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rodgers6's picture

Hi everyone! I'm new here! I have 3 biological children and 1 SS. My DH and I have been married a little over 5 yrs now. When him and I were dating SS was only 18 months old. I started out trying to be very nice to his BM. However, I found out that no matter what I did she is going to be psycho forever! We have been through everything from her trying to accuse us of child abuse to try to get us not to be able to see him. Both times investigated and proven false. We have kept notes, recordings, taken pics to prove her craziness. Now after all of these years all of the yelling, manipulating, and lies have also taken a told on my SS. The last weekend we had him he told my DS3 and DS4 that my DH was going to leave and never come back. It took us almost two weeks to get my DS3 to stop crying and screaming when my DH had to leave our house. My DD4 had packed her little suitcase with her favorite blanket, two baby dolls, and her tea set in case daddy had to leave. So, she could go with him. How heartbreaking is that! It is so hard! Especially, when you want to protect your children and you feel like there is nothing you can do do help your SS! It's very frustrating!


rodgers6's picture

Thanks! We did have a talk with him and I think all of us felt better about it. So far the week has been going pretty well. Let's hope it continues.