I left him last night
I will try to start at the beginning of his bad behavior... so we were in the process of relocating from CA to AZ... being 4 months pregnant, packing proved to be very tiresome since I was doing a lot of it alone in a house that has no AC. The day before we leave, I complain to SH (stupid husband) about how some of the items he has in the house (aka the hundreds of stuffed animals) should be donated. SH had been worried about whether there would be enough space in the trailer he had rented. I told him there would be no reason to bring all those stuffed animals and to give some away. The skids have a ton of toys and we can start eliminating by those. He throws a huge fit about wanting to take them... of course I don't back down, call him a pack rat because he saves EVERYTHING and he knows it. I'm the opposite of packrat. I hate old stuff and don't hang onto things. He says not to push it because he was in a bad mood and going to lose it. I figure, whatever... and still go on about the stuffed animals. At this moment, things are a blur but he started to get incredibly angry and say insults abouts me. I get angry back and try to leave the room but he blocks me. I yell at him to get out of my way and how dare he speak to me in such a manner. Effin bodybuilders. He puffs his chest up in my face, and in a military manner starts yelling right in my face that he will speak to me however he wants and what am I going to do about it. I try to push him out of the way and he still wouldn't let me through. When I finally get through I lock myself in my room for 20 minutes. He cools off and wants to talk... apologizes and says he's sentimental about the toys. I let it go. I was too tired and didn't feel like fighting.
Fast forward to this past Thursday. Let me start off with, we arrive at the house and it's tiny. It's a cute little house but it only has a living room attached to a kitchen and one bedroom. The owner is working on converting the garage into a playroom where his girls will sleep when they visit. I'm extremely distressed because SH has 2 rottweilers and he refuses to have them outside because "it's too hot." I am growing extremely pensive... in this tiny house where are they supposed to go??? They are way too big. When both of them lie on the floor in the kitchen, there's practically no room to walk. And they will destroy the house! We just moved from a nasty shack to this nice house, the last thing I want is dogs destroying the home. Most of all, I'm pregnant! I can't have those dogs around all the time. SH explains how there's a fenced area they can go to but it's too hot for them right now... and I get all teary eyed seeing the master bedroom fits just a bed... no room for anything else. He goes on how once the playroom is finished, the dogs can stay in there. "Where's the baby going?" He brushes it off, "we'll figure it out." My anger builds... really??? you spend all this time figuring out what you're doing with your dogs but no consideration for our baby?! Evening comes and he lets the dogs roam about the house freely... and one of them tries to come into the room. NO... not going to work. There's not much room to walk as it is. I have to shoo the dog out. What makes me more angry about this is I am scared of these dogs... there's a male and female. The male tries to be alpha and hasn't accepted me as a master so when I try to move him he growls at me. Needless to say I don't trust him. Another time, I almost tripped over him... not a risk I want to take with my baby. SH and I get into an argument about the dogs and he spills things about him never going to give his dogs up so I can get out if that's how I feel. Asks where my loyalty is, that those dogs have been with him for 10 years. And where's his loyalty to me and this unborn baby??? He says that if I don't like it, leave. I tell him how I think he puts his dogs before me and the baby. He said, get over it. I really don't remember how the argument ended that night but the next day he apologized saying he has been feeling closer to me and doesn't want that fight to come between us. I never responded to it. But I know I'm not over it. I let a day go by that I try to cool off about it. The next day I'm still very upset and trying to deal. Obviously I need to address it. I ask some people for advice on how to approach this. We have dinner at his parents that night so I head over with his girls. They run inside and he greets me at the door but at this point I don't feel very loved so I don't feel like expressing love. I say hello and walk past him to the front door. He stops me, offended that I didn't give him a kiss and asks what's wrong. He walks up for a kiss and I say "nothing." We go inside, and although I'm not doting on him, I'm still friendly and talkative.
