SD's likely going to have a miserable afternoon. Hahahahaha. (smidge long, so I apologize for that ^_^)
Ah. Peace and quiet. SO and SD are out on their father-daughter day and I'm left in the blissful peace and quiet without any tension or stress oozing forth from that little troll of a child.
So why I am laughing? Well, because I know SD is going to have a pretty miserable time out with SO. For starters, it's hot as anything today and she's a whiner. She's going to whine the entire time that she's hot and uncomfortable. Now, if SD hadn't been acting like an ass towards me this entire visit, I would have suggested that SO take my car, the one that has AC, so they would both be more comfortable. But, since she's chosen to be an ass, he's taking his car. No AC and leather seats. Hahahaha. Unfortunately, it also means SO will be uncomfortable, too, but, at least he'll have a good response when she whines for the umpteenth time: "yea, SD, I know it's hot, I'm suffering, too."
She's also going to be whiney because SO is not spending any money on her with this trip out and about. He found something free to do and he made SD pack a cooler full of snacks and water. SD equates love and happiness to stuff that has been purchased, and SO isn't giving her any stuff. He's giving her an experience. And oh, boy what an experience it will be! He's going to be having a nice talk with her that will basically equate to "Cut the sh*t, kid, and cut it NOW".
Just to fill everyone in, last night, SD stayed up till at least 2:00AM. She was sneaking around the apartment, up to something. What she was up to, I don't know, but, she got caught in the act around 12:30 when I left my bedroom and found her in the kitchen. Now, one might think "oh, she was just getting a drink or a snack." Not quite. In our apartment, we have a door that connects the front and back of the apartment which I keep open unless it is a really hot day and we are trying to keep the front of the house cool. I never shut it at night because of the dog and cat. They like to come in and out of my bedroom at will and neither one of them seems able to figure out how to open the door even when it isn't latched. So, rather than shut it, I am in the habit of leaving it open when I go to bed so that I'm not being woken up by meowing or a dog scratching at the door. When I went to bed, I also turned off all of the electronic devices and lights in the front of the apartment (save for the laundry room light that SD left on); the tv, the ac unit, the standing fan, all of the other lights.
At around 12:30, the cable went out, and I told SO. He asked me to go check the TV in the living room while he searched online for any information about an outage in the area, so, I did. I immediately knew something was amiss when I saw that the door that connects the front and back of the apartment was closed. Like, secure closed. Not just closed over. So, I pushed it open and found out, gee, the AC unit was on, too. I turn that off every night before I go to bed because, honestly, there's no reason to cool the entire apartment when we have window units in our bedrooms. That just wastes electricity. Suddenly, I hear a noise in the kitchen and see a soft light coming from the fridge. It was SD, sneaking around. I wanted so badly to scream at her to "get the f*ck out of the kitchen and go to bed!", but, I didn't. Instead, I just went to check the TV and went outside, making plenty of noise. She obviously wasn't sleeping so I'm not being rude if I slam a door or two behind me on my way out to the porch for a cigarette :). The only positive of her being up that late was that she did turn the laundry room light off, but, I know she didn't go right to bed because that little snot didn't get up until noon today, and, things in the living room and on the dining room table had been moved around since I was last in the room when I woke up this morning. I went to bed at two and slept until ten. So she was obviously up later than I was because she only sleeps about 8 hours a night. Probably hoping that she would sleep as long as SO sleeps so she could avoid me.
I think she was doing something else other than getting a drink or a snack because she went to great lengths to ensure that I wouldn't hear her in the front of the apartment. Which is stupid because sound does not travel through our apartment at all. She would know that if she ever listened to a damn thing SO or I said, but, hey. Set yourself up to be caught, there, SD. Haha. There really was no need for her to shut the door or turn the AC on because I didn't even hear her leave her bedroom and it is RIGHT NEXT TO MINE. SO and I think she was probably either going to play on her laptop, watch TV, or try to play my Xbox. But, he's not going to push for an explanation because neither of us will believe her anyway and it will be some really lame excuse anyway.
