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beyond ridiculous

stepmomsoon's picture

OMG.. this KID!

WTF.. every week.. issue after freaking issue.

Last week, pissed he got pushed out of a position on the football team and threw a fit.. what did he expect? He contributes NOTHING to the team. DH has told him, coaches have told him.. either play or sit.

Two weeks before that.. fight with team mates.. of course, it wasn't his fault.. THEY started it.. he did NOTHING to cause it..

Same as last month.. same as last year.. it's never his fault. Never.

Don't take into consideration the kid has no social skills because he spent birth through age 9 being parented by electronics.. he can not read people and know when they are sending non verbal - or verbal cues to knock the shit off.. nope. He just keeps running his mouth and acting like a jackass..

Well, today he got the crap beat out of him.. the kid he was so pissed off about taking his position handed him his ass.. and I know this kid (and his parents).. they are not punks.. they are decent people.

SK12 claims this is what happened; he walked by his team mate and tapped him on the shoulder.. team mate says "don't touch me or I'll kick your ass" (this is according to innocent little sk12).. so what does sk12 do? Oh, he walks in front of his team mate and proceeds to take his finger and touch the top of the kids helmet..

Now, I'm no rocket scientist.. but.. ummm.. if someone tells you NOT to do something and you go ahead and do it and get your ass kicked.. well, call me old school, but maybe you should have LISTENED to the warning..

But of course this is SK12.. who never listens to anything you tell him and warnings about consequences are lost on him.. he could care less. "Go up to bed and brush your teeth" and he knows this is the protocol EVERY night and if he just gets in bed he will lose a privilege... What does he do.. gets in bed and doesn't brush his teeth just to see if you will notice..

Yeppers.. I'm the mean step mom who doesn't care.. no, I just call them as I see them and when I smell bullshit.. I say it's bullshit..

Anon2009's picture

"take into consideration the kid has no social skills because he spent birth through age 9"

Then it sounds like you should be blaming the people who allowed that to happen...his PARENTS. You can't expect 9 years of bad parenting to be undone in 3.

To be honest, much of what you wrote makes me wonder if he has autism that hasn't been diagnosed. I'm no doctor but much of what you wrote about him is synonymous with the symptoms/signs of autism. Especially this: "Don't take into consideration the kid has no social skills because he spent birth through age 9 being parented by electronics.. he can not read people and know when they are sending non verbal - or verbal cues to knock the shit off.. nope. He just keeps running his mouth and acting like a jackass.." His parents could have picked up on the signs, but not have done anything about it and just let the electronics take over. Or it could be both autism and bad parenting. I don't know. But it is definitely something DH should look into. If SS does indeed have autism, getting the proper treatment, help and support could really help him. My cousin has autism. He uses electronics all the time. He cannot pick up on nonverbal cues. He "runs his mouth." He is certainly not a jackass. He is someone who needs and deserves help in coping with a real disability. I have Asperger's Syndrome. I struggle with nonverbal cues as well and love my electronics. I have my quirks that are surely annoying to others. Does that make me a jackass? Nope. I am someone who needs and deserves help in coping with a real disability.

Your SS may well be a person who needs and deserves help in coping with a real disability. At the very least, he is a person who needs and deserves help.

You can hate the kid, but I don't think it'll get you anywhere. But being angry at one of the people who made him that way- your DH- might. It might get him to realize that his son needs help.

stepmomsoon's picture

I have brought both of these things up to both the bio mom and DH.. they don't want to hear it.

He has "ADHD" and they believe that is his excuse for everything..

I do blame his parents.. for all of it. His dad was on the road a lot and his mom could not handle him.. the TV was his babysitter and soothed him to sleep for naps and bedtime.. she checked out of parenting him and put him in daycare as soon as she could.. (she was a stay at home mom).

From the moment I met this kid I knew something was off with him.. I never believed in ADHD - thought it was a bunch of bullshit and an excuse to medicate a kid because you don't want to parent or didn't parent and now have a mess on your hands..

