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Don't They Ever Get Tired of It?

StepDeux's picture

I seriously wonder if OneNighter and XW ever get tired of being such royal witches and always trying to find an excuse to get upset about something, whether or not it merits it. You know, those types that just louvre their drama.

OneNighter and XW are frenemies. OneNighter thinks XW is her "friend," but in reality XW thinks she's nuts (and she is). XW really just uses OneNighter for information. XW and OneNighter are "frenemies" under the guise of their children knowing each other. I've never really posted about any kid situations with XW because there is really no drama, which is ironic since she was SO's wife and OneNighter is just some random slut who couldn't (and probably still can't) keep her legs closed.

Anywho, OneNighter contacted XW to whine about something and basically to try to stir shit up between XW and SO. And, of course it worked because both women have their heads stuck so far up their asses that they can't see straight. It's clear this is just a move by OneNighter to get support since she knows the next hearing is coming up and she looks bad.

The real thing that gets me is, don't these women ever get tired of this crap? I mean, really, to ALWAYS be in the middle of some type of drama, or trying to find an excuse to be angry with SO? I just really don't have the desire to waste any energy like that on my XH. Not at all, and he's no choir boy, but still I just really don't see the point.

It's like neither of them really wants him to be happy, so if they think they can cause a problem and hurt or bother him in some way, they do. How does anyone live like that? It seems like it would be awfully boring, no?


justanothergurlNJ's picture

It's all about the control!!! See my blog, it's buried a few pages back, no one really responded, but it was more of a vent. They do this cause they THUNK it gains them some control over them!

iwishyouwould's picture

Somehow i highly doubt it. Someday im going to invent shock callers for ex's. Ill make billions.

StepDeux's picture

With OneNighter though there never was a realtionship. She's just a tramp and, ironically, the one who causes the most drama.

I do think part of it is the victim stuff. OneNighter is a professional victim in life. Nothing is ever her fault, and she is always in trouble. Always.

I have asked SO to do a limited communication, and to stick to email so that there is a better record. I have also asked SO not to talk about the drama, but I think we really do need to institue a "no stupid on the weekends" policy.