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Newest BM's Drama

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Okay so the newest BM drama has been that she wanted us to give up Father's Day weekend and she would have let us keep SS7 from this past Friday until July 15th. We had plans for for Father's Day weekend and it was not an option. So, now this week we picked him up yesterday and he goes back to his grandma's tomorrow. Then we pick him up Tuesday night for our holiday and take him back Thursday. To turn around next Sunday and pick him up for our week. Which is a lot of running, but it is what is in the court order. So, it's what we prepare ourselves to do. Even though it's hard not to get frustrated at times, because she moved two hours away. However, we drop SS7 off in our town to his grandma's and BM has to take him back to her home from there. BM called yesterday and said we were going to have to pick him up from his grandma's, because her and her boyfriend can't afford the gas money to come and get him. Really! So, now she won't see SS7 from 6-29 to July 15th! Why, because she is lazy and won't even work part time to help provide for him nor will her boyfriend! It drives me crazy! Seriously, how does that constitute as providing for him. Living on welfare his entire life and living off of child support and the state! So, frustrating! She is beyond crazy and psycho!