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Kmommyof388's picture

So it's a couple weeks for the party and of course the nosey sister in laws are like oh poor skid boohoo hoo it would'e meant so much for him to be there blah blah blah...I'm almost sick to my stomach.. LIFE IS NOT ALL ABOUT SKID! HEAVEN FORBID ANYTHING BE JUST ABOUT MY CHILDREN!  The argument of course being you knew dh had a kid before you got together blah blah...yes and I accept skid..however I REFUSE to take the day that is for MY children that I gave birth to away from them all because it would "hurt skids feelings" I'm not being loving and caring enoug....why cuz I don' believe my world must begin and end with skid? Gtfo whatever it' perfectly ok to parent and celebrate MY children get off your effing high horse 


hereiam's picture

Your children should not have their party date changed to accommodate your husband's other kid. If he were available to come, great, but he's not and it's not as if you planned it this way. There will be other parties, geesh.

Ignore, ignore, ignore.

I mean, really, the kid is going to Disney World. Poor thing.

momjeans's picture

The argument of course being you knew dh had a kid before you got together blah blah...

Pfffft. This is the stupidest “argument” in the history of step life EVER. Did you laugh? Please tell me you laughed and laughed and laughed. 

Stick to your guns and your plans, I say...

For what it’s worth, BS’s birthday is this month - falls over skid’s summer visitation, obviously. BD’s birthday is in December - falls over Christmas visitation. I do my own thing. I plan and celebrate it when it suits me. I don’t even consider skid or the in-laws schedule or availability or feelings. They’ve shown me how they feel about me and OUR kids, so I’m sure it sucks to be them. 

Kmommyof388's picture

I laughed and then got really angry it's just ridiculous to make every damn thing about skid it irks me to no end

Exjuliemccoy's picture

G.U. stands for Golden Uterus. It's an unattractive complex some women have where they feel entitled and superior simply because they have reproduced. Strange really, when you consider that even single cell organisms are capable of reproducing, and they don't expect anyone to kiss their single celled butts for it. A GUBM is a woman who believes she is a super speshul godess simply because she is a mother. 

Kmommyof388's picture

Oh I see..that makes sense it' funny I seem to know alot of those lol golden uterus my gosh who comes up with the names they should do stand up

Kmommyof388's picture

I believe my mom said it best "any female can have children,it' how the children are raised and how they act that makes a mother"