We get home that night (we drove separate cars), and I tell him to get SD3 out of the car because she fell asleep. We all get settled in and he's laying down in bed. I grab my clothes to change and he asks what is wrong. I said very calmly, "I feel like you care about those dogs more than me and my baby. You are more concerned about where they are going to stay and be comfortable than you are about my baby. When I asked where the baby is going to stay you brushed it off." I was very careful with how I worded it because I know how he may react... that's it. He flies off the handle about how I embarrassed him at his parents house and I should have pretended everything is ok. Here's the thing, besides not giving him a kiss, I DID pretend everything was ok!!! I told him I was scared of the dogs and he just scoffed saying he didn't believe that. He continued to blow up about how I am never happy and will always have something to complain about. Please take note, this is a tirade and I can't get a word in. Then it continues on... No one wants you, not even your family. I have more loyalty to those dogs than I do to you. And you are useless. he said that he was with his psycho ex for 6 years and with me for only 6 months and can't stand me. He said he can understand why my exes have cheated on me because they wanted to get away. Throws in my face that "will I f*ck his best friend if we end things," He knows that's a sore spot for me because when my ex bf and I broke up, I slept with his bf but have been extremely sorry that I ever did it. I yelled mb I will and while we're at it, mb he will try to sleep with my sister to get back at me, like he did with his ex gf. Of course he knows how to jab and says that my family already has too much of his DNA as it is. When I told him that everything has to be his way or the highway and that there's never a compromise, he said damn right. That he will never do that for another woman like he did for his ex who broke him down and tore him away from his goals. I have done nothing but push this man to be more and encourage his talents... I place rules in the house and he doesn't like it. But I was angry... I said he couldn't have many goals since he was beyond broke the past couple years and if he looked in his closet, he has shoes that are 6 years old because he couldn't afford new ones. But he shut me up with his yelling that he's the man and to "know you're role." I asked what that was supposed to mean and he says he is to be the provider and I do what he says. He continued to rub in my face how he and his ex had very good times together and he can only remember 7 days with us. He has to give up his kids, that he doesn't want to give up his dogs- which I never said he had to give them up. I expressed, I feel like he placed them before me and the baby. He said his dogs are the next thing closest to his kids and without them, he has nothing. So apparently me and my baby are nothing. Since he isn't going to be seeing his kids in a whole month, he can't give away his dogs because they're all he has. Says how he's pissed he knocked up another broad... he only cares about his kids, his dogs, and my unborn baby. I yelled not to even bring MY baby up because he has caused nothing but stress to my little one... that he can care less if I tripped over the dogs. He says he took that into account and that's why they have been in the playroom. Honestly, I'm scared to say anything at that point because I'm tired of being yelled at and hearing all the insults. I said if that was true, then how come your dogs were out in the morning and I had to request you put them up. He says how he will look into divorce papers in the morning and implied that he may get physical with me. Said he hasn't done that before but he can feel it building. Cry fest for the rest of the night. I couldn't sleep. Friday morning comes and he thinks he's righteous for everything he said last night. Said it all holds true. I'm at a loss for words... he says that now is not a good time to bring the dogs up. He's losing his kids and he can't take anymore. He came home that night as if nothing happened. I was exhausted so I didn't bring it up either. I went to my dads house and stayed the night then headed over to SH's parents house the next day. He stayed the night there with his girls. I'm still in disbelief about the fight. I play it cool. Then SH tells me that I will be needing to take his dogs out while he drives all the way back to Cali (12 hour drive one way) to drop his girls off. Upset, I tell him we had discussed this way before moving out here. We live in an apartment complex house... he said he wouldn't have me take his dogs out, he would have someone else do it. Now he renigs??? Says, well, that's too bad. We're a team and you're going to have to take them out unless I want them to shit in the house. The dogs don't listen to me! SH leaves that night for out of town and I go home. Biggest struggle ever with the dogs. I try to take them one at a time. The female didn't want her collar on and tried to nip my hand. I have to use all my might to drag their ass outside, just to struggle for the female NOT to want to use the bathroom. The male wasn't as hard but I still had my struggles with him. Neither of them want to come back inside and they definitely don't want to be locked in the playroom. I tell SH about all this and what does he say??? Not, oh, they aren't used to another master taking them out so they are misbehaving... but, "you must be doing it wrong." Right, have your pregnant wife take out your dogs who way almost as much as me, and not just one dog. TWO! I had it. My mom and sisters came over, and I couldn't bare the thought of staying with him alone once he got back. So he came home last night, greeted his dogs first, then me. I tell Mom and sisters to get to the car and I will get a few things. He's laying in bed so I try not to wake him. He looks up and asks what I'm doing. I respond that I'm going to my dads. He asks if he's missing something, I said... I have a lot to think about. He roles his eyes, lays back down and I leave. Not one single message or phone call from him.