I had notified SO earlier in the evening that I knew she was still up when it was almost midnight as her room light was still on. He said that he would talk to her about it today, but, I talked him out of it because I think it would make me look like an asshole to her. Because, honestly? How else would SO know she was up past her bedtime if I didn't tell him? But, when I caught her in the kitchen, I texted him and told him what was up. I then told him that I no longer cared about looking like an asshole to SD because she was making herself out to be a shady little brat and it was pissing me off. And, so, SO will be having the "Cut the sh*t, kid" talk with her today because he's sick of it.
He's tired of her flagrant disobedience when she's left here with me by herself. He's tired of the fact that she only marginally obeys him when he's here. He's tired of her disrespecting me, the dog, the cat, him, and her mother. He's tired of her willful attitude of "I'm so awesome I can do no wrong! yay, me! But, you suck and nothing you do is right! Boo, you!" I told him that the weekends alone with her have got to improve or stop because they are stressing me the hell out. He's apologetic for the misery that he has ever inflicted upon me, he's also apologetic for the misery his child is inflicting on me. His child is not apologetic and she sees nothing wrong with the way that she is behaving. I told him that that is a huge difference between them. I know that when he's here, there's someone here who cares about me and who would do something if anything were to happen to me. But with her? I don't think she would help me if I needed it, even pre-disengagement, I really doubt she would have helped. In fact, I think she's far more likely to lock me out of the apartment one of these days were any of her brain cells capable of rubbing together to spur that thought in her head. I told him that it is incredibly stressful to be home alone with someone who really doesn't care about you or your well being and is only concerned about themselves. I know this sounds whiney, but, let me briefly explain that I have a couple of known medical conditions plus there is something else wrong with me that I have been getting tests for. I have IBD and postural hypotension and, since May I've had chronic nausea when I eat or drink anything. Some days I'm OK, some days I am a lifeless lump on the couch. That is why it stresses me out when I know I'm stuck in a house with a child who only cares about herself. Because, if it came down to it and I had a medical situation arise, I'd have to get SO to come home from work to help me because I know she would do nothing.
I also told SO that this all pisses me off because it makes me empathic about GUBM's situation. I highly doubt SD is saving all the suck-ass behavior for us. I'm almost certain she is treating her mom poorly, too, and that is not fair. GUBM sucks, but, she doesn't deserve to be treated this way. NOBODY deserves to be treated this way. I can't stand it when other people do things that cause me to feel things for/about GUBM other than "haha, loser".
He has hope that SD will, one day, get it and will understand why she's in the wrong for being a troll. And that maybe, one day, she will start caring about people other than herself. I have no hope because she has shown no signs that she gets her own part in all of this.
Although, I will wrap this all up by saying good for SO this afternoon because, as they were leaving, he made her say goodbye to me. SO told her, verbatim "And, YOU, it is time to start showing you have manners, so you have to say goodbye to her." She said it in a very quiet, meek manner, but, she said it.
I hope she has a miserable time this afternoon. And I hope SO lays it on real thick about how disappointed he is with her choices to behave in such an assy way.
- attempting_to_maintain_composure's blog
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I wonder if she gets her
I wonder if she gets her shitty attitude from her friends? Boys can be lazy and thick as pig-shit but girls can be downright evil.
Sounds like LIttle Miss Prissy needs to spend some time doing volunteer work. And when she gets home and bitches about the heat just tell her "And this is why we are grateful we HAVE Air Con. Imagine what it would be without it ... which could happen if the power goes out." As for tonight (if she is there) set up a booby trap for her. I would leave my shoes at the bottom of the stairs and various children related to me by blood or marriage would fall over them as they sneaked in or out.
I know part of her piss poor
I know part of her piss poor attitude comes from the bad example that GUBM sets for her. And from the fact that for the first 10-11 years of her life, both SO and GUBM treated her like she farts rainbows and sunshine; like she can do no wrong and spoiled the ish out of her.