I always tell DH - ADHD means hyper, can't focus.. not be an asshole. This kid is ANGRY.. yells, argues, will not follow rules unless you stand over top of him and make him... however, he is only like this with his family and sometimes peers.. Not always.. it's like he can control it. At school - no disciplinary issues, although he does have a hard time with regards to speaking out of turn - but it is not an consistent issue... maybe once a quarter. In gifted classes. Gets great grades.

Simple things, like every night.. go upstairs, get ready for bed and brush your teeth... what does he do? Goes upstairs and goes in his room.. we come up to say good night and tuck him in.. he's screwing off, doesn't have his pj's on, hasn't brushed his teeth.. this is almost every night.. but if he knows a show is on or there is something he wants to do, see, etc... oh he can remember that schedule and stick to it like glue...

Which makes me believe it may not be any kind of disability - it's behavioral.. If he can control it and just chooses not to.. then what??

Anon2009's picture

If he's doing better at school, it's probably because there's less chaos there, and more routine. Maybe there needs to be more of that in his home life.

stepmomsoon's picture

We try to establish routines and keep a schedule.. he defies it at any opportunity.

For example - in the mornings last year I would have to leave for work at 7:50.. so sk12 and my daughter, 10, were home alone until they had to leave for school at 8:15.

I made a schedule and posted it on the refrigerator. SK12 was told no TV or Ipad until he had all of his stuff done - clothes on (including socks and shirt), book bag packed up, dogs let back in and he ate breakfast.. every freaking day.. I would get a call from my daughter telling me it was 8:15 and sk12 wasn't ready to leave and was watching TV the whole time... he would tell her "so what, that schedule is dumb - I'm not following it"...

We have the same issues every night at bedtime.. it's not chaos.. it's his defiance that creates the chaos and drama.. without him, there is no chaos and drama.

I am a stickler for schedules and processes.. my career is process management, so this is my forte.. my daughter has had it all her life and she is organized and knows her routine..

I would love to see if sk12 has a legit disability... but really, I don't think he does.. the more I read about it, the more I think his "disability" is selective.. I also read that children raised and parented by electronics tend to be socially inept - this is how he was raised and he is a direct result of it.. they tend to be socially awkward, not able to read non verbal cues or take a verbal hint.. he is "that" kid.. the one that just doesn't know when to stop..

I do want to have a heart to heart with his pediatrician.. but as the "stepmom" I'm not sure how to go about it.. especially when DH just thinks he has adhd and leans on that as an excuse every chance he gets..

christinen's picture

I completely agree with you on the ADHD opinion.. I also never believed in it and think it's an excuse for poor parenting. And yes, I do know a kid with "ADHD"- my Godson- I have seen it firthand and I can honestly say I believe the fact that his parents pay no attention to him and there are no consequences for his bad behavior as the reasons for his "diagnosis."

Sounds like your DH needs to start enforcing some consequences for SS's bad behavior. It will only get worse as he gets older.

stepmomsoon's picture

This kid does not have ADHD.. his mom took him to the pediatrician about 3 years ago and got him on meds.. DH was not in agreement at all at first, now he is drinking the kool aid..

Biomom doesn't parent.. she never did and now, she never will since she only sees the kids every other weekend..

ADHD is hyperactivity.. the inability to pay attention, focus, sit still.. not be a defiant asshole. There is no pill for that, unfortunately.

I read about Autism and Asperger's.. sure, some of these habits fit, but not to the degree where it is out of his control.. like a disability. He can control himself when it suits him - if you have a medical condition, you don't control it - it controls you...

This kid hates rules. Hates being told what to do or not to do. Tell him no to something he wants or wants to do and he does it anyways.. No respect/consideration for others or authority... but that is controlled at school and not at home.. he argues - again, at home.. not at school.. he yells - same thing here as well, and will talk back/have the last word to the point where you want to put your hind over his mouth and scream "shut the eff up" right in his face...

Every day there is some form of drama or issue that he creates.. it is absolutely exhausting.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

You don't believe in ADHD? Do you believe in diabetes or cancer? Wow. that is certainly not helpful. ADHD is a real physiological ailment. Will write more later on my cell and it is too hard to write.

