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Only been one week and they are driving me crazy!! Need suggestions!

Ssamantha's picture

As I've stated numerous times in my other posts, BM has left her kids again, moved about 9 hours away without ever communicating with FH when she was leaving. SD11 thinks her mom still lives here and SS8 thinks that she lives 9 hours away. Why? Because BM keeps telling them two different things, so right now her own kids don't know where she lives. Ever since she left she has been playing all kinds of games...sending messages through the kids, telling the kids she is going to have her "girlfriend" pick them up from school, and yet never saying one word about her plans to FH.

So while FH and I have to deal with all the drama that comes behind this woman controlling our schedule and the kids' schedule plus trying to get the court to find out why they can never collect the child support SHE owes properly, I have to deal with the absolute noise and chaos of the kids being in the house 24/7. Over the past year after BM found a sugar mama, she was reliably picking up the kids three weekends a month but now they're here full-time. SD11 sings at the top of her lungs pretty much 90% of the day and SS8 just screams out while watching TV or any other activity for no good reason. He doesn't walk down the stairs, he stomps and runs down the stairs and then jumps on the floors and rolls....almost every single time he comes down the stairs. If you go in our basement you can see a pile of dust where he falls....I expect he will fall through the floor one day. If he is upstairs in his room watching TV, you can't even enjoy watching TV downstairs because he is screaming and yelling for no reason. If he is in the shower, he is screaming and yelling and jumping up and down....quite frankly I won't be surprised if I die from a tub falling on my head from the second floor. If SD11 is in the shower, you are treated to Alicia Keys' greatest hits sung in an Alvin and the Chipmunks voice OFF-KEY.

I don't have any children but I have been in the kids' lives for over three years. Is all of this noise normal? Our family therapist told us that SD11 has ADD and SS8 has ADHD. Neither is on medication. FH has mastered the skill of tuning them out and can't hear half the noise they make and pretty much only says something to them when he sees me getting annoyed.

Any suggestions? I've already gone through the phase of getting up and disciplining them myself but I don't want to spend my whole life yelling at these kids to shutup.


Ssamantha's picture

I actually thought about breaking out my earbuds this morning!! I also thought about getting a second job that would require me to be out of the house until they go to bed.

What's sad is that both of these solutions will decrease the amount of time I will spend with FH. Since he can't "hear" the noise, it's unlikely that he will stop the behavior.

Ssamantha's picture own father wasn't involved with the day to day disciplining until we got on HIS nerves.

Nette5's picture

Get the kids on the meds they need. It slows them down enough to be part of the 'real' world. My SS15 is ADD and on meds. He actually requested them because he wants to succeed in life.
My nephew5 is ADHD and they put him on meds and now he's like a whole different child. Much easier to be around and he's not so rough with everyone.
If you guys have full custody, there should be no reason you can't take them to the Dr. I had DH sign a paper in front of a Notary stating that I had full access to any and all things SS related. It has helped us a LOT for me to be able to do this stuff because DH works full time and I work part time so I'm around the kids more and I need this access.

Ssamantha's picture

I know FH is very reluctant to give the kids meds. That's like a last ditch thing for him. I'm a little leery about the meds too, but since I don't have children, I have no idea if this behavior is normal or due to the ADHD.

Our therapist told him to stop feeding the kids sugary cereals in the morning and stop allowing them to have snack so close to bedtime. FH was doing that in that beginning but now he has completely gone back to his old habits and SS8 was eating his sugary snack half hour before he went to bed last night. I'm wondering if that is playing a role as well?

Nette5's picture

It could be having an affect. I know that my BS7 ALWAYS gets out of control when he has ANY sugar. And always has.

My mom always suggests cutting out Red Dye 40. Not sure why.