of "account id number or something, that connects to the court-ordered information? How does it all connect? DH did not recieve ANY information or instructions. Is he simply expected to fork over the money every month?

yes, I will get ALL pertinent information tomorrow. I had believed that that is how the different agencies get their monetary rewards, is when a case is opened, and then they take a little $25 dollar fee out, annually, plus they get federal moneies. How would the state agencies get any federal money if there werent a digital trail, and it was a simple check with a paper reciept given?

justmakingthebest's picture

If the judge ordered it to be paid through the CS enforcement program in your state only pay it through them. Anything above that will be considered a gift. 

You should be able to create an account with DH's social security number and some other details. 

Was the order sent to his employer for paycheck witholding?

CLove's picture

Nothing from the court, nothing from child support services, nothing to employer. Nada. So, I will be gathering information. I know it is retroactive from the order date. He wasnt given any instructions. I am being advised here that sometimes it takes a month or so to get "things started". If there is a huge time lag, I dont know how he is going to be able to "catch up".


tog redux's picture

The court order has no amount in it and no instructions on how to pay? That's very odd. He doesn't know how much he owes?

DH has it taken out of his check, it's great that way - never miss it.  BM thought she was punishing him by having his check garnished but it's very helpful. However he pays her, make sure there is a clear record of it, and it's marked Child Support.

CLove's picture

Simply recieved a judgement in court, after ToxicTroll filed the paperwork for child support modification (he wasnt paying any previously after the divorce settlement). It was all given to him verbally, he said. I wasnt there. The judge gave him the amount verbally, and said that the custody is now 49/50. That he should continue doing everything he is currently doing.

Dont they send you something via snail mail, and you have to wait a bit?

Our friend specifically stated that it is better to simply hand a check and get a signed reciept. 

ToxicTroll doesnt really know the child Support System - I think she heard those ads that they are always playing continuously, got desperate for cash, and, didnt know that she would have to wait for $$$ to come rolling in. She is reading the website NOW, and threatening DH with jail time, and wage garnishment that will affect his credit score. From what I read, they are supposed to send DH's employer an "income witholding order" that they fill out and send in. Then it comes out of each paycheck, like clockwork, until he files for the discontinuation, based on the Kiddo turning 18 and graduating high school.

Which is why I am confused about what our friend told DH: "yes you COULD open a case with our department, but there are negatives, its better to just give her a check and be done with it."

Just a little confused and more than a little pissed and supremely agitated that the information we are getting is so contradictory, and that ToxicTroll (whom apparently is looking REALLY bad), has this much affect and is being such a turd.

tog redux's picture

Yes, they usually send something via snail mail - it's on the way, I'm sure.

I think handing her a check and getting a signed receipt opens DH up for lots of drama and claims of not having been paid, trips to court,etc. I don't know of any negatives about having it taken out of your check, my DH's credit score is fine.  It's not a garnishment for non-payment.

twoviewpoints's picture

check your PM 

notasm3's picture

DO  NOT give her a check.  It will be treated as a gift and he will have to pay it again via the CS system.

CLove's picture

For once. We will wait for Monday, Ill do the research. I just think that its taking a while to set up this new case in "the system", so she will have to wait, be miserable and its her own fault. Plus this money will go to phone bill and car insurance and will not go to child, not a penny.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

If you go back to court eventually, it's not unheard of for the parent to be able to request proof of what CS is going to....

simifan's picture

He will receive something from CS offices and be charged from the day of the order. He needs to pay all CS to the CS offices or it's a gift. 

CLove's picture

He doesnt have a court order. After the judge made his verbal decision, no instructions followed. We are assuming that something like a court order with instructions will be sent. And then he can begin the process. From what I have seen, there is some kind of "participation number" that he will need to create an account. The SDU will take payments in "private cases", but I dont know what he needs to do without the Participation number.

Going to make some phone calls today, really need to get things straightened out.

I love dogs's picture

I also want to know why he's fixing her car. She can go to a regular mechanic who will charge between $70 and $120/ hr. and she can also pay the markup for parts! Then she has the nerve to ask him for money?

CLove's picture

DEMANDING, her rightfully owed cashola, so she can pay her bills. Yeah, it was a "gentlemens agreement" with her old boyfriend, Tweedle. In exchage for a vehicle DH wanted from him. Trying to help everyone out and he gets his headbitten off. 

He is in agreement - no more freebies - she needs to PAY. And he noticed something with her tires - a bubble - she very soon she will need his help.