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Guess she's not "luvn life" anymore

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

So we put SD12 on a plane Saturday, we called their grandma to tell her to pick her up. Didn't bother calling BM since we haven't heard from her since August, other than the call saying he wanted to claim SD12 and SS17 on her taxes. She called DH raising hell that he didn't call her to give her a "heads up". She also wanted us to mail her a DVD that the skids accidently brought back up with them. Yea right. She also wanted us to mail us the rest of SD12s clothes and school supplies . She came up here with a backpack full of clothes and that's it, so that's what we sent her back with.DH told her to buy her more with her refund.

She also made the asinine comment "well, I've got mine and you've got yours so we're good now". Um, they're all yours and SS17 isn't even DHs. She's so stupid.

When she abandoned them in '10, she added a signature to her texts "Luvn life" (Casey Anthony, anyone?). Guess she's not luvn life anymore now, huh?

She hasn't and won't reenroll SD12 in school because she plans to move. We're thinking she wants to move back near the friend that babysat for her all the time. Poor SD12s probably gonna have to repeat.


frustrated-mom's picture

It's the best feeling in the world to put a skid on a plane and send them some off to be a pain in the butt to someone else and have them deal with all the problems. My SD15 is now living with her aunt and uncle and repeating 9th grade.

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

We do feel a little bad knowing that we sent her someplace will she absolutely will not succeed in life. DH predicts she'll end up abused or knocked up or both in the next two years. But we couldn't let her endanger the other 4 kids here