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Dinner Rant

misguided's picture

Yesterday we had the skids here and as my SO left for work in the morning and we talked about what to do for dinner. I volunteered to make ribs because both of our girls like them and I had just bought some at Costco. Anyway they take about 3 hours to make and I had a busy day with a meeting I totally forgot about and a lot going on. His daughter is supposed to get off the bus about 4:30 and by 5:00 I called SO and told him she still isn't home and he let me know that she had practice for this play she is in and he will pick her up about 7:45 so obviously she won't be here for dinner. No problem she can eat when she gets home. SO shows up about 6:30 and I tell him dinner will be ready in a half an hour at 7. He then tells me that he isn't going to eat with us because he wants to go get his daughter. I said you told me you were picking her up at 7:45, you have plenty of time to eat. He replies that they can let her out of practice anytime between 7:00 and 7:45 so I want to sit there and wait so she can leave as soon as she is let go. I reply that the school is 4 minutes away and she has a cell phone. There are plenty of people at the school and she can text you when she is ready. It's not the end of the world if she has to wait 5 minutes. His reply, (with a stupid condescending smirk) "I don't know how to reply to that" Implying that I was being unreasonable and he just didn't understand. The stupid smirk was what put me over the top and I told him to not bother to f'kin eat. So we all sat down to eat and he just watched. Have not really spoken since and we both feel strongly that the other is wrong. I might have over reacted but I think it's rude to blow off dinner so that he can sit and wait. It is just one more time that he shows where his priorities lie.


DeeDeeTX's picture

I would just tell SO, "Look, when I get to the trouble of making a home cooked meal, I want everyone to sit down at the same time and eat and have a family dinner. If that doesn't happen when I home cook, I'm going to get upset. I would ask if you could please tell me ahead of time if that isn't going to happen. THAT is why I got upset. It is nothing to do with SD or you, just the fact I went to all this trouble, and you treated it like this was the self serve buffet at the Golden Corral."