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WOW BM #1!!! Just when I think she is at her worst she pulls another WHOPPER out of her *ss!!!!!!!!!

buterfly_2011's picture

So SO has been paying on credit cards that he and BM racked up since 2007. He has been paying $243 every month for 5 years. He still has one year left on them. He also paid off their loan they took out on one of their many houses (13,000) and he took care of misc doctors and dentist bills. Yet she always seems to find something to say he hasn't paid for.... evidently when she takes the skids to the doctor or dentist these days she never pays the co-pays or the balance OR lets SO know that there is a balance. All the mail for these current bills are going to her home. Well a few of these medical bills have gone into collections. And of course collection agency's get everyone's address. This past week SO work was served with garnishment papers. BM #1 called all the collection agency's that had balances from previous bills for medical and gave them SO work place number and address, letting these places know she was unemployed and getting by on ONLY her CS. They also had a home together that they let go into forclosure when they divorced. Neither could afford the $1400 house payment. I'm not really sure what happened regarding that issue as I didn't know him then but when they seperated she told him she wanted the house. That her and her BF could afford it. So he moved out and got an apartment. After a few months of living there she neglected to pay the morgage. WHICH SO forked over the $3000 to pay the back payment. Only to have BM move out. Long story short they let it go into forclosure. I know this isn't responsible and I'm not saying he did a great thing by letting this happen but I think there are many people right now in the same boat. WELL this week along with that garnishment the people who hold the loan for his house began calling his work. Up to three times a day. So she has also called them and informed them of where he works. Then she has the balls to call our home and tell us again he isn't giving her enough money. That he isn't supporting his kids. And now her BF has to get a second job JUST so they can survive. OMG how about YOU get a job BITCH! I am so furious. She claims all the clothes SD17 gets (the miss me jeans the true religion jeans) she doesn't pay for and has no idea where they come from OR they are all second hand clothing because SO doesn't give her enough to be able to purchase school clothes. Yet just yesterday SD posted a pic on FB showing her GREAT buys at the mall this week. And wouldn't you know it there is a pair of $150 jeans in the picture... along with about $200 worth of ONE pair of shoes, perfume, a shirt and sunglasses. Like I have said all along this is WHY there isn't enough money for ALL THREE KIDS.... $350 on one outfit for SD17 is BULLSHIT.

I can't wait for our attorney to blow this bitch up. We are yet again going before a judge. Contempt of court for one. And somebody needs to tell her in detail that CS is for all the things she keeps calling us to give extra money for. And now that there are garnishments on his check we seriously don't have ANYTHING extra. Hell he isn't even going to get a check now.

Funny how she lies to the state collects over a 1000 in Food Stamps and I turn her ass in and she STILL gets away with it but yet here we are trying to do all the right things and getting burned every time we turn around. I am at a loss of what to do now. I understand he can't hide from back bills that the two of them shared. And I know people must pay their bills. But when is she going to become accountable for HER part?

We had planned on getting SKIDS some school clothes to "help" her out even though she is getting a GOD awful amount of CS. And we have had the skids for TWO MONTHS and she is still getting it. But not now. I will NOT give a single penny to that bitch. I have bought skids their unders for the summer and some shorts etc and we bought half of their school supplies and I feel that that is itself TOO MUCH. There is no way in hell we are giving her any more then what the CS order says for anything anymore. My foot is down. And if he even asks me to lift it an inch I am done.

My life with my kids is simple. there is no drama. And I am more than willing to be done with this freaken nightmare if he doesn't stand firm with her.


TASHA1983's picture

I know the gets 230.00 a wk for ONE kid from my BF. She has 5 kids with 4 different men and we KNOW all of that money DOES NOT pay for his one kid he has with her!!! Then she also has the nerve to ask for BF to help pay for S10 to play hockey and also she tells us that she gave skid 10 or 11 dollars for a book fair at his school and told us that skid would ask for some more money for the book fair from BF!!!

I told him flat out...YOU GIVE THAT BITCH 230 per week and you and I BOTH know that it doesnt take 230 per week to pay for their one kid together...that fucking money pays for HER AND HER OTHER SPAWNS TOO!!! So my BF no longer gives her ONE RED CENT more then that 230.00 per week that is COURT ORDERED!!!

I am telling you right now....DO NOT EVER fork over a penny more then is written in your court order!!! That money that he pays is to pay for those kids needs/wants etc. PERIOD!!!

You are NOT obligated or responsible to pay anything more unless you have it in writing...anything that you pay her above the CS is a CHOICE!!!

My BF doesnt give that bitch a penny more then 230.00 as per the court order and you can believe it is going to stay that way as long as I am with him...and thankfully my wonderful BF agrees!!!!

stepsonhatesme's picture

My question, is why is HE paying all the back bills? Dont they usually seperate those in the divorce decree? I know in my divorce, I had to pay the bills in my name and XH paid ones in his name. We had one vehicle in both our name and were ordered to split the amount in half. I paid MY half and told them where to find him to get their other half.

buterfly_2011's picture

He paid them because they were all going into collections and he was worried about them. She forgets all he paid for. She is too busy calling about misc bills....... like her running out to buy socks or underwear..... she forgets he paid the 13,000 for a loan they took out and the two credit card bills that were over 10,000 and the misc medical bills. she so freaken greedy she won't pay a $20 co-pay. She instead lets them go into collections. He pays them well because they are both responsible. AND with her giving all his work info to these collection agencies they of course will go after the person with the job. They don't care if they made the bills together.
It's just straight up BULLSHIT on her part.

Journey1982's picture

Buterfly...Its all BS. My SO is in the same sistuation. He is paying all the bills totaling more than $80,000 - not incuding the mortgage. His ex took out a personal loan for $25K and ran up a credit card totalling $25K while they were married that he didn't know about. He got stucking paying everything. They both had a home equity loan for $25,000 - he has to pay back on top of paying over $3,000.000 amonth for CS for 1 child and alimony. His ex was always telling him he owed 1/2 for anything she purchased for their child(I finally told him to stop paying anything extra because it wasn't court ordered) As a result is credit (and hers too) is no good. In the divorce he got the house (he doesn't have to buy her out - but in a way he already has) but he was ordered to refinance the house within 2 years of the divorce to remove her name. Now he only has 2 months left to refinance the house and his credit is so bad no bank will give him a loan. His ex just told him that he better get her name off the house because she is tired of him "screwing her over." WTF. She walked way from the marriage with no debt but is always complaining she has no money. I wonder why - she buys coach purses, she bought a new $40K car; goes on nice vacations. Luckly he only has 17 more months of CS and alimony left. So if she thinks she is broke now, wait until her income drops $40,000 a year.