So angry at bm and her aunt right now!
Bm's aunt bought ss15 a truck well now he doesn't want it and wants a corvet! So what are they going to do? that;'s right buy him a corvet! :jawdrop: Want to know why? B/c his friends are getting brand new cars handed to them. That's right! Ok in this area first that doesn;t happen second why would you give a teen a car like that???
I am more concerned with him getting in a wreak then it isn't teaching him anything but to whine b/c it isn't good enough and get what you want. Plus they will be getting a loan to buy this car. GGGRR
Now what about the other 2 when they want a car? I bet you money they will refuse to get them one. What is up with these people!!???
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The kid can't even drive yet!
:jawdrop: The kid can't even drive yet! Why does he need a car? I suppose you could tell him he's not allowed to have the car at your house, or take the keys until you're confident he's responsible enough to drive a car like that. Who is going to pay the insurance? They are common sense. I hope they don't have to learn the hard way.
A 15 year old kid has no
A 15 year old kid has no business driving around town in a Corvette. Are they ready to pay the high premiums on insurance? Are they ready to pay all the speeding tickets that he WILL rack up......No 15 year old kid is going to be driving around in a Corvette and follow the speed limit.
It pisses me off to hear parents that buy their kids brand new cars when they don't even deserve them. FH told me about one of his clients bought their 16 year old daughter a top of the line 2012 Range Rover. Yes, you read that right. Top of the line 2012 Range Rover.
Bm said she was paying the
Bm said she was paying the ins. Yeah right! She said she was prepared! whatever! She just HAD to bring my kids in this too saying that my kids got a car just handed to them. First i didn't buy them a CORVET! Second I bought what I wanted and did NOT take them to pick it out. I picked it out with out them knowing. Plus I did NOT give them a choice as to weather it was good enough or not, THAT is The CAR THEY WILL DRIVE OR NOT AT ALL! Third it is NONE of her DAMN business weather I buy MY kids a car or not!
But then again I didn't teach my kids to be nasty about a HUGE gift like a CAR! Apparently it isn;t the color he wants nor is it new enough or good enough for him to drive! Seriously?? :jawdrop:
of course he is getting it from bm b/c she even said it wasn;t good enough for her little boy to drive! :sick:
If it's none of her business
If it's none of her business what car you bought for your kids, then I guess it's none of your business what car she buys her nephews, right?
NO It is NOT BM"S business to
NO It is NOT BM"S business to know what I BUY MY kids! But yes it is MY business what HER AUNT buy MY SKIDS! THERE IS A huge difference here oi vey and that is that bm is NOT MY kids step mom I am HER kids step mom! That is a HUGE difference.
And you really are going to sit here and say it is a GOOD idea to buy a 15 year old a CORVETTE and put him in that much debt before he even has a job??? Really? Yep their plan is this to get a loan in their name for ss15 to pay the payments before he can drive or even has a job! Not to mention that putting a kid like my ss15 behind the wheel of a car like this is like putting a loaded gun in his hand.Even dh said that he is not happy at all and has been on the phone with bm all evening fighting with her.
BM has NOTHING to do with my kids it would be different IF she were their step mom or something but the fact is she is not and I AM her kids step mom that gives me more rank to her kids then it does her to mine. That is the way life is. It doesn't always have to be the same on both ends and in this case it is NOT.
Also I do not need you to get me all riled up as this is a very serious issue and I am very concerned for my ss as this is something that he not ready for and could very well get himself killed or others. he is a very cocky kid who thinks his crap don;t stink and he is the best in the world and nothing can happen to him., With an attitude like that he does NOT need something like this to encourage him in any way. I did not post this to get a rile or have a pissing match with you i am very upset and concerned with what will happen to the kid! So please refrain from posting if you can not behave. Thank you
I wasn't trying to rile you
I wasn't trying to rile you up
I just remember reading about how the aunt had promised to buy the cars and you bought them for your kids and now the aunt wasn't sure if she was going to and you and DH were becoming the bad guys because YOU didn't want to buy HIS kids cars... etc, etc, etc.
If I'm remembering correctly and you're that poster.
All I'm saying is, you were upset when you thought she'd renege on her earlier offer to buy a car. Now she's getting the car and you're mad because you don't like the KIND of car??
Hard to please a bit, aren't you?
SS will have a hot car. Auntie will pay the insurance. SS will or will not be able to pay for the car. So what? You got your kids cars, and now your DH's kids will have cars and it won't cost you a penny. That should be a good thing!
PS: One of my closest friends in HS got a 'vette, too. She's a teacher now. And, NO, I wouldn't buy one for my kid. Matter of fact, I just sold the truck I bought for my 16 year old because he got tickets and was irresponsible. I'm a tough mom.
You got PART of the story!
