Just SO angry.
I went for a run...
it didn't work. I am SO angry. I can't breathe. EVERYONE around me is driving me so insane I just want to move to Alaska...or fake my death and start over somewhere.
I have MY own issues to deal with right now. I need a vacation. We've had many deaths in the family in the last 4 years and I feel like I NEED to grieve. On top of that - my parents divorce is crushing me. NEVER saw that happening. A really good friend is slowly losing their battle to cancer and I just lost my uncle a month ago. I have INSANE FMIL driving me crazy and she never shows any compassion for anything I am going through - when my uncle died she simply said {Oh well...it was God's will} - I don't matter - only her grandchild do. If I don't spend time with them I am selfish - if I spend too much time with them she reminds me I am NOT their mother - I feel like it's the same with the "not-so-DH." The kids have been here 3 nights a week...the other 4 days he works - he works days I work nights - we NEVER see eachother. And now BM wants us to keep them for a whole week in August so she can go on some vacation. I don't get a vacation ever...it's work work work and taking care of HER kids. I don't know what I would do if they were with us full-time anymore...I've talked about it before and was positive about it but I just can't give up my ME time when I don't have any now as it is! I can't even use the bathroom without them talking to me through the damn door. They share a room with us - can't afford rent yet...probably never...I'll never finish school- I feel suffocated. UGHHHH! DH bows down to BM. SHE is moving these girls AGAIN back into baby daddy's house - his nieve, dumb, self drives me insane - she has cheated on him twice...and he's letting her MOVE back in. The girls asked me today if I would buy them some back to school clothes - I said I can't - DH agreed he'd get them like 2 new pairs of jeans, two pairs of shoes, and some new tops - which is fine - but they tried to tell me their mother has NO money - she can't even buy them a pack of gum...this dumb bitch just got a new tattoo - why don't these kids understand yet that these things cost money! These girls are smart - they HAVE to know their mother spends plenty on herself- and their money is being spent on her and not them! COME ONNNN!!!! I'm JUST SO OVER ALL OF THIS...I feel like if I could go back 5 years - I would have stayed FAR away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish I had a drinking habit or smoked the reefer! I know that's terrible BUT I need an outlet - my usual jogging, crafting, reading, usual does it but NOTHING is working.
Does anyone else EVER feel like they just want to spontaneously combust? I am like the most stable person ever. And this is just ALL too much for me now. Any time I mention staying at my house in my own room or with my gram DH freaks out and acts like I am never coming back! His mother has convinced him that once I walk out the door I won't come back...which is what she wants...THESE people are crazy.
- unbelieveable's blog
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I think you need a
I think you need a break...Take it before you have a breakdown. DH will get over it...
Thank you everyone. Someone
Thank you everyone. Someone mentioned the outlets...and yes, you're right. He cannot coomunicate at all. He's terrible at it and tunes out everything I have to say and twists it around. I asked about couples counseling and he thinks it's a joke.
We learned tonight BM is NOT taking the girls on vacation with her baby daddy and his entire family- including other children due to lack of space. Look for my next post...I'm typing a letter. I have to get it out. I'm pissed and I don't care what HE or FMIL says anymore. I'm done with all of their bullshit!
As for the 5 year not so DH...he's a great guy- but sometimes I hate him so much. As I mentioned before/ if I could go back I would. I'm starting to feel like he and I have lost our love and we're together faking it because the girls don't need anymore turmoil in their lives. I mentioned this and again...I'm crazy.