- MrsFitMama's blog
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" but if I go for a drive I
" but if I go for a drive I am wrong, if I yell I am wrong, but I feel I have no out." This exactly. I get yelled at either way.
What a douche-!! Could he be
What a douche-!! Could he be taking steroids?? I am glad you got out safely and hope you stay away, he sounds very volatile. I am so sorry honey, but to me you are doing the right thing, for and your baby-!!!! Hugs
p.s I have a longstanding fear of dogs due to an attack in childhood and there is no way I could care for dogs that are the least bit aggressive. He needs to board them if he will not be there, and provide them adequate space and exercise - hopefully that house is only temporary??
I also thought about
I also thought about steroids. Please take care of yourself and your baby. It sounds like a dangerous environment for both of you - especially for the baby once it is born. I am so very glad that you have family to be with! No one has to put up with abuse.
Nope... he doesn't use
Nope... he doesn't use steroids. He's just an all around bad person.
It hurts really bad, and I've probably cried enough for a river but I have to figure something out. I always thought being pregnant, I would be treated special and loving and it's the total opposite. Almost like a "I got you now b*tch." In all of my past relationships I have never been spoken to so horribly... by my own husband.
I called a gf last night to get her gut feeling about him. She said she hates him and thinks he will get worse. That out of all the guys and nightmares I had dated, he takes the cake and she feels terrible that I am bound to him.
Now I just need to figure out how I am supposed to have this baby and never see him again. Perhaps disappear somewhere.
Oh... I didn't tell ya'll this, he hates his ex so much that he has thought about doing it himself or having someone else do it... having her wacked off... And he supposedly thinks less of me?
Not to make light of the
Not to make light of the situation, but did you accidentally smuggle GG over there? SH sounds EXACTLY like GG when he gets into a rage. GG doesn't body build, but he is immensely strong and has more testosterone than about 10 guys combined. He looks naturally like a pro wrestler and has the same exact temper tantrums as SH does!
Totally does a scorched earth thing when getting into an argument!! I heard how wonderful and beeeaaauuuuuuuutiful the Behemoth was and how I shouldn't judge her b/c I put on weight and that my "ass has grown twice the size it was eight years ago" blah blah. (which isn't true)
You're best to leave him! What an idiot! GG also made it clear many times that he couldn't care less about my safety, etc. He made me drive a car in a blinding storm (there was an actual tornado a few miles away) without lights, horns and wipers down a busy highway. He was so abusive (at the time verbally) that onlookers called 911 on him.
Lately he caught me emailing another SM in a similar situation and went beserk. That was back in March. These things seldom get better and I'm finding a way to disentangle myself financially as part of my exit strategy.
Is he former military?
Is he former military?
Nope... and he making himself
and he making himself the victim... he already took his status off fb that we aren't married and blocked ,me.
I am so hurt.
Ouch. Are you in a position
Ouch. Are you in a position where you can support yourself and your child?
I read your previous blogs, and it sounds like DH had 50/50 custody, but has now moved out of state. Why the move? Has he lost 50/50? Is he really angry at and resenting you for this move?
So many questions. sorry.
NO :'( I can't support us. I
I can't support us. I don't even have a job right now.
He lost custody of them and we moved out of state because he could no longer support us there and we were miserable in Sacramento. He got a job offer and he would see his girls his allotted time regardless of where we lived.
Call the local DV hotline.
Call the local DV hotline. I'm sure they can point you in the right direction!
He didn't even give it 24
He didn't even give it 24 hours before blocking me, my friends, everything.
Was he like this before you
Was he like this before you married him? how long have you been with him? This is one case where I would advocate NOT letting this man have a relationship with your child. I really don't see what good could ever come out of it. I think it best that you and your baby just disappear and start a new life WITHOUT this creep!
I suppose he is throwing a
I suppose he is throwing a tantrum... I just can't believe that he would do all this so quickly and that I obviously mean nothing to him. I feel sick to my stomach and it's hard to eat. I can't focus.
he was never like this before. He was very sweet, docile and thoughtful.
i don't know what to do.
this is not a tantrum.. my 19
this is not a tantrum.. my 19 month old throws tantrums... this is emotional abuse that is hovering very close to the start of physical abuse. My ex husband was just like this, all sweet and kind when we first got together, after we got engaged there were a few shouting episodes over ridiculous things which turned into physical confrontations after we were married. I ended up having to have him arrested and getting a restraining order after kicking his ass out, it's only going to get worse, don't go back!
