Looking for opinion on BS's education.... let him move ahead, or keep him back with his age-mates?
We put BS(then just turned 2) in preschool last June. The school immediately identified that he was ahead of his age-mates in the 2yr old program and moved him up to the 3-4 year old room. He spend the summer months transitioning (half days with the older kids) to see how he handled it , and by the time the school year started in September, he was in the 3 year old class full time.
He is now almost 3 (and the kids in his class are now 4, or will be shortly), and the school year is almost over. I need to talk to the schools director to see what their plan is for him next year. But I kind of want to know what I want before I sit down with her. Do you think I should ask for him to be moved ul with how classmates to the 4 yr old program, or have him repeat the 3yr old program with his age-mates? He is keeping up socially and intellectually in every way, according to his teacher.
I don't want to lose the momentum we have, but at the same time I don't want to push him too hard.
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I have a son who is "gifted".
I have a son who is "gifted". I have kept him with his age mates, but when he started school and was tested he got into the "gifted program" and that is where he can stretch his mind more. I was concerned with his social development. The thing to keep in mind is that every child is different and you have to find what works best with him and your family. I don't think that at his age moving with his classmates would be damaging in anyway just keep an eye on it
If it were me, I would keep
If it were me, I would keep the child with their age-mates--social development is more important to me than an academic one though, and you could stretch their limits in other ways, at home, with prep books and other things. This is just my personal opinion as I am glad I wasn't moved up even though my parents were told I should be--social life is already hard enough without even more things to set you apart from your peers.
But I agree with overworked--whatever you feel comfortable with.
I have no idea at this point
I have no idea at this point if he is truly 'gifted' in a technical sence, or just advanced for his age. His pediatrician and teachers want us to get him tested, but I want to wait until he is 4. The testing is more accurate then, as a two year old can be very erratic in their moods and willingness to open up to the tester (stranger) with their true abilities.
I had the same question for
I had the same question for my son. He was highly gifted. I chose to leave him with his age group. It came up again in middle school and I did it again. For me, I remember my mom complaining that it happened to her and she always felt like she didn't belong.
I would wait on the testing until Kindergarten. Or pay to have it done privately and not through the school system. I did and he was highly gifted. But, I still would rather he was at the top of his class than struggling because I moved him up.
Can he do half and half
Can he do half and half again?
I'll have to ask, they only
I'll have to ask, they only did that for him over the summer though to transition him. Once the school year started he was in the 3 yr old class full time.
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