I'm sure a lot of it comes from her friends, too. I remember once, back in 2010, she was supposed to be cleaning her room in SO's townhouse that we used to live in and, rather than clean, she was standing in my bedroom door bitching to me about SO and GUBM always wanting to spend time with her and do things with her (oh HEAVENS NO! NOT THAT! *gasp!*) and she referred to them as "middle-class fun". When I asked her to explain she said that it was because they didn't buy her the BEST stuff and that they always wanted to do stuff with her rather than buy her gifts and leave her alone. *SMH* And this was a 10 year old that had an Xbox, a Wii, the newest DS, Heely sneakers, and the best clothes from Kohls. But, yea, they didn't buy her the best stuff *eyeroll*
Oh, I'm totally planning on booby trapping the apartment somehow tonight. We don't have stairs in our apartment, except for what goes up into the attic and what brings us up into the apartment from the street. But. I think I might strategically place some of our dog's toys around in places that she'll surely stub her toe or trip. She'll likely be too focused on sneaking around to notice the giant dog toys on the floor (we have a Saint Bernard, so, large dog, large toys). I'm sure I'll think of something good to get her if she decides to sneak around tonight. Especially if it is something as innocuous as a dog toy that would be lying around anyway - maybe his bone...he has a giant durachew nylabone that is rock solid and rough in the spots where he chews on it. I stub my toes on that bone all the time and it smarts.
She didn't! OMG! She bitched
She didn't! OMG! She bitched about her parents being 'middle class'? Nothing is wrong with middle class sweetie. It counts for MOST of the country.
It reminds me of when my OSS told me we were 'poor' because DH and I didn't live in * neighbourhood. I reminded him his mother didn't either and his response was 'Well mom only has HER income. YOu have 2 incomes into this house." Excuse me? He thought DH and I were raking it in hand over fist because we were BOTH working? So therefore we should move into the most expensive neighbourhood JUST so he has a snooty address?
The crazy thing is he only uses his mother's address. And I dropped income potential by 2/3s when I moved here.
The kid was ashamed of our home (which is a LOT newer and bigger than his mothers home. She has a modest little place and she is an excellent housekeeper.) because we didn't dream big enough for his liking.
I know! I can't even begin to
I know! I can't even begin to unpack that whole scenario to this day. And when she said that, I couldn't say anything, my jaw was on the floor. SO thought it was "cute" when I told him and I still don't get why he thought it was adorable for his daughter to flat out insult him in that manner. He works HARD to provide her with the things she needs AND wants. And all she can do is bitch about it? Damn. I think my reaction should have been to take her to a soup kitchen and show her that what she bitches about is something that some people DREAM about.
How on earth did your SS develop such an attitude about where you and DH live? Simply because you both work? Man, what is with the entitlement and snobbery of these kids??
HAAA! You are cracking me up!
HAAA! You are cracking me up! I can't wait to hear the outcome. What do you think she was up to? in the kitchen, that is?
I wish my SO would stand up to SD. She is really rude to me and has barely spoken to me for the past few weeks -- mostly because (I think) BM is with another loser live-in who doesn't work and is a total fng free loader. She, BM, showed up at SOs house with the kids two weeks ago, crying saying she couldn't stay with him, he was mistreating her....URGGGGG...keep in mind, the guy was in HER house. WTF. I told my SO if he let her do that I was done and g-o-n-e! He came to my house and let her stay two nights....she's so damn crazy! Oh, the guy was leaving last Friday. she was gonna let him drive her car to Oregon -- we are on the east coast! My SO has to protect his kids, I get it....but this crap is absurd! Well, guess what, BM went right back to that dumass boyfriend. He ain't a bit more going to leave his free ride than I am gonna take wings and fly!
Oh, I think she was looking
Oh, I think she was looking for food because that's all she does now is eat. She's growing all the time and that's what adolescents do is eat, eat, eat. We have realized, with this visit, that somehow, some way, GUBM does provide for SD. She keeps a roof over SD's head, SD is well fed (in other words, she's gotten a little chunk to her, which is no big deal as it at least gives us a visual representation of how well she's being fed at home), and she has nothing but clothes that fit her this trip, unlike the last trip where she had nothing but tight ass, old clothes that were at least two years old.
If I was your SO, I would have taken the kids and told BM to go find a motel or another family member to stay with, especially if she was going to let that loser take her car across the country. I too get that he has to protect his kids, but, the frick does he have to protect BM for?? And, anyway, what a weird-ass BM. "Oh! he's mistreating me *sobs* but I'm letting him take my car to Oregon!" Really?
