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SD 14 Again - computer usage

Smomof3's picture

We typically aren't strict, we set boundaries and expect them to be followed, however, my SD14 seems incapable of this. She was grounded for 2 weeks and just received her phone and laptop back last night. I find out from her grandmother that she was on FB and Skype all night long until 4am. Weekday bedtimes in the summer are 11pm for the kids and they are both well aware of this.

I asked her about it and explained that she wasn't being responsible with her privilege and that she had today to come up with a plan for how she will use her phone and laptop responsibly. She can only use her phone between 5am & 9pm due to parental restrictions put on after we found out she sent over 1000 text messages after bedtime in the month of January. She can only call her parents and syblings after 9pm. I checked with our wifi provider and there is no control like this for our home internet service.

It seems she is always buried in her laptop or cellphone and doesn't have the decency to take her headphones off except to eat dinner. Any suggestions on how to handle this? I'm thinking of only allowing her to use her laptop between 5pm and 9pm when we are home and out of bed.


Ommy's picture

Unplug the wifi. Just disconnect the cord and bye,bye internet. reconnect it after family time, and after she has made the effort to engage in family activities. If you SO is agaisnt this idea....then the evil in me says to buy another cord (the phone jack looking one) and disable the normal one that is connected. That way you can have internet when you want it, however, the mail service is so slow, and things get lost all the bad you have to "wait" for the replacement box....

Smomof3's picture

I know managing it will be easy and I probably will disconnect the internet when we aren't home. I guess the bigger picture here is why doesn't she want to be trustworthy? She knows there are consequences and that she'll be 15 soon and wants to have more freedom. If she can't be trusted with a laptop or cellphone why on earth would we give her more freedom, especially after going camping without permission 2 weeks ago and being grounded from everything. What can she possibly hope to gain from acting like an idiot.

B22S22's picture

actually, there is a way to restrict certain devices via their IP addresses thru your wireless router. And yes it works, because the SK's restricted my computers thru the router one time and I couldn't work from home for ONE FULL DAY until we figured it out (thanks, Internet Service Provider Man).

karma? Their stepfather did it to them so their IP addresses are blocked after 11pm every night. He set up an administrative password on their wireless router so they can't try to mess with it again (and yes, so did we).

knucklehead's picture

Check your router settings. I bought a router that can "name" numerous devices and set time/website restrictions on each one individually.
Haha. Now my kiddos have NO access to the wifi (including even their ipods!) after bedtime. }:)

Smomof3's picture

She's limited to using it from 3pm to 9pm She boohoo'd but never said she was sorry. She really thinks she can just do whatever. We explained how ugly it can get if she doesn't knock it off. We also told her she's old enough to tell herself no when she knows she shouldn't do something. Her father is making her get up by 9:30 daily and do extra chores because if she has enough energy to stay up all night, she can put it to good use. We also threatened her with a babysitter if she can't be trusted.

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