He is doing all of this
He is doing all of this because he knows you will feel hurt by it & likely expects you'll beg him to take you back. He wants you to feel like this is all your fault & that somehow you've done something to him....that HE is the victim in your relationship. Let him have his tantrum. Let him be alone when he's done, & let him find someone else to terrorize.
He is an emotional abuser, & it sounds as though it wouldn't take much to push him to physical violence.
You owe it to you & your child to keep your distance from him. Keep yourself safe. If he threatens you, report it. You'll need records for when your child is born to prove that he is abusive & dangerous.
Stay with your family as long as it takes you to find a job. You do not need this man to make it, & while I don't know him, from what little is written here, I can promise you that a relationship with him is NOT in the best interest of you or your child.
Prayers to you & your child. Focus on getting yourself situated. Prepare to be the provider for your child. Your baby will need to have you at your best. (((Hugs))).
His phone is my account which
His phone is my account which I have shut off at this point. 2 can play this game. And I plan on getting a hold of his ex to find out his violence and tell her that he has spanked his girls to the point that one of them peed in her pants...
I would be contacting his ex
I would be contacting his ex RIGHT NOW! I can not believe he spanked one of his daughters to the point were she peed her pants. Poor baby...She is probably going to remember that for a long time.
Please stay away from him. Do NOT go back! I would also tell his ex how he wants to take her out or have someone do it for him. Stay away from him. I fear for you and your unborn babys life.
Please do this for your unborn baby.
What a total tool jackass-!!!
What a total tool jackass-!!! That makes me furious for you and this daughter, what a punk to do that to a little girl-!!!! You must have been terrified to have that reaction-!! HUGS
I'm sure he just found out.
I'm sure he just found out. His mom is calling me now...
I think many of us would
I think many of us would agree that you should probably fear this guy. If his mother is calling you, make sure you are some place where you are not alone.
My ex was like this also. You never know when he could really go over the edge and snap. Please be careful for you and your baby. Your baby is counting on you to protect it. You owe it to him/her.
I think I would need to read
I think I would need to read some of your other blogs to get a better understanding of your situation. From what you wrote here though, he sounds inconsiderate at best and dangerous at worst. I agree that you should not go back, especially when you are pregnant. It's so, so harmful for both you and the baby to be subjected to that much stress and anxiety--not to mention the potential physical harm that could come from either the dogs or your DH.
As for his FB status-- cmon hun, IGNORE that. Facebook is such a silly tool anyway. People get angry and do rash things to be vindictive. Really though, rather than thinking that this means he never cared about you, try to focus on the things he's done in real life. I'm sure that's not a sign that he's always secretly felt nothing for you. Rather, he's being a douche because he doesn't know how to work things out sensibly.
MFM, And why did you go back
And why did you go back after the first time you left to go to your families house? I can tell you that there is not a snowballs chance in hell that I would tolerate his crap once much less repeatedly.
Leave, now, don't go back no matter how much he cries, begs and pleads. File for divorce immedicately and make damned sure he is on teh hook for pre-natal and delivery costs for yoru child and have CS invoked immediately upon the birth of your child.
He is no gentleman and no man at all based on what you have said about him. So, again, WTF are you doing with him at all after the first time he pulled this domineering and intimidating body builder crap?
Nail his ass to the wall in divorce court and be done with him other than to kick his ass in court yet again if he fucks with you.
If I even thought about treating any woman the way your DH has treated you my parents would drag me out of bed in the middle of the night, take me to some remote place and stake me to the top of a fire ant mound and walk away without any hesitation. Your DH has issues and you need to be far, far away from him permanently. Don't get me wrong, I have said things in an arguement with my wife that I regret but for sure I don't repeat the issue and I make damned sure I fix my issues to ensure that they do not jeopardize the relationship I have with my life partner.
You are gone, don't go back. Let his idiot muscle bound ass deal with the piles of of Rotweiler shit when he gets home. There is nothing in that house that you need that can't be replaced.
IMHO of course.
This is horrible! MrsFit..how
This is horrible! MrsFit..how are you now? HOw far is he? You need to stay away from him, he will be furious and out for blood for you "ratting him out".
He is your typical abuser...they tend to get more physical when you are pregnant. That's a tell all sign right there.