Yeah, the car that isn't paid
Yeah, the car that isn't paid for yet!! How insane is that!! Really, the only reason I haven't packed out is bc he really is a great guy suffering from the guilty dad syndrome! He's making progress but it's slow! He is also headed overseas for a bit in the fall.
Is she doing the emotional eating thing?
WHAT!!! That is sooooo crazy!
WHAT!!! That is sooooo crazy! I wouldn't even let a crappy SO take off in my bought and paid for car, I certainly wouldn't let one do it in a car that isn't paid for yet! That's bat-crap crazy right there! My SO once suffered from guilty-daddy syndrome, too. It took a while, and some good counseling, but I think he's gotten it mostly licked. Now he just has a few occasional flare-ups here and there, but, he's more apt to recognize them himself and sort it out with me rather than fight me on them.
Hm, it's quite possible that SD is eating her emotions. I just wouldn't know because she never shares her emotions with me outside of the "You suck, AtMC" snotty rudeness range.
She met this guy online and
She met this guy online and one month later, he proposed, she accepted and he moved in with his 15 year old son. We checked his criminal record and found a 50-B (DV protection order)filed by his other baby's (2yrs) mother! I met the creep one time and the hair on the back of my neck stood up! She is desperate for a man. She worked like hell to get my SO back and I damn near walked out. She tells SD I am the reason they didn't get back together. Hell, their marriage was over years before we met and he had been separated for 1.5 years before I ever even met him!
Just a thought -- but if she is stressed and emotional eating, that might tip her over the edge? What's her mom like?
Damn. Some people just don't
Damn. Some people just don't have sense, huh?
It could be emotional eating, but, it could just be hungry growing kid or it could just be bored child. She has had the habit of eating when bored in the past, which, I guess could be related to emotional eating? I don't know. I can't really say because she doesn't talk to me anymore which suits me JUST fine ^_^
GUBM. Well, it's hard to discern what she's really like anymore because SO doesn't interact with her now except to ask if she has cashed a CS check or to arrange visits. It is especially hard to know how she is towards SD because SD lies and makes up stories. She's also gotten into the nasty habit of playing SO against GUBM and vice versa. That's not a new habit by any means, it's something she picked up long ago when SO and GUBM were still together. If you listen to the way SD tells it, GUBM is unreasonable and punishes her all the time for no good reason. This is usually what she pulls out when SO is in the middle of telling her how she misbehaved and disappointed him.
SD also is a fan of attacking personal character when it comes to GUBM (and everyone else for that matter). For instance, we had gnocchi for dinner the other night and SD made a snide remark about how GUBM had purchased it once and it was a "crappy organic brand that tasted like chalk" and GUBM sucked for buying that one. SD also suffers from acne on her forehead, and, GUBM bought her a natural acne treatment. Rather than tell me or SO that the product GUBM bought didn't work and was probably not the best choice, she attacked GUBM's personal character, again, by saying that her mom was stupid for buying it. Now, she probably doesn't know better than to do this because this is a GUBM move - attack the character of the individual rather than express your concerns with the real issue - but it makes it hard to discern what GUBM is really like anymore because any idea of how/who she is is tainted by 12-year old venom.
Now, I'm not one to stand up for GUBM regularly, but, I am inclined to think that SD isn't saving all of her nasty just for when she's with us. I'm certain she's doling some of it out to GUBM, too. I'm pretty positive that SD just doesn't understand why her mom punishes her for things and doesn't realize what she did that was wrong. And I do not doubt that GUBM avoids telling SD what's wrong and rather just doles out the consequences and that's that. Of course, SD also claims to not know what's wrong when she gets in trouble, here, either, even though SO goes to great lengths to try and explain it to her in a way that she understands. She likes to make up stories, too, and is a consistent liar. This makes it very hard for either one of us to discern what is true and what is untrue of what she reports about her home life.
