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I dont know how she did

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

I mentioned in an earlier blog that BM wanted to claim SD12 and SS17 because otherwise she would have had to pay IRS (dumbass claimed them as allowances on her W4 I guess even though they haven't lived with her for nearly 2 years). So I e-filed the very second that I could, but she somehow managed to beat me to it, since I just got an email stating that it had been rejected cause she already claimed them. We were planning to use that money to help get a bigger house for all her damn kids. She's probably just going to drink all hers away. So now I've got to file by mail and then prove that the skids lived with us this whole time. It'll be fine in the end, just didnt want to deal with this delay. I cant believe her. She's had very minimum contact with them since they came up here. We havent asked her for anything. SD12 and SS17 arent even DHs biokids, but we took them anyway. She's going down, mark my words.


ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

How many years has BM claimed them that was rightfully yours? How many SKids do you have? How come u have ones that aren't DHs bios? I'm sorry BM is such a scandalous bitch. You'd think since you are raising her kids and paying for everything for them that she would be grateful but nooo instead she commits fraud and tries to get her money hungry hands on anything she can even tho she knows that would've helped out a lot with HER kids. Sum. Please turn her in and get what you deserve. Id also get back taxes for the kids as well if she has illegally claimed them in the past.

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

She claimed them all last year too even though we had SS17 most of the year but only SD12 and SD13 right at the halfway mark. We let it slide since it would have only.given us an extra $150 which she said she would pay back (still waiting for that check, yea right)

We took SS17 initially because he was a behavioral problem, nearly getting arrested at school, failing grades etc and DH had s bond with.him (hes awesome now and will be graduating early) then she ran into money trouble and got evicted so we took the girls until she got on her Feet. Well, once she did.she got a 1 bedroom apt while we got a 4 bedroom house at double the rent to accommodate all them, so we kept them.

jadedprincess's picture

school records, CO, doctors records, notarized letters from the principle, church offical, friends that have witnessed them living there, and ss17 should be able to just say where he lived maybe sd12 too but idk because she is still pretty young. they will tell you what they will accept

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

No child support. Shes not.going to get away with it this year. I'm banking that she'll have spent it all when she gets the notice to pay it back. Mazzy, I'm not sure what the IRS will ask for. She lives in a completely different state and the skids have been in school up here this whole time so it shouldn't be a problem I wouldn't think. Oh, Ms.blessed, he only has one kid by her, SD13, and then we have twin 7 month old twins

Rags's picture

Oh have some fun with this one. It will be a PITA but think of how good it will feel knowing that at the very least she will end up with major fines and penalties for he tax fraud and at worst she may even get an all expense paid vacation complete with bright pink jump suit to jail. }:)

Dirt bag dipshits piss me off to no end but I do so enjoy it when they have their asses bared.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

I believe in your last post I told you what all you needed to give the irs and also what my experience was with my SD claiming my little brothers when he knew we had him for 3 yrs. So he filed first, I submitted all my documentation to the irs and I got my return and he had his wages garnished to pay back his. You can go back thru your last post about this topic and read what I said if you want. I'm pretty sure I said when you file, just send all your documentation when you file and there shouldn't be a problem for you, now BM... She's screwed. The irs do not play around with their money and when ppl try, they don't take it too lightly. Lol.