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I am extremely excited at this point. MIL has messed up and may have gotten herself into some issues with her push controlling ways. Last blog I said how she had run down to the court house to renew her guardianship paper work well I guess she rushed through filling it out and when she went to turn it in the clerk of court looked over the papers to make sure they were filled out completely and had some questions about some of the information listed. Which in turn brought out the truth that the skids don't actually live with her in fact she only sees them on Wednesday nights for church and then usually Friday after school and sometimes she keeps them for the weekend.....

Clerk told her the judge will not like this and she will most likely be losing her guardianship because she isn't doing what she says she is. So MIL told FDH he needed to just go ahead and fill out his papers and file them and she won't contest him having sole guardianship because it will keep her from getting in trouble. Glad we have a friend that worked in the court house for years to help is be sure they are filled out right!
