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How has ever spannked your SK?

ashleysexymama1's picture

I ask that becuse I never thought I would but I did. This weekends my SD's spend it at the BM house.we picked them up sunday night,hubby went to work monday morning. Everything was fine I asked my SD's to go clean the room and the youngest one age 4 would not help at all. I told her that if she did not help her sister she would be put in time out. She refused to help so i put her in time out.

What really threw me off, was that when I put her In time out she threw the biggest fit ever. It was reall akward becuse she never dose that at all. I mean she was kicking the door,screaming to the top of her lungs. I left her alone for a min, to see if she would calm down. When I went to tell her that she needed to stop becuse the baby ws sleeping. She kicked me and bit me in my hand.

I got so mad and I gave her one good spanking on her butt. I mean she has never done that. I told my hubby about it and he said that it was fine that I spanked her.
Im sorry but she is not going to do that to me she may do it to BM, but not to me.


ashleysexymama1's picture

That is what I said, the probelm is that when BM finds out about it ther is goihn to be BIG DRAMA. But whatver Iam the one taking fulltime care of them becuse she dose not want to be a mother. If she dont like what im doing she can watch them. HER JOB ENYWAYS

realitycheckmom's picture

I spank DD3 but I haven't had to in a long time. She has gotten over the major fits and usually counting to three is what I do and I usually only get one out before she is doing what I asked. Of course I think FDH has helped a lot. I used to give in to her a lot more before FDH because we lived in an apartment with thin walls and I didn't want the neighbors complaining or calling child services because DD has a set of lungs.

I will say I would go off on someone else spanking my kid. But that's me.

ashleysexymama1's picture

I would too. But she is not taking care of them at all, like i said if she dose not like them then she can step up and be a MOM.

Invisible Woman's picture

Will it really work? I'm willing to try anything but DH is scared to death to do anything BM could hold against him. In BM's native country, spanking is illegal. If DH admits to spanking, its the same as telling everyone that he's a child abuser and it can be used against him. But nothing else gets SS's attention. He doesn't care and I've read online that boys see spanking as something authority figures use to show they care. I don't understand it, but it's male logic. SS doesn't listen to his father at all. He doesn't respect him. Neither of them like each other. They're completely opposites. But would hitting him be the solution? I don't spank my kids. I never would want DH to spank them but there's no way to get SS to listen at all. He doesn't care about anything. Maybe he might care about pain?

stepmisery's picture

I sincerely hope you never suffer from any kind of depression and have someone think that inflicting pain on your body is the way to make you "snap out of it."

Invisible Woman's picture

Nothing else is working. He won't take his medication. He won't eat. What are we suppose to do, just let him starve to death in his room?

LemonGrassLove's picture

Sounds like she deserved it. I've spanked SS3. Most of the time SS3 doesn't get spanked since it doesn't do much to him. But if he deserves it then he gets hit HARD. I do not mess around with spankings.

Lalena75's picture

I have swatted my SO's kids butts one swat and had permission to do so they were being total brats time out hadn't worked losing privlidges hadn't worked when his son kicked me I swatted him and he sat in a chair facing the wall yhen came and apologized. His dd wasn't getting her way and is a drama queen threw herself to the ground hit my dog then tried to blame her brother who was sitting next to me when I picked her up to put her in time out she lost it and started kicking and punching me (she does this to her mom and that's usually when we get a call for SO to come control her and he telss BM you control her your her parent act like it) that child went over my knee one swat Andrea she stopped in a heartbeat and in 9 months has never pulled a stunt like that again. She still does with her mom difference is BM gives her what she wants so she can avoid the tantrum since she lives with her parents who throw the kids out whenever they get sick of them acting like brats. I swat my own when I have to it's the last resort and has to fit the behavior being worst of the worst I haven't had to use it but once on his kids and they realized I'm not a pushover and SO is usually there anyway to handle that level of bad behavior. BM actually asked me what happened and I told her she was impressed I controlled her dd. (6 yr old should never be able to bully an adult like she did)

kitty1470's picture

Yup, when SD3 (at the time) kept hitting me and SO and he did nothing about it. But the one day, SD hit me so hard in my throat I couldn't breathe so I smacked her across the face.

She never did it again.

And I'd do it again..