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The point....

panda's picture

The point of all of the distant past background and the not so distant past background is to get to the recent background and then to get to what happened today.

I know this is "Expectations" - meaning, expecting others to act as I would, but if for some reason hell did freeze over and I had not had custody of my children, I would spend EVERY FREAKING MINUTE POSSIBLE with them. If I was told I could pick them up as early as 4:30 - I would try for 4:15. If I was told I could stay with them until 7 pm - I would keep them until 6:59:52. If I could get them on Thursday evening, I would be there thursday. I'm sure that you get the idea. Demented is not like that. I don't know how many times last year that I had to tell her we could meet at 4:30 - she kept wanting 5. SS gets home at 3:20, he uses the bathroom, gets a snack and we get in the car and go to get there at 4:30. Why would we want to just sit around and wait until 4 to leave? We also meet at 4:30 on Sunday. Even though we have said that anything up until 7 is fine. At Christmas, (she decided last year that she was going to be Jewish so she doesn't get him ON Christmas)she was told that she could meet Hubby on the 26th and keep him until Sunday the 2nd. She wanted to meet on the 27th and bring him back on Saturday the 1st in the afternoon. Hubby ended up having to work on Saturday so he called her to see if they could meet on Sunday, her answer was no and her reason was because she was house-sitting for Aunt Money and "wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for her to come home to." So, Hubby met her on Saturday morning (he wisely did not ask me to do it) Demented had the nerve to say, "well, you took my choice away from me." (Hubby's job is one that HAS to be done. If he has to work - he HAS to work, or get fired.)

So, we get to spring break. Spring Break started at 11 on Thurday, March 24 and went until Sunday April 3. Her weekend was the 25th - 27th. She and Hubby talked in late February about it, she already had the whole thing planned out the way she wanted it. She wanted him from Monday the 28th on. We had planned a long weekend trip to visit SS30, leaving Thurday March 31 morning and coming back Sunday April 3rd. Hubby told her, "well the 25th was your weekend, you would have him anyway." She said, "I didn't want to get him that weekend because I am housesitting." So, they made some arrangements about Monday and thurday morning. On the 23rd, I was double checking to see when I needed the sitter to come, so I asked him to call and verify it with her. He did. NO, she did not want to get him before Monday. She wanted to bring him back on Wednesday. He told her (again)"Panda has school and I have to work. You can meet tuesday sometime, on Thursday morning or Panda can meet you at 10 pm when she gets out of class." she picked tuesday. so, I call the babysitter and make arrangements for the time on Friday when I need her and Wednesday when I am in class all day.

Not 2 hours later, Demented calls me.

Demented: "I can get SS on Friday after all!"
Me: "I will have Hubby call you about it."
Demented: "Can I call you later and tell you when I can meet?"
Me: "I will be at the college and Hubby will be out of town, we already made our plans."
Demented: "When are you leaving for the college?"
Me: "Noon."
Demented: "Can we meet in the morning?"
Me: "You will have to talk to Hubby about that."
Demented: "ok. bye."

I called Hubby at work. I must have sounded like a hen laying an ostrich egg. He just said, well she's not going to jerk us around like that. We can meet Saturday if she wants, but he's not going Friday.

Demented also called SS that night.

The next morning, SS and Hubby are at sitting together and Hubby says, "SS just asked me if he could go to his mom's on Friday. I told him "no"."

Then, Demented called Hubby:

Demented: "What time can we meet?"
Hubby: "We arent meeting on Friday. You told me you didn't want to get him. We already made our plans with the baby sitter."
Demented: "Oh, he's going to be with a sitter alllllll day?"

So, they met Saturday.