You are here birth mother wants a vacation without the kid

vanrocksout's picture

let's go back a year....I asked BM politely if we could switch weeks in the summer so DH and I could travel on an adults only vacation to attend a wedding on another province. It's costly to travel where I'm originally from and we planned on staying with friends. My mom was going to take my DD. She (BM) refused to switch weeks and said she would find the most expensive camp for SS to attend and we would be on the hook for 70% of it as per court order. So we ended up taking him and it cost us a fortune.....flight and hotel and food... Now she has the nerve to ask us to take him for a week in January while she travels to a nice warm spot without SS and her own SS. He wouldn't attend school for a full week because we are too far to drive him back and forth. He's not a kid who can afford to miss a week of school. I will also have a newborn in the house by then and have no idea what emotional state I'll be in. I told DH to say no.


smileygirl's picture

Agreed No, seems easy to me. It' a no brainer. Incredible nerve for BM to even ask but it seems that's what they are good at-stupidity.

herewegoagain's picture

Quick answer..."NO".

This reminds me of crazy witch...if we wanted to go on vc, even once where my husband won a trip through his company, thus it was a company sponsored trip, etc...we got all kinds of crap...DH did NOT have custody, so it was easy for us to just say "whatever" and just not pick her up. Period. However, of course, the kid would then come with "why didn't I see you, blah, blah..." and idiot crazy witch would make DH feel bad of choosing a vc or trip with me over seeing his daughter...

NOOOOOOWWW when she wanted to go on vacation for a month or sometimes 2, she had NO PROBLEM with DH not seeing the kid. Funny, isn't it? That's just the way they are. They were mostly used to our DHs doing whatever they wanted them to do while married and think they can do the same after they are divorced. Thankfully, my DH put his foot down.

oneoffour's picture

No ... because it isn't convenient for you. However you are sure she understands in the future how important adult time is for parents when you may request swapping a weekend yourselves at a later stage.