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A happy day!

panda's picture

Yesterday was the last day of school. SS has left to visit his mother until July. Smile

Of course, she tried her "magic calendar" trick again. Last weekend was supposed to be her weekend, but she decided to change that and didn't take him. Then on Tuesday, Hubby called her to see when they would be meeting on Wednesday (after I bugged him for 3 days to do it) and of course she was planning on Thursday afternoon instead. He came in to the computer room where I was doing my homework and said, "You were right and I was wrong, what are you doing Thursday?" I said, "Studying." (I am taking 8 credits this semester, which is half as long, so it is the same as taking 18 credits.) He said "Ok" and went out of the room and I heard him tell her, "Nope, thursday is not going to work, it will have to be Wednesday." I'm not sure what arrangement they came to, but about an hour later she called back and told him that she was going to try to meet on Wednesday. Yesterday morning, she called and wanted to know if he could meet her at 7 pm. He said, "No, I can't." She demanded to know why. He said, "Because I am meeting ___ at 7. I can meet you at 9:30."

The reason that her schedule is so "full" is because she is cleaning her sister's house, (for cash to avoid losing her Social Security Disability). We would be more accommodating for a legit job that didn't take advantage of the system. But, she has made so many excuses about not taking SS or bringing him back early because she is "house sitting for my sister," or "my sister is coming back and I want her house to be perfect when she gets home." I will meet her at the time that allows her to spend the most time with SS, otherwise, she can meet Hubby when he's not working. (I will meet her in the evening on the last day of his vacation, for example, but if she wants to get rid of him early to house sit for her sister, then I'm out of it.) Then she will wail, "You've taken away my choice!" No, you dummy - you CHOSE something else over your son - yet again!

So, Hubby met her yesterday, and for the next 19 days I don't have to listen to anyone whining because I am on the computer (except Hubby) or listen to the Disney Channel or have Demented called EVERY SINGLE NIGHT because she misses her boy so much (so much that she totally gave up her last weekend with him.) Life is good.


starfish's picture

lucky girl!! 19 days skid free ~ WOW, i can only imagine...

but i'm settling for my 6 days skid free except the never ending all day phone calls from ss and evenings from sd when mil makes her.

DaizyDuke's picture

the end of school is bittersweet for me.... I work for a large city school district and let me tell you, this year is one year that I have never been so happy to have school be OVER, kids are just out of control!!!!!! ... but on the other hand, that means BM will be dumping SS12 on us more frequently for her "free summer babysitting" which chaps my ass since I have to take BS1 to daycare which of course I pay for, while DH can watch SS12 for BM for free (because he's just being a good father of course) and why does a 12 and a half year old need a babysitter for a few hours.. not like BM works full time... Blah... don't even get me started.. Sad

Enjoy your break!!!!!

truebloodfreak's picture

lucky you! both my stepsons are staying with us for the summer because they both failed so their gonna be in summer school. last year i made them go to see their mom for a.month. if i didn't make them.go she would never see them. i so mad that they are staying win us this summer. that month is my only break from them.