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Holding his feet to the fire....

961Hannah's picture

1st off - I'll apologize for this being a bit lenghty.

Yesterday, SD18 walked right passed me, out the front door and didn't say anything about where she was going. My DH and I sat down several weeks ago and disussed the "rules" for our house which was communicated to her. One of the rules was that she would not disrespect me by walking right by me and not saying anything about where she was going.

I tell DH about this incident (he was sleeping because he had got called back into work the night before). Hindsight - I should have said something to her right then and there; but I didn't want to say anything and be condoned by my DH. Anyways, I had to go back to work and then brought it back up to him last night when he came home for supper. We didn't get the chance to talk about it any more since he got called in for another incident.

So today, he had taken the day off so we could go and just have a day together. On our 1 1/2 drive to our destination, I brought up the subject again of the disrespect and the "rule" being broken. We had discussed that when we set these rules that if any one of them were broken, she would need to find somewhere else to live. He asks the famous question "What do you want me to do".....I replyed with, honor what WE had agreed on when we first set these rules and that she needs to go. The storm began - He made me feel horrible for even opeing my mouth. He told me that his day was ruined from that point and turned around and began driving back home.

There was a lot of conversation that ensued (mostly from me). I know that I was making him do something that he didn't want to do - but in the same token, I was holding him responsible for the word that he had given me as his wife. A word that WE both agreed on. He just made me feel absolutly insignificant. Made me feel that he just wanted to sweep this incident under the rug and let it slide.

Am I wrong for holding his feet to the fire?????

And the icing on the cake was when we pulled up to the house, SD18's car was gone. Another one of the rules was to tell my DH where she is going. I asked - Where is she at?. His reply was "I don't know". I didn't ensue anything after that, I knew I was already walking on thin ice.

It just amazes me how much of a Big Bad Daddy Bad Ass front he can put off and that "The rules, are the rules, are the rules". Yet, when the rules are not followed, we don't want to enforce them. So, I ask again - Am I the one in the wrong for standing up for the things that WE as a married couple decided on and making him follow through on his word?

He's all ticked off now and decided to go to work - Happy St. Patty's Day to me!!!!!!!


961Hannah's picture

She is completing her high school online. Has no job. We pay for her car and insurance. She doesn't eat at our house because I did not set a plate for her after she refused to take her plate to the kitchen after a meal. I do no do her laundry. Basically she sleeps and showers there. Oh and has a dog that she does not take care of. I have left that up to my DH. I refuse to take care of her dog.

961Hannah's picture

I understand what you are saying. I could give a care less if she ever speaks to me. I was going off of what my DH said was being disrespectful behavior. I want him to actually follow through with his word. Especially when he asks for my involvement of making the rules for our house - I really had no input and let him talk through it all. But when he isn't following through with what was set forth am I to stand back and not say a word? Let him dig his own grave? I just feel that his behavior by not following through is not putting our marriage first and is disrespectful. Am I totally off here?? I really appreciate your words and thoughts.

sterlingsilver's picture

the prob I have with disengaging is that i love a clean house Sad Guys don't give a damn and so if I do nada for them they do nada and before long we're living in a pig stye Sad THAT happened to me. now the pig is gone, my stye is cleaner but the scars of his disrespect are still there Sad How do you combat the guilt, stay clean and still disengage?

LRP75's picture

Throw away any of their sh*t that they leave laying around. No matter how much it cost.

Trust me, it works. Things now get picked up.

beyond pissed-off's picture

I have started doing that. OMG does it feel good!!!! I know that it is immature and petty to take pleasure in it but....(shivers with delight) Just the act of opening the trash can and throwing it in makes me smile from ear to ear. }:)

beyond pissed-off's picture

I was away last weekend when FH and one of the skids were home. They made an horrific mess. When I left the dishwasher had been run and the sink was empty. When I returned the sink was piled high with dishes. I decided to let FH take care of it.

It is now exactly one week later and the dishes are still there. FH has been using the dishes out of the clean dishwasher and simply piling them on the dirty ones. I have not been home much because he is being a passive-aggressive asshat and there is no way in hell that I am going to do them! It is driving me nuts to come home and see them but I am resolved. I looked in the dishwasher and there are 2 glasses left and a few plates. Will be interesting to see what happens when they are gone.....