Flipchip2013's picture

LOL, you don't "believe" in ADHD?

What about depression? Stupidity? Cancer? Autism?

This statement is just so...ignorant. Ugh.

You don't have any children, right? But yet you think medical diagnoses for children are wrong and you know how your godson should/shouldn't be parented.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

I think they don't believe in it because chances are they never saw it in it's true form because so many people diagnose their kids ith it that what is a normal child to us can still have that label.

Concentration is also a skill that is taught from childhood, but if you don't think to teach it, and so many parents do not, how can a child develop it? They'll of course end up with some degree of attention problems.

stepmomsoon's picture

I have read up on all 3.

He is lazy. He is defiant. He is manipulative. He is a habitual liar. He loves to test to see what he can get away with.. argues, talks back, has zero respect for anyone, yells at adults, the word consideration does not exist in his world..

He does not have add or adhd.. his meds have no effect on how he behaves.. he can control himself when he wants to.

ADHD and ADD are attention and hyper activity disorders.. he is just a jerk who has been allowed to do whatever the hell he wants and has learned that if you are a big enough pain in the ass, you will wear down your parent and get your way.

I do not expect him to be identical to my daughter, nor do I hold him to the same behavioral standards as I do her.. but I do expect compliance and responsibility..

He wants to run the show.. plain and simple. He wants to call the shots and if you tell him otherwise there is a problem. It doesn't matter if it's bedtimes, dinner time, or how big a bag of candy he gets at the movie, if he doesn't like it, you are in for a fight.

stepmomsoon's picture

BM was the one who took him.. she is the reason he is this way..

She wanted an easy fix..

She also married a guy that should have never been allowed to reproduce. So, in order to make her marriage to hubby number 3 work, she got her problem child on meds.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

That's a great post thanks. I won't engage in the stupidity since I was forewarned to not go there -LOL -

stepmomsoon's picture

I have real life experience with this kid.. before he got prescribed meds and after he started taking them and I can tell you first hand.. they do nothing to help his issues.

BM wanted him on them since he was a toddler.. BM also didn't want him and checked out of the relationship and parenting when he was a toddler.. she kept him on a steady diet of electronics and did not parent..

I have read numerous articles on how doctors are OVER DIAGNOSING kids with ADHD.. Many are misdiagnosed with medications that have long term psychological effects on their minds..

There is a confirmed link between kids having too much electronic stimulation and how it mimics the symptoms of add and adhd - I strongly believe this is the case with my step son.

DH did not want him on meds.. he fought it for the longest time.. then BM got him to just try them and see.. at first ss12 was on a stimulant and PROZAC!! The Prozac screwed with him - made him a zombie and DH took him off of it.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

On a whole, I DO think too many parents are quick to diagnose children with ADHD and the being on the Autistic spectrum (which includes Aspergers and PDDNOS) when they don't actually have it (actually, this statement is only partially true, Every person on this planet, to some degree, is on the spectrum for both every mental disorder known to mankind--it' just the severity that defines whether or not they get diagnosed).

I think the overdiagnosing is a huge epidemic in America. I've worked with kids who have ADHD and Autism/Aspergers--try a child who doesn't sleep for 24 hours at a time because he just can't stop, goes from 0-60 in intensity when even slightly excited, eyes constantly moving from stimulus to stimulus, kids who freak out and hit the walls when their schedules are disrupted even slightly, etc. Yet some parents, and I see many of them because they sign their kids up for our classes, claim their kid is on the spectrum or has ADHD, when it's clearly they either don't parent, or they don't know HOW to parent, and subsequently their kid has behavior issues that are isolated, or coupled with maybe one or two other individual behaviors.

Newsflash: If your kid has trouble making friends, that doesn't mean they automatically have Aspergers--making friends is a SKILL that needs to be taught. I can't stress how many times I've heard "My child doesn't make friends easily because he's on the spectrum/has ADD/ADHD, so other kids don't understand him." but when placed in a cooperative activity (in. my case, martial arts), they do just fine. It drives me up the walls.