Basically, what I think it all boils down to is that SO and GUBM treated her like a precious little gem that could do no wrong. They spoiled SD and GUBM never, ever corrected her or let SO correct her. GUBM found it easier living with other people, because, then she could just get SD out of her hair by shoving her off onto people, television, video games, or the internet if need be. But, GUBM moved away and into a place where it was just she and SD. And then it all started to crumble. GUBM realized how unsustainable it was to raise a child to think she was perfect and had to start parenting her. SD was blind-sided because it went from a situation where mom thought she was awesome and could do no wrong to a situation where, suddenly, SD was a mere mortal, capable of mistakes it would seem. But, GUBM must just have unreasonable standards, because SD is clearly perfect. And, as she is in the throes of puberty, she's already questioning herself as it is and it is just getting worse because, on top of her trying to find out who she really is, she has these...people...telling her how the way she is acting is not acceptable. And, since SD is used to the personal attacks of character, she thinks that these are personal attacks against HER character. She feels that SO, GUBM, and I are all judging her based off of her misbehaviors. Perhaps GUBM is, but, SO and I go to painstaking lengths to make sure that SD knows that it is the behavior and not the person we have a problem with. But, if all she knows is to attack one's character...and that's all she does, how could she think differently when a parent tries to correct/guide her?
Wow, that's very long. I apologize haha.
No worries. It always helps
No worries. It always helps to vent and lay it all out! The kid learned that behavior from somewhere. Does BM resent SO for being with you. When did she (SD) decide she didn't like you?
Sometimes I'd like to be a fly on the wall and see what really goes on in BMs house or rather, the bs she feeds the kids. She has taught them to lie to us about all kinds of crap!! Raisin' up some fine youngsters in all her drama and chaos! I am about at wits end with the stupidity. SD loves her loser bf! WTF? I have been nothing but nice for 41/2 years and now she treats me like crap. I am going into ignore and disengage more oreo icecream cakes for you, turd!
I think GUBM resents SO for
I think GUBM resents SO for getting on with his life and being happy. She ended the relationship and expected him to be miserable, but, he moved on and was happy. I know that with both her and SD, it wouldn't matter if it was me or anyone else in my position. They would be disliked.
SD started disliking me around the time that SO and I moved into his townhouse together in 2010 because she blamed me for a lot of things that changed. Then it was mainly that SO put rules and expectations into place for her. Now it is that coupled with the fact that she's no longer the center of the universe when she visits.
And, yea, I disengaged very recently because I was tired of putting myself out there with SD and having her snap back at me like I was evil.
Ah, to be a fly on the wall at GUBM's haha.
HAAA!! Good for you! No AC,
HAAA!! Good for you! No AC, leather seats, snacks! I hope he stands up for you and the situation improves! SDs are a piece of work!
They really are a piece of
They really are a piece of work, especially when they're at this age. I'm grateful that SO agreed that he should take his car. Because I told him "Listen, SO, no offense to you, but, you need to take your car on your outing today." I was ready for him to ask to use my car, but, he agreed with me that SD deserves to sweat at least a little bit haha.
How old is SD? Mine is 15 and
How old is SD? Mine is 15 and she is just like her damn drama queen mama!! Does she ever ask her dad questions about you while you are in the room? - Like you are not there?
She's only 12. She's
She's only 12.
She's actually a lot sneakier about her scummy behavior now. She talks behind backs, never to someone's face. So she asks SO questions/talks about me when they're alone, never when she's in the same room as me.
If she did, I doubt SO would stand for it because he's become very protective of me when it comes to SD and her bull.
HAHAHAHA I actually have
HAHAHAHA I actually have fishing line in my craft stash! It's good for making beaded jewelry AND for tripping sneaky, shady ass SDs!![Biggrin](
I was thinking the same
I was thinking the same thing!! FISHING LINE! Tie one end to something that will fall and go "BANG" so SO will get up and bust her!!
I've got some relatively
I've got some relatively cheap pots that SO and I use to make our own laundry detergent - yay skin sensitivities! - that I could probably tie one end to. conveniently, we have a book case right in our dining room next to the door that leads to the bedrooms in the back of our apartment. I could tie one end to a dining room table leg - conveniently located right across from the shelf - and tie the other to the pot and place the pot up on one of the shelves.
And, double bonus with that trap, she'd scare herself silly!