How do you let go?
How do you let go of the person you love more than anything in the world? How do you let go of 8 years together? DH says we can't work things out and I know I should let go and move on with my life but, I know deep in my heart that we belong together and one day we'll regret not trying. I'm trying to get angry at something so that I can let go but all I feel right now is hurt.
- msc1120's blog
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I'm so sorry you are going
I'm so sorry you are going through this. Honestly there is nothing you can do if he's not willing to try. I wish things were different for you. But if he's saying he doesn't want to try anymore then maybe you should try to move forward with your life. I agree one day he will wake up and realize what you mean to him and that day you'll be waking up next to the one who already knows. Cheesy but true.
Just take it one day at a time. If you have any vacation time...take a couple days. Relax, get a massage, go to dinner with a friend. Take some time for yourself. Find something you like to do. Honestly my last break up ended up helping me lose the weight I wanted to lose. I started going to the Y and swimming laps everyday. If that's not a goal you have because you are already in great shape then train for a marathon or a triathalon. Exercse gives you endorphines which make you feel good. It's not easy but you will get through it and you will find someone who deserves you and will treat you well.
Think of it as drug
Think of it as drug withdrawal. Its just going to take your body time to adjust to his absence. I think you have done everything you could, but you just don't want to believe it and let go.
You are grieving and in the denial stage. Go ahead and grieve, it is important. Get some exercise when you can and go out with your friends. You need distractions and you need to get your body used to a new routine.
((((hugs))))) Its so hard.
Remember Rags' 3 Day Rule.
Remember Rags' 3 Day Rule. The first three days, you will think your world is over. After those three days, things will start to gradually improve.
This is a wonderful website.
This is a wonderful website. haven't read the book yet but I am sure it is equally as good
A few things that may
A few things that may help...
It takes time to go from 'we' to 'me'.
If he doesn't want to work things out then this is his loss.
Do not call or contact him. If he wants to find you he will. I made the BIG mistake when DH#1 walked out. I hounded him in a mad panic. We had CHILDREN yet he wanted to walk away from it all?
I SHOULD have just retreated and distanced myself from him.
8 yrs? Try 18 and 4 children. I thought I was dying... but I didn't. You can live through it.
Get your hair dyed a new colour and cut.
Buy a new lipgloss and eyeshadow.
New shoes?
Get a magazine subscription
Consult a clairvoyant... even just for fun.
Buy a nice pair of PJs and spend the weekend in them and cry. Watch sad movies and cry your heart out. Just remember to rehydrate. I remember having a killer headache for 2 weeks because I cried myself dry.
We love you. We don't know you but the cyber sisterhood is very powerful.
Not that this will make you
Not that this will make you feel better now, because I know you don't want to think of him hurting (or maybe you do, which is fine), but in the vast majority of ended relationships - the one who walks out is the one who has the hardest time getting his/her life back together. The one who is left usually fares just fine. This was the case for my FDH and me. We were both left by our last spouses and they are still primarily basket cases after 2 years. (Yep, our marriages blew up about two weeks apart. We were friends prior and helped each other through it. Guess we both did a good job - although some days I wonder...
I'm sorry you're going through this. I do remember just holding my dog and sobbing, and then laughing when he started licking my face. While I don't suggest a life-changing thing like getting a dog right now, don't under-estimate the power of fur-therapy. Maybe a new hobby could be volunterring to walk dogs at the local animal shelter if you're into that sort of thing?
Other than that, one day at a time. Cliche, but it's the only way to do it.
I went through a terrible
I went through a terrible break up before I met my DH. The only thing that got me through it was constantly reminding myself how much better off I was without him and how much the cons outweighed the pros. Spend time with friends, develop new hobbys. Get out of your comfort zone and find new things you enjoy! Day by day it will be easier and one day you will finally be able to say I am so glad I left that relationship because look at where I am now. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU! Stay strong.
Thank you everyone so much
Thank you everyone so much all your kind words they really mean alot to me, you guys have no idea how much. I know I need to grieve my marriage and then it's time to move on, no more pity party! I'm just going to sit back and let whatever is suppose to happen happen, there's nothing I can do to change how things are suppose to be. There's a plan for my life and I just have to start having faith again. One day all this mess will be over and I will be a stonger person for it.
((((HUGS))) to you all!!
I was left, and left in a
I was left, and left in a terrible way 4 years ago, I thought for sure I'd never adjust to being alone, and truthfully I'm the person who's worst fear is being alone. I went out, cut my hair changed my eye color took of out of state for a mini vacation, bought new clouthes the absolute best thing u can do is try to find your life and the things u love to do and make them part of your daily routine, and slowly it becomes easier and happier than u think. Headache is the worst kind of pain. Blog your heart out, have a good cry and know that another door always opens always! Focus on you for a while.