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Spring time colds are the worst!

Kmommyof388's picture

All three of my littles have had this unshakeable cold since last monday! Drs won't give them anything all they keep telling me is "its a cold they just need rest and flyids and yada yada" they have never been this sick! And now that theyre just starting to get over the hump i have it lol lucky me and th has it...and here comes the rant...the mad had thr audacity to tell me "oh i am really siiiiick" I said yeah we all are "no i mean I'm really legitimately sick" yes i know so are we "no it's so much worse when i am sick cuz i get it worse than anyone else"

This man is delusional! I suppose its expexted of me to baby the crap out of him too despite I feel like I got ran over by a train?  Iam one angry sick mama


Kmommyof388's picture

Fluids* they need fluids lol