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Am I a wicked step mom?

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I believe in fair discipline. When I first met DH, he allowed SD9 to do whatever she wanted, even interrupting with adult conversation, where I had to step back & allow the CHILD to finish talking. WTF ? I am the one who has inforced respect in our home and for her to learn responsibility, and there are consequences for not doing what is asked of you.

Step Daughter - Spoilt Brat

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I was brought up to respect your elders, have manners, be grateful for what you receive.

SD9, had no manners, she frowns at me when I ask her to thank DH for supper. Or if he does anything for her. She has a "expect" attitude, that everything she wants or needs will be given. Bio Mom buys SD9 with material things, she isn't "present" in her life. Then expects to be given the same by us.

There is No Thank You's, No Please, Snatches things when it is given to her.

Step Daughter has Serious Issues

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The last couple weekends we've had my Step daughter come and stay with us. I have noticed she is Extremely insecure. She will Run as fast as she can when we get out the car to run to her dad & hold his hand. This passed weekend, every time I held DH hand, SD9 would grab his other hand. If I let go, she would let go. If was talking, she would wait until I am ending my sentence & jump in and say something, on and on it would go. If i was finished with what I was telling my DH. SD9 would say nothing.