Even if the kid does have ADD, okay, what are you going to do about this diagnosis? The diagnosis is not the end game itself. It's not meant to be used as an excuse. It's to identify a problem so that the people can begin to work on a solution to better everyones lives who are involved.

devastated's picture

I agree with you on the over diagnosing and how people think the diagnosis is the end game. People don't need a diagnosis to help their children anyway. There are thousands of resources and ideas available to anyone. We use an all natural pharmaceutical grade line of supplements designed by Dr. Kendall Stewart, an Autism specialist in Austin called neurobiologix, no prescription or diagnosis needed. I started taking SS's "mood-plus" cause it makes me feel calmer and more positive : )

devastated's picture

My SS15 has "Several symptoms of Asperger's" (my husband would only let me get him tested if there was no label put out there) and he can not read social cues at all. We have worked extensively with him and with multiple counselors. We haven't been able to fix the inability to read non-verbal and facial communication but being open and understanding with him has helped relieve much of his anger and fear. Imagine yourself being dropped into another world where not only can you not speak the language you can't even see or hear what everyone around you is saying. That would make me pretty angry and frustrated. I agree with not2sureimsane... on the martial arts. Martial arts are great for autism spectrum because it builds self confidence, self control and they get exercise.

Have you tried flat out ignoring the bedtime game? He's controlling you and probably getting quite a kick out of any reaction, what would a few nights of just not letting him get any attention at all for it hurt? So what if he doesn't put pjs on and brush his teeth for a few nights, I promise his teeth wont fall out. I finally just told ss15 "I'm not going to fight with you, since you have made the choice not to take care of your teeth you will have to get yourself to the dentist and pay for it with your own money." Done, I have no idea nor do I care if he is brushing his teeth I focus on helping him function as close to normal as he can.

stepmomsoon's picture

Why should he be allowed to just go to bed and not follow the rules when everyone else in the house has the same expectations and responsibilities? Why should we back off our expectations just because he makes it difficult for everyone around him?

He can function just fine.. when he wants to. That's my point..

stepmomsoon's picture

No, I stand firm that I do not believe this kid had adhd.

I have been around him enough to know that he can control himself when he wants. You can't control cancer when you want, can you? Can you control autism or Tourette's? No, you can't.

This is not adhd.. this is a kid that knows how to manipulate. Knows how to lie. Knows how to push you, test you and get you to a point where you are exhausted.

Funny how his "meds" have no bearing on his behavior. He is a jerk medicated or not.

He defies because he wants to test you to see what he can get away with.. to him this is all a game.

He has been allowed to do this for way too long and now that we have full custody of him, DH and I have decided it ends.

stepmomsoon's picture


OMG.. meds aren't the answer with this kid.

LIKE I HAVE POSTED - the meds make no difference. IT IS HIS PARENTING.. birth through age 12 that have made him this way..

It's not autism, Asperger's, add or adhd.. it is the fact that he has been allowed to get away with this shit all his life and now that DH and I are like "nope, it ends here" he is amping up his game to try to wear us down..

I have done my research.. I have read up on ADHD.. believe me, I wanted so badly to believe a little pill could solve his issues... but the truth is, it doesn't exist.

This is the result of BAD parenting.. not a biological problem.

stepmomsoon's picture


If the meds made a difference and it was a legit hyperactivity/attention thing, then yes, I would be like "he has a disability"..

When the meds do nothing and it's not hyperactivity/attention related.. then I am like "WTF"..

Every day this kid does something to cause problems in our family.. bitching about this, not doing that.. whatever.. it's exhausting and he's old enough to know better.

stepmomsoon's picture


"don't touch me or I'll kick your ass".. touches him and gets walloped, but it "wasn't his fault"

Is told to "go get ready for bed and get in bed".. goes up to his room and screws around.. instead of brushing his teeth, putting on his pj's and getting into bed..

Both the same form of doing what he wants to do versus what he is expected to do.. or testing the boundaries/limits set for him.

He is a product of shitty parenting - his mom wanted to put him on meds to make her life easier because she knew she created a monster and could not control him.