The story, so far....
Ok, so I have been with my gf for almost two years. We are engaged. I'm not sure a wedding is ever going to happen though.
When I moved in with her, I quickly found out that things were not as they seemed from the other side of the fence. Her then 16yo daughter had a live in bf who was 20. The two of them spent the summer smoking pot in their upstairs bedroom.
Her other daughter, who was 13 at the time, seemed nice enough, but spoiled and just a bit full of herself.
But I didn't bother much with them, and working long hours kept me away from most of it.
After the first year, the older daughter, who by now was 17, got into a HUGE fight with the mother because the younger daughter wore one of her shorts. This escalated, to the point of violence. I stepped in, and immediately became the new target.
Long and short is the older daughter moved out, after saying and doing some of the most horrendous things.
Well, I thought, maybe the younger one can still be saved?
The trouble is, the younger one has been allowed to live pretty much as she wants. At 14 now, she comes and goes as she pleases, coming home at 3:30 in the morning, or sometimes not at all. A couple of weeks ago she decided she was staying out all night (on a Sunday night), and refused to tell her mother where she was.
So the mother and I decide that something has to be done and that this is totally unacceptable. So she was grounded (which meant nothing to her), and her 'toys' were taken away.
I took her laptop away (I had bought it for her), and changed the passwords for the internet access. Netflix was also a casualty.
The mother stopped paying for her cell phone.
So the kid kicks up a fuss, which was to be expected.
The other night, the 14yo daughter comes into our bedroom at 10:15pm and asks if she can walk down to a friends house and go to the corner store with her. The mother asks her why?
The daughter says her friend has to go to the store for her mothers bf and will not go alone.
WTF???? :jawdrop:
My gf says "I'd rather you didn't".
Well that was all the kid needed for an opening.
I left the two to debate it, expecting the mother to quash it.
Five minutes later, I was outside and the daughter comes out of the house and off she goes.
So, it's well after 10pm on a school night, the daughter has had all 'privelages taken away for her bad behaviour, and now she is out walking in -2 weather in shorts???
I slept on the couch that night.
The next morning I gave back the laptop, canceled the Netflix, opened up the internet and began the process of disengaging.
Of course, now the mother is pissed with me!
- you have got to be kidding me's blog
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The girls biological father
The girls biological father lives three hours away.
He has no job (never has), lives in a room, sits on disability, and has seen them only once in the last two years, for twenty minutes.
Oh... and just for fun, the debt that my gf had when I moved in was such that I am now over $30,000 in the hole! Of course that icludes all the nice toys for the kiddies!
He just refuses to be
He just refuses to be involved, period. Ever. The first CHristmas I was there he told them he would buy them I-Pods... then he found out how much they cost and said he would give them each $100. Then he told them he had a new gf and was saving foir a weekend away with her and gave them each $50!!!
So I bought the I-pods, $350 each, and am still paying for them!
The mother and I have talked repeatedly about her daughters and their lack of respect. They tell her to 'shut up' at the drop of a hat. The 14yo who still lives with us does ZERO chores... the mother fixes her plate and takes it to her in front of the TV and then comes back and gets it when she is finished!
On top of this, the house is a pig sty, and the daughter refuses to wash her hands after using the bathroom or brush her teeth. How many 14yo's have had TWO root canals???
Thanks Alice... After almost
Thanks Alice...
After almost two years of this I am at the end of my rope.
I get that it would be harder for me, having no children of my own, but honestly, I am quite disgusted by the hands off, do whatever you want, no rules, no discipline approach. I work hard and I hate coming home to a mouthy brat who is always whining. Add to that the mess, and the total uncleanliness.
We can't even get the kid to stop taking food upstairs to her room. The problem is she leaves it all over the place, half eaten. Her mother and I 'agreed' that this had to stop. The other night the kid took her supper up there, we both told her 'no', she started a whining fit and then the mother let her take it up anyway!
She does work, I'll give her
She does work, I'll give her credit there. The ironic part is she works in the health care industry, which makes the mess and not washing hands so much more unbelievable!
I just can't figure your
:jawdrop: I just can't figure your situation out. As a mother I would NEVER EVER let my teenage daughter have a live in boyfriend. Scratch that, if my child is under my roof there wouldn't even be a boyfriend that can stay overnight! And as for the 14 yr old, is she trying to set her on the same path as her older daughter?? I am just dumbfounded. I think that either you guys have to come down hard together on the remaining daughter and get her on the right track or you need to decide if this woman is worth it. It might be better to wait until the younger one has run off and you don't have to deal with it to marry or even live with your GF.... Although it sounds like you will have a house of grandkids sooner than later.
I just can't wrap my head
I just can't wrap my head around a parent allowing a GROWN ASS MAN to live with their minor child.
All the parents I know would have beat the hell out of that man or paid some guys to do it for them, and called the cops. (After the required ass beating)
OP why are you staying?
That is a VERY good question.
That is a VERY good question. I sure wish I had an answer...

Sorry, but I am going to be
Sorry, but I am going to be brutally honest here....your SO sounds like straight up trash. IMHO...she is trash if she lets a MAN live with/have sex with, her underage daughter. Let me guess...the MAN was helping pay some bills? If so, then she was pimping out her daughter. (something to think about)
No... he paid no bills. He
No... he paid no bills. He has no job. He never once lifted a finger to help out around the house. He would watch us mow the lawn and shovel the snow.
It is, in a word,
It is, in a word, mindblowing.
There are other mind blowers
There are other mind blowers out there.
What are you going to do if she gets pregnant? Do you really want someone like that raising your child?
Seriously? You're correcting
Seriously? You're correcting my grammar????
Maybe he stopped doing
Maybe he stopped doing anything after you moved in...? Agree with houston....your SO must be a tiger in the sac. Or you have little faith in yourself to find a normal person.
you know it's funny... was
you know it's funny... was just having this conversation yesterday with a friend. We have a mutual guy friend who just split with his GF of about 6 years. The GF immediately and I do mean immediately had a new BF who is already proclaiming his love for her on FB. What is hilarious about this to EVERYONE is that this girl has three kids with three different guys, no job, is a total bitch yet she is able to snare men like no-one's business.
We deducted that she must have some super sack skills. I guess that is all some men care about and it's funny how everyone can see it for what it is.. well everyone except for the sucker who is looking for the lay. Oh well.. to each their own.
Ugh, sorry.. dude I feel like
Ugh, sorry.. dude I feel like a little dirty now and not in a good way.
If you choose someone based on mind blowing sex, you deserve what you get when life goes to hell outside the bedroom.