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Am I a wicked step mom?

RedFlame's picture

I believe in fair discipline. When I first met DH, he allowed SD9 to do whatever she wanted, even interrupting with adult conversation, where I had to step back & allow the CHILD to finish talking. WTF ? I am the one who has inforced respect in our home and for her to learn responsibility, and there are consequences for not doing what is asked of you.

My MIL had a massive fight with me in January because I need to come down to SD9 level, and she comes from a home where her BM doesn't care about her. I expect her to behave like a 30 year old. Aaah NO! I expect her to behave a like a Human being not some animal! to have respect for herself & her elders, speak decently, have manners. Stop eating with her hands & use a knife and fork! how is that wanting her to behave like a 30 year old? Rather her have some discipline, some morals than none at all.

I am the only one who seems to see what a complete Brat SD9 is growing up to be. We have caught her out lieing to us repeatedly, making up stories to get attention.
Bullying other kids at school. When I came along, I never tolerated SD9 to speak to my MIL with such disrespect. Only when I put my foot down, did MIL realize it was wrong, and put a stop to it as well. As she always allowed her grand child to treat her anyway she pleased. Thinking it's a joke.

MIL never tolerates any other family to be disrespectful to her or her parents. Yet she allows her grand child to do it. Double standards no doubt !

Funny thing is, even though I am strict with SD9. I am the one she trusts. Time and again she comes to ME with things that bother her, like her being bullied at school. Fear of losing her Dad. No one else bothered to even speak to her to find out why she was upset. She comes to me out of her own to tell me when she's upset. If i was doing SUCH A BAD JOB, why does she trust me and no-one else??

MIL Suck IT !


Pinki3663's picture

I cannot stand being interrupted and do not interrupt others. I think this is very important. The skids do it constantly and while my SO doesn't interrupt me when we are at his parents house I see where this behavior comes from. SO, his mother and his father are basically screaming over one another..none of them listening to what the other is saying. This isn't even arguing this is normal conversation for the three of them. It gives me a headache. When the Skids do it I correct them and SO wouldn't dare do this to me.

I think this is a very important social skill for kids to learn and needs to be addressed immediately. Unless your DH wants you SD to grow up without friends due to lack of self control that is. Then he can deal with the train wreck that is bound to happen when she is a teenager and continues to talk over people with no regard to their feelings.

RedFlame's picture

I agree with you, Children need to learn courtesy for others.
Already SD bullies other kids to do what SHE wants, then complains because the children dont want to play with her.

Thank you for your comment Smile

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

You are not wrong at all. I am the same exact way, with all of these kiddos, mine included BUT SS8 is somehow "allowed" to talk whenever he wants (over me), eat what he wants, come over here, when he wants, watch TV, when he wants, jump on my furniture, lie about not knowing what time it is to his dad, take off to another street to play on, without telling anyone, oh yes, and is failing every subject in school. 2nd grade.

Can't eat with a fork, can't bathe, etc... All because his bios are in a pissing contest with one another and are too busy worrying about how SS8 "feels", because he was the poor, poor kiddo of yet another freaking divorce... boo-hoo. So was I, and my eldest lost his dad to CANCER. Do we get pampered, hell no.

Anyway, you are to be admired. Kudos. Smile