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Freaking Witch

this_is_me's picture

I'm pissed! MIL has apparently said to my SS and SD that the new baby will replace them. What kind of witch tells her own grandkids garbabge like that?

  I only got it out of the skids because SS8 teacher messaged me to let me know he has been getting into trouble a lot more lately. I asked if it was more so in the last 2 weeks? She confirmed that yes this behavior has been ramped up in the last 2 weeks. That's when we told MIL and skids new baby was coming. I sat SS down and asked what has been going on and finally got it out of him. Then I seperatly asked SD10 and she told me yes this is what was said. 

I dont know what to do now. DH is getting upset with me for constantly pointing out his mothers bad behavior and upset with her for constantly causing issues and trouble and then he has to handle her. We have really been limiting her time as much as possible but we cant stop her from seeing them all together until after all our court stuff is settled. 

There is a good chance this is going to lead to me losing my sh*t again on her. I don't need any more extra added stress in my life or this pregnancy. I'm already high risk due to my age (I'm only 36) so I'm supposed to be taking it easy but this has me in fits. 


tog redux's picture

Don't bother losing your shit on her.  It won't change her.  Just focus on making sure the skids know that what she said isn't true.

Survivingstephell's picture

Its too bad grandma has such a tiny heart that there won't even be room for a teeny tiny baby.  Id turn this around on that old witch and have the skids ask her why she doesn't like the idea of a new grandchild?  Why, why why you old hag????? 

it sucks when your own MIL is PASing against you.  

ndc's picture

What kind of sick grandmother would say something to her grandchildren that is almost certain to hurt them?  I'm amazed that your husband hasn't read her the riot act.   At this point, I wouldn't say a word to her.  That's your husband's job, and if he's too lily-livered to stand up to his mother, it's still not your job.  What I would do is tell the kids that what grandma told them is silly and wrong, and of course the new baby won't replace them.  Then do your best to *show* them that.  

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

"Ill stop pointing it out when she ceases her reprehensible behavior. Until then, I expect you to have a very frank and final discussion with her about what she said to the skids. This baby isnt even born yet and shes already trying to turn his/her siblings against him/her.She is starting a lifelong war among your children. How do you feel about that?"

momjeans's picture

Grandparents that engage in this sort of behavior are sorry sacks of human flesh. I’d point out to Grammy that you’re well aware of her hurtful words and then send her off into the corner for a looooooong time out to think about what she has done. 

Spoiler: Chances are she’s not going to care and will continue this behavior indefinitely.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Grandparents that engage in this sort of behavior are TOXIC. I do not allow toxic people in my life. You may not be able to completely cut toxic MIL out of your unborn baby's life, but you can certainly cut it waaaaaaay down.

momjeans's picture

I sometimes wish DH’s mother would have come in hot with me, right out of the gate, but she didn’t. Never having engaged with a MIL like her, I was clueless of her intentions. Those YEARS of my life - I will never get back.

OP, this person is showing you right out of the gate she’s crazy and divisive and irrational. Believe her.