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SS's lying and misbehavior

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I am frustrated with SS and Hubby is downright angry. All weekend long we saw SS pretty much ignoring anything that we told him to do until he was told several times. Example: one of his jobs is to take the dog out in the afternoon. Yesterday, I was painting our house and I asked him if he had done it yet and he hadn't, so I told him to. He went inside and never came back out with the dog. I went inside and he was watching TV. Or, Hubby told him he could not have cookies because we were about to eat and next thing he knows, the kids is eating cookies.

The sad truth.

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We have been having problems with SS getting in trouble at school ever since kindergarten, but more so this year. Hubby was talking to him about it and basically SS said that he doesn't think that we should discipline him because we should not tell him what to do, he should be allowed to do whatever he likes, because his mother doesn't ever tell him what to do and he is never disciplined at her house.

I just think that it won't be long before he goes to live with her and she can ruin him for good. Sad, really.

another day, another argument with Hubby about Demented/Hubby/SS

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I don't know WHY this seems so difficult! I appreciate that Hubby arranged the pickup so that HE went and got him in the morning instead of me driving at night, but would it kill him to ask if I'm even going to be home during that day??? Instead of just assuming that I have no life?

I know it's petty, but after the bazillionth time - really, it's annoying.

Mini vent over.

Great. A BB gun.

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When I met Demented to pick SS up on Sunday, he opened the car door and put whatever he was holding on the floor in the front seat, then got the rest of his stuff out of her car and put it in mine. We went to the store and then started home (an hour drive.) I look over at him and he's playing with this toy gun. I said, "What's that?" He says, "Oh, it's my new BB gun."

Yes, someone at his birthday party bought him an Airsoft BB pistol.

Don't ya hate it when karma bites you in the butt?

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Well, for the past week, Hubby and I have either been: fighting, not speaking, or icy polite. This morning we were talking about Demented and how I felt about SS going to her house. He said, "I did it for SS." (Remember, Demented scheduled a party for him even though it wasn't her weekend and told SS about it when he called the Friday that she was supposed to have him.) I asked Hubby if he ever once called her out about her game playing and manipulating? He said not in those types of words, but he had told her that from now on the schedule would be emailed or otherwise written out.

Lip Service

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All of Hubby's talk about standing up to Demented and if she didn't take SS for her scheduled weekend then she wouldn't get to take him until her next scheduled weekend was a giant load of garbage. I will be meeting her on Friday at 4:30 and then on Sunday at 7 pm.

I guess I've been notified where my place and my feelings belong in this house - haven't I?

What a joke.

Angry Weekend

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I have spent the entire weekend angry. Sad

I don't know if Hubby will stick by what he told Demented about her not having SS this weekend. Apparently, she has a party planned and has already told SS. (When you want to be sure to get your way, make sure that you jump the gun and tell the children all about it first, so that if the other parent doesn't agree, then THEY are the bad guy for refusing - not you.)

The point....

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The point of all of the distant past background and the not so distant past background is to get to the recent background and then to get to what happened today.