You got PART of the story! Aunt ALREADY bought ss15 a truck! Ss15 and bm say it is not good enough and ss15 wants a corvette. Dh AS HIS FATHER says NO and he has every right to say that. Dh has some say good lord! He is their FAther! The other part is that aunt doesn't want to buy the other 2 a car. Which is very unfair! If she is going to get (which she already did) get ss15 a car then she should the other 2 one too. which she said in the beginning that she wanted to get all 3 boys their first car. So if you are going to try to call someone out get their story right.
As I said it is not about her getting a car it is the kind of car and the way she is going about it. 1. aunt will not pay the ins. 2. she is getting a loan for this car and expects ss15 top pay it with out a job. 3. ss15 doesn't even have his license yet. 4. He is way too young for a car like this. This is wrong on so many levels.
Not to mention they are letting him say the truck they bought is not good enough and will get him another with out teaching him that a car is expensive and he should be grateful for what they got him.
What part if this can you not understand that my ss15 is not READY for a car of this magnitude??? Nor ready for the financial part that comes with it? They are setting this poor kid up for failure before he can even drive or get a job! All in the name of keeping up! :sick:
I do understand what you're
I do understand what you're saying.
My SD wanted a car. DH told her when she was responsible he would get one for her. MIL and FIL (HIS parents) went BEHIND HIS BACK, bought a car for SD and put it in BM's name!
She's had 3 accidents in it in about a year...the last one totaled it. It's not something we can control so it's not worth getting my panties in a bunch over it.
That's what I'm saying to you.
And BELIEVE ME, when this all went down, I was SUPER pissed at my ILs. So was DH. Still have a strained relationship with them because of it. All because princess SD had to get what she wanted...
But you see it is SOMETHING
But you see it is SOMETHING that my dh CAN control and will. He had been on the phone to bubble butt all night and he is trying to talk to her today. Why should he just give up? This is HIS SON TOO. good grief I will get my panties in wad if I want this is a kid that knows no better but the adults in his life do! So sad. Dh should not be dismissed as a parent in his kids life and I'm sure there is a lot he can do if it came right down to it and dh is willing to go the extra mile tom make sure his kid doesn't get killed! This is very serious and a dangerous idea.
This is where we will agree to disagree b/c I know there are things my dh can do as this kids FATHER to stop this.
I am looking up the stats on
I am looking up the stats on teen driving and cars like that
I spelled corvette wrong LOL
I spelled corvette wrong LOL
That is just stupid and not
That is just stupid and not doing him any good.I'd be pissed off too.
yes I am very pissed right
yes I am very pissed right now and very upset. I don't want anything to happen to ss15 nor do i want him in that much debt or pressure to pay for it and the ins or sales tax for this thing. What the hell are they thinking? Oh wait I know it is called keeping up with appearances as bm's argument with dh is that all his friends are getting hummers and such and he needs this corvette to keep up. OMG is keeping up worth it to her to put her child in something that could kill him and others??? I guess so so sad!
Corvettes..... all
Corvettes..... all fiberglass..... not much between you and the road. Don't know where you live, but I will never forget what my MIL's corvette looked like after her accident. Those nice big tires have ZERO grip on slippery roads. Fiberglass shatters like glass on impact when it's really cold (hers did, I can't believe she got away with moderate injuries by the looks of what was left of the car).
Not to mention wayyyyyyy too much HP under that hood.
It's unfortunate that as parents, some people are willing to put their children in positions they're not mature enough for... just so they can be considered kids' "fave", or friend, or whatever.
I understand your rant completely.... it's not that they bought him a car (or whatever that arrangement is) - it's the type of car they bought him. One he's obviously NOT mature enough for, and one in which an inexperienced driver has no business driving. I'm scared for you
Sorry Oi Vey, you missed the point completely.
Just as an idea. I know you
Just as an idea. I know you can't stop her from buying the car, you can however regulate it. Corvettes have extremely sophisticated computers in them. Take the car for an "oil change" and have the chevy dealership regulated it. They can limit the car's max speed and max rpms to ensure Junior isnt qualifying for Nascar all over town
Regulating a car costs about $100.00 but call your local chevy dealer to see what they charge. If the GM finds out an idiot is buying one for a teenager he might do it for free!
Thanks ladies, I don't know
Thanks ladies, I don't know what bubble butt is planning right now with the car as she texted dh and said they are going to detail the truck. I'm not sure what they are thinking after dh and bubble butt got in a huge fight last night. It was so bad that she hung up on dh 3 times.
Dh was so upset about this car they want to get ss15 that he called back each time. He thinks he might have her convinced that he should just keep the truck and have no choice as to what he drives til he can buy it himself.
It isn't that they bought him a car or truck but the kind of car they are going to buy him and that they are willing to get a loan and make ss15 pay for it. Therefore putting ss15 in debt and a car that he is not ready to drive before he even has a job. I am more afraid of what will happen to him in this car more then anything.
Bubble butt and her aunt are so stupid if they get him this car as I know for a fact that he is not ready for such a car with that much responsibility. To me it is more or less saying her ss15 you can go sped and drive as reckless as you want it's ok if you hurt yourself and others.