Lucky me;two hour delay today!
I am so sick of being stuck with my ss right now. But to give him credit he is trying to make up for the fact that he bashed me in my own home while his mother was there. But I am going to change that. He never would have turned on me if she hadn't been there-in my kitchen where she don't belong.
I don't want to give anyone the impression that my skids are bad. They are not-I really lucked out in that department. They are good well behaved kids. They don't fight with each other,they don't yell and scream and backtalk. They are very respectful to the adults in thier lives(maybe not so much with me). But my ss is 12 years old and prob starting the whole puberty thing. I try to keep that in mind. I am so upset because he lied about me. If I had yelled at him or talked down to him-I would have had the right because he needs to learn to tell the truth.No exceptions. And I guess the fact that he tried to apologize with another lie(he said he was just mad cause I didn't play video games with him the night before)I told him I was really hurt and humiliated at that point and that it was prob not a good time for us to talk. He went to his Dad and told him I told him to just go away. So, another lie! And then he has the nerve to keep aasking me to play video games with him! Like now I am suspose to feel like I have to so he won't tell more lies about me! Yeah right! I'll get right on that one just as soon as I throw all the video games out the window! I would to except I spent about 400.00 on them for X-mas!
So,I'm just gonna sit here and wait for them to go to school so maybe I can feel like I can breath for a few hours!
- jasperjax's blog
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13 is about the worst age
13 is about the worst age I've encountered with my 5 darling teens. My ds13 already went through this stage at 11, so I'm clear for about 4 more years!!
WTH is BM doing in your house??? Our BM has never been in my house. Although I would welcome it so I could call 911 and have her ass arrested.
My ex came in my house once to talk to our daughters. One of them broke the other one's nose in a fight. Ex proceded to body check my daughter up against my window. Then I knew that it was a mistake to try to expect that he could be civil and help me with a "real" solution.
I don't know how to stop her
I don't know how to stop her from coming into my house. Every time I try to talk to my husband about it he comes back with "Fine I'll just call thier mother and tell her she can't see them anymore!" I should fire back with "GREAT!!!" but then once again I look like the bad one. I try really hard not to say anything bad about thier bm in front of her because I know what damage that can do. But son of a bitch if it is not getting harder and harder!