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OT Does anyone have any suggestions on how to help get a 3 1/2 month old baby to sleep better through the night?

bjc26's picture

My three month old slept for 10 hours straight for a whole week about three weeks ago so I thought we were headed in the right direction for getting her to sleep through the night ALL the time. But now she's switched gears and is waking up worse, sometimes three times a night and staying up for 2 hours at a time, than she was before she slept throught the night that one week. We live in a three bedroom house and DD has been sleeping in our room because she isn't sleeping through the night and I haven't wanted to start drama with my SD because when DD IS sleeping through the night they are going to have to share a room. DH is not a nice person if he's woken up in the middle of the night so I end up having to take DD into the living room to change diapers and what not so we don't disturb anyone so letting her cry it out hasn't been too much of an option really. But I've tried feeding her rice cereal before bed, and a lot of other suggestions and well I'm at my wits end. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And please I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't brag about how early you got your kids to sleep through the night, makes me want to pull my hair out. lol Wink


PeanutandSons's picture

All kids are different. My son is stb3 and honestly its a rarity that he sleeps all night even now.

He woke up every two hours for over a year

From one to two yrs he woke up probably twice a night.

He potty trained at 2, so for the past year he gets up once or twice a night to go potty.

Rice cereal will not help her sleep. That's a myth. My only suggestion is to not turn on any lights at night, keel it very quiet and peaceful. Alsox do not darken her room at nap time so she learns the difference between nightime sleep (go right back to sleep) and daytime naps (wake up and play).

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

Buy everyone ear plugs and let er cry it out. Had my twins sleeping through at 2 months. You are going to have spells at this age where shes really fussy, usually lasts about a week. Probably going through a growth spurt

overworkedmom's picture

She might just be going thru a growth spurt, that will always mess with sleeping. Sorry you have to go through sleepless nights alone, I know how miserable it is not to take turns! I know that it isn't recommended buy my son had terrible acid reflux and so the only way he could sleep was propped up. I just moved the swing into the bedroom and he slept there for like 3 months. It worked. You just have to find something that will work for you. GOOD LUCK!

DaizyDuke's picture

I think you had a lucky growth spurt break a few weeks ago, as I don't believe that it is the norm for babies this young to sleep for 10 hours straight. My BS who is almost 2.5 STILL does not sleep through the night. He usually wakes up once or twice.

I know some of the things I was told to do/not do when small babies wake in the night and they all worked for me as far as getting BS right back to sleep.

a. never turn the lights on if you can help it.
b. never make eye contact if you can help it
c. don't change diapers during the night (unless it is poopy or soaked through clothes) I get the Huggies overnight diapers and they work great.

Rags's picture

If you live anywhere near Canada, pop over the border and pick up a few bottles of Gripe Water.

Knocks them out cold.

Water, herbs and WHISKEY!!!!