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The same talk over again

jasperjax's picture

So I sat my skids down the other night and tried to talk to them. I told them that shit was gonna change around here. I am done being thier slave and that I am sick of thier laziness passing onto my bd. I will no longer be afraid to enforce the chores and them picking up after themselves. I told them they will punished if they do not do their chores and I don't care what they tell their bm or bgm. I reminded them that I am the adult and if they don't choose to help out they will deal with the aftermath. We will see how it goes!


caregiver1127's picture

You go Jasper but just remember you need to enforce and stand strong because the first time you let it slide it is all over and I mean the very first time. Is your DH on board with this because he totally needs to back you or here again it will not work. And you have the right when they are in your house to expect them to follow your rules not BM's in her house. Good luck - and just curious how did they react when you told them this???

jasperjax's picture

Lol! My ss asked me to play video games and my sd made me a cup of tea! I talked to my husband lastnight and am hoping he will back me if not things around here are going to get miserable because I will make them as miserable as they make me!