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How often?

misguided's picture


Who wants to have sex more, you or your SO/DH/BF etc...

Just curious for me it's my DH, I would say he would be good with 5 -6 days a week and I would be good with 3-4 so not a huge difference but them more I talk with my girlfriends the more I am hearing it's the women who want it more. It makes me wonder with women taking on so many roles today are we looking at it like men do as a way to unwind or are men wanting it less? Anyway appreciate your responses.


Auteur's picture

hands down it's GG!!! Plus I'm menopausal so sex drive went from 60 to zero in 2 years. LOL!

alwaysanxious's picture


Auteur's picture

give it another 10 years and the difference will be noticeable. I was a total MANIAC in my thirties but as I approached peri-meno, NOTHING NADA ZIP!

z3girl's picture

That's tough to answer for me. DH complains we never have it, but he's so particular that even though I never say no, it doesn't matter. I would say I want it more, but he gets "bored" so it's tough trying to keep things interesting.

Easy way to kill my desire was having a baby and gaining weight. The thought of DH not liking what he sees (he's vain) makes me want to avoid it a bit. Sad

Before I got pregnant, we had sex 3-4 times per week, and he got bj's on top of that. Since getting pregnant and having the baby, I can count on my two hands!!! (And again, I've NEVER said no...)

overit2's picture

We both are pretty matched, and both are very high drive. I'd say almost always once a day, kids free wknd 2-3 times a day Smile

Yes my drive has been on full steam ahead from about the age of 27 till now (almost 10 years later)...I'm not looking forward to menopause ughh. I mean if PMS is bad I can't imagine!

Auteur-have you heard of Shatavari herb? I just started taking it to help regulate hormones during PMS which are completely out of control...but I've heard it does wonders for peri- and menopausal women w/sex drive, balances hormones, all kinds of good stuff....I know you may want to look into it AFTER you're out lol-but still something to look into.