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SS's lying and misbehavior

panda's picture

I am frustrated with SS and Hubby is downright angry. All weekend long we saw SS pretty much ignoring anything that we told him to do until he was told several times. Example: one of his jobs is to take the dog out in the afternoon. Yesterday, I was painting our house and I asked him if he had done it yet and he hadn't, so I told him to. He went inside and never came back out with the dog. I went inside and he was watching TV. Or, Hubby told him he could not have cookies because we were about to eat and next thing he knows, the kids is eating cookies. SS is supposed to read everynight and keep a reading log, which parents sign. SS has had Hubby sign it every morning last week and today saying that he had read the Night before but really, he hasn't had a book since last Tuesday.

We think we need to see a counselor because of this stuff plus what he said last week about us telling him what to do, but we have a month before he leaves for Demented's house for most of the summer, and she won't take him because he doesn't have any problems, we are just too strict.


hismineandours's picture

This is my ss13 in a nutshell. If you figure out how to fix it let me know. He just does whatever he likes. It matters not what he is told to do-how he responds to requests is dependent on his mood. If he is in a fairly good mood-he will agree to do what is asked, but just never do it. If he is in a bad mood-he will scream and refuse to do it. I cant wait til the kid gets in the real world and pulls this crap.

newmom01's picture

What is the punishment for these kids? My mom was from the "Old School" spare the rod and spoil the child....(Get it) And I grew up fine ....(until I married ... :? ) But I agree with others who say let the bio parent spank the kid...becasue once bm gets a whif that the sm did it, it would get blown out of proportion...BUT since this is MY house! oh yeah your dad moved in with me! so try that back talk ..I wont touch you but you will be gettin the hell out of my house! and Quick

panda's picture

SS has told Hubby that he doesn't think that we should discipline him because he doesn't think that we should tell him what to do, because his demented mother doesn't.

Hubby did spank him for getting into trouble at school a few weeks ago. We have moved his bedtime, he has lost his TV, DSi, been grounded to his room each time he's gotten into trouble, etc. and it has no result - because he thinks that he shouldn't be told what to do. Demented's reaction to the spanking? She called Hubby. (She has a really slow, whiny voice) "I was just calling because SS said that you had spanked him. You must have been really mad." And when SS got into trouble the next week, she called Hubby and asked him not to spank him again. Hubby said, "We've tried just about everything else - what would you suggest?" Of course, she had nothing - she just keeps repeating, "He really doesn't like his teacher." So what?? Too Bad!!! Of course he doesn't like her - she's one of those people who try to tell him what to do! Jeez!!