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upsetAllTheTime's picture

I convinced my husband the bars on the window was a bad idea. But we have locked the window. My husband tried to go and talk to SS but SS tried to make a run for it. So its back to being locked up in his room. We heard him crying in his room in the night and my husband wanted to let him out because he felt bad. I told my husband I would support him with whatever he decides. The thing about my husband is that he does try disciplining SS. But nothing works. He has tried everything under the sun apart from physically hitting him. He toughened up in the end and decided SS should stay in his room longer. This all feels really harsh to me. I dont want him here but making him miserable to make him go to military school seems extreme. SS refused to eat ANYTHING since a day ago. We would put the food in his room and leave. And the food would stay there untouched. This is definitely going to guilt my husband into letting SS out. We are not going to let him starve in there. I am just so frustrated with all of this.


stormabruin's picture

Bars & locks on the window...?

So, the kid is pretty much in jail in your house? Why not have the police pick him up & put him in juvie? That way, you & your children don't have to deal with him.

Do him a favor. He wants to behave like a criminal, let him experience life as a criminal.

Better he feel it now than as an adult.

VioletsareBlue's picture

It really is a very helpless feeling when these things happen. I went through them with my son. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. It's the hardest thing to say, "Off you go then into the unknown." But sometimes it is a great life lesson. Check the laws in your state. Some states say kids can leave the houes at 13 and there isn't anything the parents can do but report them as a runaway.
Good luck! There are no easy answers here.

aggravated1's picture

Butterponder, another member, had a SS who wouldn't eat, didn't she? I think he snapped out of it. When he gets hungry I am sure he will eat.

stepmomtoadults's picture

My first time here. What a manipulative little turd the SS is. I'd let him run away, and call the cops. Do it before he's old enough to emancipate himself, and all of your leverage is gone. Maybe a few days in juvie or foster care will help him rethink his position.

Does he do the same stuff with his mother?

If the court gets involved, they'll make him go to counseling...and they'll stay up in his business until he complies and satisfactorily completes the counseling requirement.

Don't let him hold YOU hostage. And you could get in trouble for locking the SS in his room. So let the bird fly, and let the cops bring him in.