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I want SS to leave but where would he go?

upsetAllTheTime's picture

I need SS to leave my house. I cannot handle him anymore. He is exposing my children to pot and alcohol. And let's not forget the underage sex. But where would we send him. His mother has gone off with her convict boyfriend to Mexico (so she says). My in-laws will not take SS even though they like him. We are stuck with him. I love my husband with all my heart but I will divorce him if I have to. I cannot believe I am letting SS break our family apart. I want to just beat up that little snot nosed punk. He thinks he is some big shot because he is one of the smarter kids in school and is a quaterback. He grosses me out with the way he treats girls. And these stupid girls keep throwing themselves at him. They have no shame or decency. What the hell should I do? I am tired of fighting about SS. My husband tries to discipline him but nothing works. I just want him to get the hell out of my life!


novemberm's picture

I would agree with that!!!! It seems like he is doing ok academically? If not, I would push his current school (if it is public) for an alternative school. One that deals with behavioral issues. I have seen kids change a lot in those environments, but they have to be assessed and deemed appropriate for those kinds of school settings.

upsetAllTheTime's picture

But that is the problem. He is too smart and too successful. Everyone thinks he's great. Well, people who do not know about his drinking and sex. I do not know if he is as out-of-control as he needs to be for those programs. Juvie seems harsh though does it not? Did you come out more pissed? My life would be hell if that happens.

upsetAllTheTime's picture

Thanks Leah for sharing. I am afraid that if we left SS to his own devices he will burn something down. He is out of control. Even the sex we are gving him a pass. My husband buys him condoms because we are not able to stop him. But now the pot and drinking is getting out of hand. HE is coming home drunk and smoking pot in the house where my two younger kids live. I cannot let him continue with this.