Ok, here's an observation from a newby. I've been on this site countless times in the short week since I've joined. Never had so much fun venting my frustrations, comparing notes, and laughing my ass off from some of the freaks in the house. But, I've noticed a sharp increase in activity on Friday afternoons. It's funny, cuz some irrational children are leaving us and other's are coming home. The tension is mounting!!! I think that we should all pick a time, perhaps nine-ish...and agree to meet back here with beer, wine, or whiskey in hand and really let it rip. After the kids are asleep and the madness is just getting started for the weekend. BTW, being on here has driven my husband absolutely insane. (He's really an awesome guy.) It took him a few days to figure out what I was up to. We work from a home office, so he thought I was just really working hard! Keep your chins up!
LOL I will be taking my kids
LOL I will be taking my kids to see Jack and Jill tonight, but have fun! My bf gets his kids this wknd so it's my time to spend with my kids. THAT's why you DON'T get married until the kids are gone!
I think it's an excellent
I think it's an excellent idea, duct_tape. This is a skid-free weekend for me, but I might just peek in to see what you're up to anyhow
Yeah, breakin' hearts and
Yeah, breakin' hearts and bashin' heads is what Ima be doin'. And changin' diapers.
I do love coming here on
I do love coming here on Sunday nights to see what everyone wrote about their skids over the weekend. I love the funny posts. Not that what happens is funny, but how they are written, or the way the writing is done sometimes is freakin hilarious. Some of you should be writers!
You see, I have the best of
You see, I have the best of all worlds. Let's see...
I have two teenage daughters who are awesome, awesome and love sd like he's the one.
A teenage son, who has two kids, lives in the city, goes to college, has a live in-gf who drives him nuts but I love her. He's spoiled rotten, by yours truly and worries me constantly. He's nineteen and has lived a lifetime already.
A 22 yr old son who's married, with a daughter. He's my sunshine, adore his smile. Lives on his own.
A 23 yr old daughter who just grad from college. She's a vet with two new jobs and independent as hell. Lives on her own.
A 2o yr old ss who is the biggest thorn in my side. Ignores me, until he wants something. Disregard the entire family, spoiled beyond all reason. Father in complete denial about this boys core character. Up until recently, we paid all his bills. Comes home occasionally just to "work" for extra money and ignore everyone.
A husband I adore more than oxygen.
AND a seventeen month old daughter who is a funny freakin' clown who rocks my world. Who also happens to have vicious ADHD.
The weekends are very very exciting around here.
Oh, I forgot to mention the
Oh, I forgot to mention the three hundred pounds of doggie in the back yard, the rat named Owen lurking around all five thousand square feet of my house, and the two grand-dogs and one grand-kitty who accompany the kids homecoming visits on the weekend. We have a total head count of living creatures on the weekends of.....eighteen!!! Thats alot of dishes.
Awesome, Awesome!!! Drinks
Awesome, Awesome!!! Drinks for seven!
Boo for me...I hate the
Boo for me...I hate the weekends. SD11 usually has a bunch of kids over who are given full run of the house and I have to clean up after them. Unfortunately EOW is not an option for me
Oh no! You need to line those
Oh no! You need to line those kids up when the party's over and give 'em trash bags. Jeez, why do we let this crap go over on us! I'll bet those monsters horns would dull a bit with a little liquid love! Let ur old man watch 'em.
Before my ss20 moved out to
Before my ss20 moved out to go to college, he would have friends over every single night. DID I MENTION EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!!!! Stay up and make noise like a bunch of Jackasses. Then drink in my house, throw cigg butts over the balcony to our back yard, raid the kitchen and sleep till three pm. Then wake up, raid the kitchen again, (usually fried chicken) OMG I'm getting pissed just thinking about it. Grease every where. Then I would bust my dh in the kitchen cleaning up after his punk kid. Lazy little sob.
My poor husband, weak man, would feel so much in the middle. But, eventually you have to draw the line...with a butcher knife!
I dunno ladies...I hate the
I dunno ladies...I hate the house being trashed. I really can't stand it when it is like that. DH does clean up after them sometimes but it is really bad...they do this on a pretty regular basis.¤t=...
It has literally made me cry....
I would make them PAY me to
I would make them PAY me to clean that up! Yep! no questions asked, just take it out of their allowance. "I get $20 if you don't have this cleaned up by the morning!" And if they can afford it charge $100, if I'm going to be a maid, I get paid!
Great idea duct_tape...but can't make it tonight
hope you have a great time!
(No subject)
:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:
What is wrong with us these
What is wrong with us these days. Our kids are learning that they can trample all over us and there are no consequences. That is insane!
Take a pic of your clean kitchen. Then tell them it's all theirs. And you want it back in the same condition as the picture. That's easy enuf??? Right??? No??? God you need a drink.
Why yes I do believe I do
Why yes I do believe I do need a drink....sighhhhhhhhhh