Divorce, quick, file for full custody-move away if you can. Man is dangerous-especially right now in the heat of the moment. F'him and his dogs-
Degrading you, talking about your family, everything he's said/done match an abusive man. Not worth it. Glad you have walked. DOn't allow him to communicate with you at ALL. Not through your family, his family, friends. If they start telling you somthing cut them off...it's abuse by proxy. My ex did this also...Don't let him get to you.
I also suggest contact your local shelter-consider a TPO. Life with this man will be hell if you stay. I'm sorry you're going through this
YOu deserve better. Believe that. YOu can do this!
He called... said he wants an
He called... said he wants an annulment. I'm sure to get out of alimoney. I told him a divorce will suffice. He had the locks changed on the house.
He said we both hadn't been happy in a long time... he knows he hadn't been treating me well. But there's a fight every week... if it's not one thing, it's another. I told him that wasn't true, for one... but if we were fighting it's because everything has to be his way- he said I was probably right.
He said he misses our friendship we had before we got married and would like to go back to that and be there with the baby. I told him you don't get married, have love, make a baby and then expect to go back to friends!!!! I told him it would never happen and I need to think about MY plans.
Apparently he believes we are lacking passion... I always thought that was something teenagers experience? and that true, real love develops over time. I like how he's trying to turn this all around.
Don't fall for his games!
Don't fall for his games! Please don't. Now he is trying to sweet talk you, hoping that you will change your mind and go back to him.
Oh boy. Please don't engage
Oh boy. Please don't engage in anything that will make him more mad right now. Sounds like a very volatile situation. Get away from him, even if you still hope deep down that things work out. Right now, just get away. If you need some money, I am sure we can pull together a bit for you. If thinking about leaving for good sounds scary and makes you want to go back to him, because you want love so bad...PLEASE don't. Forget long term plans for right now. Getting away now means just that, right now. Message me if you'd like; I am going out to the garden for a couple of hours, but then I can message you back. Just think about being ok today.
He says he isn't "mad" at
He says he isn't "mad" at me... I told him he has no reason to be mad at me but I sure as hell hate his guts.
There are no plans of going back- he's obviously abusive.
Allright, you sound like you
Allright, you sound like you have your mind made up, which is good. My plea to take it a day at a time, is because often abused women are scared to make that final cut and keep running back because it gets so scary to be alone. But it sounds like you have not been abused for long...keep it that way. My offer to help still stands. Let us know, keep writing and updating and should you go back, don't disappear from here; keep in touch.
I suggest the sheriff. It
I suggest the sheriff. It sounds like his temper is bad enough that he might start something with a family member or friend if he gets angry. The sheriff is there to protect people and that is what you need right now. PLEASE do not become a statistic. Hospitals and morgues are filled with women who thought that they could handle it or that it would not happen to them.
my mom is leaving... she's
my mom is leaving... she's the only support I have here.
I'm freaking out. I don't want to fall into the "lets give it another try." And anyway, he made it sound like he was through.
but how am I supposed to get out of bed every morning?
I am having a hard time even thinking about the future at this point.
Oh I wasn't meaning to shut
Oh I wasn't meaning to shut the phone off for a positive effect but, since I'm the one paying the bill, why should I pay for his phone???
The only idea I have is going to a pregnancy home where they can provide a lot of assistance as far as divorce, child care, gov assistence.
I'm so mad. Just in Feb I was making something of myself. I was in school, studying for the FBI. I had independent contract work so I worked when I had time and felt like it. And he sits there telling me that I will amount to nothing but he will be great.
I'm trying not to be too brash and contact the ex just yet.
Oh... he did that same thing
Oh... he did that same thing too. I'm going to be big and successful one day. He's going to own his own personal training business, write books, CEO, now he's working for his stepdad though who IS a big deal and owns apartment complexes and is planning on leaving the business to SH when he retires. But he always coasted off of everyone elses expense, including the custody battle for the skids. His grandma, dad, and mom gave him money for that... as soon as his SF was going to lend him money and sign a promissory note, he decided he didn't want it... and gave up on the custody battle. Wouldn't get a second job heaven forbid...
I have no doubt in my mind that he is trying to get me to come running back. He hasn't called back like he said he was going to, to discuss "the plans." which is fine by me.
Oh please please don't talk
Oh please please don't talk to him ANY MORE! Honey, hitch a ride to Tx or Co with your Mom and start a new life. Dont tell the ass where u are- ever! You can start out on gov assistance until u get on your feet!! **praying for you and your baby**